Hi all, late comer again!!!....Actually Im hear with my head haning low as I have had an awful week food wise and the bugger showed me what for this morning!!!....Gained 1.5lbs

... That'll teach me to think im indestructable!!!
It's just been one of them weeks, well actually the latter part was the worst, I have just pushed the points a bit far, have had 2 takeaways and a bbq with lots of voddy yesterday...:copon:
Might be a little blessing in disguise because I was gutted today when I stepped on the scales and it kinda brought back to me the reasons I want to lose this weight...So many people have commented on my weight loss this week, maybe it has made me feel to good about myself?...What ever I know I am being an angel this week!!!
Hope you are all ok and have had better food weeks than me
How lovely is the weather??!!! Wow there is not a cloud in the sky today!!...Am hoping it will be ,like this tomorrow as we have planned to go on a huge family walk in the thetford forest, Callum loves it as there's loads of kiddy play things
Anyway, I'm going to get some sun this arvo
