Hi all, Thanks for visiting

... Hope you are all well and having/had a good week
I WI this morning and am another 1.5lbs down, am over the moon with that as I has a good loss last week, also means iv'e lost half a stone in two weeks!!..yippeee!!!
I had every intention of being good today, was going to take Callum to the fair and have a WW fry up later on...then it started to pour down with rain so the fair closed

... The alternative?.....Hungry horse!!!...I seriously think we should move away from that pub!!...It is literally behind our house so easy to get to and fill up on bad ass foods!!!....Was totally bad, had steak dinner, cheesecake for dessert and two double malibu's!!!!...So can definatly expect to have gained back what I worked all week for by tomorrow...Grrr why do I do this to myself?!!!...Anyway it did taste divine and I did enjoy spending time with all the family (sisters lot and mum came to!)...So now have to get my bum in gear to minimise the damage caused!
I'll do some time on the cross trainer tonight and be ultra good all week!
I had a tattoo done yesterday, Hubby was desperate for another after he had his first one recently so booked to have one yesterday...I went in to offer support, have a noisy at the designs and came out with five pretty stars on my foot!!...I have seen lots of people with them and decided I would like them maybe next month, but being there just made me want it done!
I was very brave, it actually didn't hurt much, compared to my lower back one it was nothing (that one hurt like hell!!!)
It was £40, but the way I saw it was that in my "old" fat days I would have thought nothing on spending £20 three times a wekk (sometimes more

) on takeaway!...At least that £40 won't make me gain weight!!
I have put a load of my bigger clothes on ebay and so far I stand to make £45!!!...am well pleased with that

... So many clothes I brought still had the tags on as they looked good on in the shop and made me look yuck at home - I am convinced them shop mirrors are like the ones that make you look thin in the fun house!!!
Got all my forms ready to send off to ofsted so will get that done this week, then go on a mad panic till they have done their inspection!..Am so nervous about having a stranger come into my home and tell me what should be where etc!
Anyway, singing off to go have a cuppa and a chill, inbetween loading/unloading washer and dryer!!...Oh the joys of being a housemaid
