Hi all, had a good day today, and made a nice sausage casserole for dinner

... Not much to report really...DH came home and ushered DS out of the house so I wondered what was going on, then Callum came back in with flowers for my b/day tomorrow

..they are lovely and replaced my v/day ones that had just died a death

...DH also brought me some french fancies so I can have a b/day cake tomorrow, so thoughtful bless him
Tonight im choosing my new mobile and deciding whether to go for the wii fit or my fitness coach, judging by reviews, people are favouring the fitness coach and it's a sight cheaper!!...Any opinions welcomed on this one
Ive managed to save 8 points so far towards my meal on Sunday and alcohol sat night!!
I am overwelmed by how commited I am this time, have decided on a light bite at HH sunday, rather than blowing it completely!...I just seemed to have slipped back to where I was when I was losing before...Ive tried so many times to get back there, but I suppose have not been ready?!...Well im ready and willing now and I WILL lose that 7 stone plus some

Oh and after talking to Sam I am defo going to look into Mexico for next years holiday, so thats a fantastic reason to shed this weight once and for all...Lol, I feel like im kicking arse in a boxing match against my fat :copon::sign0151: