You've done soo well Anna. Far better than me. I'm not that into chinese really, I'm more of an indian!
Karen x
Thanks hun, you are doing fab
I love Martina Cole, Have most of them! Which ones u waiting on...can bring them over Sat if I have them. Havent got the one that was out at xmas yet though! Might make u take me swimming one day lol xx
Yes, we should go swimming together, actually you should move closer to your family then we could go swimming all the time
I was recommended The tea Rose by a girl on here and it was brilliant got second one in the series now!
Love Martina Cole have read all hers and her new one too! There's another lady who I think is better Mandasue Heller she's brill x
Oh will have to look out for the Mandasue ones..are they like martina books?