Thanks for coming to see where I was
Ok everyone, i'm back, hanging my head in absolute shame!!!
Kinda lost the WW plot back in July....Don't want to go into detail, but had some problems with my marriage (sorted now

), I went really low and lost loads of weight during two or three weeks, then went on holiday a couple of times in August/sept and really just lost!!
Anyway, all in the past, need to look forward to the future!!...My best friend has booked her wedding for may and asked me to be her maid of honour so really excited about that

Things are a bit poo at the mo as hubby is being made redundant....typical just before xmas, but he has three months to find another job, with full pay, so fingers crossed something will come up!!
My childcare is all done and dusted, but no work as yet!
So to get back to where I was I have 13.5lbs to lose....around ten of that has gone on in the last few weeks as ive been having treat after treat, so hopefully a good kick start will budge it!
Hope everyone is well, im so glad to be back and feeling positive, long may it last!!
Speak to you all soon
Anna xx