Anna's Diary...Back a few pounds....and....A BABY!!!!!

Thanks everyone, Had a lovely indian meal, probably went wayyyy over my points, but taking yesterday as a treat day!...Now sitting here with my hair dye on, so will have darker, more reddy hair, but here are some pics with new hair and 54lbs down...oh and one of my tattoo :D

Ive put two photos from the first week aswell...bit yuck, but I love to see a difference xx


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Anna, you are looking fantastic honey.

I love the hair and the new waistline - the clothes really suit you - as does the hairdo.

You can really see the difference in you - you should be so proud of yourself for sticking with it.

And less than 100lbs to go now too - that must feel good. As Jess says, almost into the 30's on bmi - brilliant work. xxxx
Anna, you are looking fantastic honey.

I love the hair and the new waistline - the clothes really suit you - as does the hairdo.

You can really see the difference in you - you should be so proud of yourself for sticking with it.

And less than 100lbs to go now too - that must feel good. As Jess says, almost into the 30's on bmi - brilliant work. xxxx

Thank you :D ... Glad im under the 100 pound to go mark, only just but it feels so much better lol x
Thats a great loss Anna and the pics look great you can really see the weight going

Hiya Anna

Your doing fab - and your pics are great the hair and you look so much different :eek:
You can definately see the difference. Hope you enjoyed your Indian hun x
Thats a great loss Anna and the pics look great you can really see the weight going


Thanks M :D ... I was just having a peek at your diary and you are doing amazingly well! xx

Hey looking good Anna...Well done hun... xx

Hiya, thanks...Saw your pink pics on fb, looked fab...Hope race for life went well xx

Hiya Anna

Your doing fab - and your pics are great the hair and you look so much different :eek:
You can definately see the difference. Hope you enjoyed your Indian hun x

Hiya Trace, thank you :) ... Indian was wy to nice!!....How are you doing?...Any news on the work horizon? xx

Evening all....Hope you all had a great weekend, mine was lovely...we went to the beach yesterday and carbooting today, then chillded this afternoon...
Got a busy week ahead, Callum is at his new school for 2 tester days on Mon and Tues, Mon night I have the exam to finish off the ICP training....Then Tues I have the inspector coming round :eek::eek::jelous:...So nervous!!!
Weds I am hoping to attend a psychic night at the local pub :D
Thursday I think will be my first day of calm...maybe!!...Hopefully all the nerves and stressing will help shed a couple this's hoping :D

Anna you look absolutely fantastic - really well done hun :) so pleased for you! keep up the good work! :D x
Hi peoples :D Well it's been 5 weeks since I last posted *slap on the wrist!*
Had a bit of a bad shock at home 4 weeks ago...don't want to go into it as all is fine now, but it kinda played havoc with my weight, seeing me lose 7lbs in a week, then gaining 3 back, then not last week but the one before we went on holiday, so as you can imagine Miss "finds it hard enough to cook at home, let alone in a caravan" lived on takeaway junk for a whole week!!!...had a fantastic time and was not to upset or to shocked to find that I managed to gain 11lbs :O
Anyway, since we've been back I have been a bit struggley, but am getting it together again, WI tommorow...Last sneeky peek I was the same as I was last time I updated, so basically looks like with the losses and gains it's not taken me back any further than 5 weeks, which is good enough for me considering :)

Back to that 7lbs loss...I can honestly say nothing that has ever happened in my life has caused me to go "off" my was the strangest thing ever, I felt like poo and have no clue how people (stars in particular) can not eat to keep themselves slim! ... Gimme my food any day of the week!

Childcare is coming along nicely, I passed my exam, was approved by the ofsted inspector so now just waiting for all the paperwork to come through before I go on the hunt for mothers returning to work and look for a childminder lol!!

Hope this finds everyone well and happy..speak to you all soon I hope xxxx
well hello stranger !! good to see you back.

I gained 10lbs on holiday too so you only beat me by 1!!

you'll soon have things back on an even keel-wished you lived nearer to me-you could have my 2 for a day just to give me some peace!!
Hi Anna! I have not seen you around for MONTHS and I am so glad to find you and see you with so many silver 7s. That is brilliant. Well done!

Hey you two, don't scare me - I go on holiday in 5 weeks! I am dreading the weight gain :/
Hiya Anna.............:):):):):):)
Its soooooooooo good to see you back.
Well done on the ofsted and exams chick,yeh like Jane said shame yer not closer hun i could drop my DS off too...

Have a fab week and dont be a :D:):p
Thanks for your visits :) ... Nice to see you all :D ... I WI this morning, am just comparing it to my last WI which was 5 weeks ago, so from that WI i'm 1.5lbs down....leaving me 3lbs of holiday weight left to lose...not to bad, but I really do need to put my foot down and start behaving more!!

Have a good day all xx
Thanks for coming to see where I was :)

Ok everyone, i'm back, hanging my head in absolute shame!!!

Kinda lost the WW plot back in July....Don't want to go into detail, but had some problems with my marriage (sorted now :D), I went really low and lost loads of weight during two or three weeks, then went on holiday a couple of times in August/sept and really just lost!!

Anyway, all in the past, need to look forward to the future!!...My best friend has booked her wedding for may and asked me to be her maid of honour so really excited about that :D
Things are a bit poo at the mo as hubby is being made redundant....typical just before xmas, but he has three months to find another job, with full pay, so fingers crossed something will come up!!

My childcare is all done and dusted, but no work as yet!

So to get back to where I was I have 13.5lbs to lose....around ten of that has gone on in the last few weeks as ive been having treat after treat, so hopefully a good kick start will budge it!

Hope everyone is well, im so glad to be back and feeling positive, long may it last!!

Speak to you all soon
Anna xx
That's not a massive gain in over a few months considering the amount you've lost. You always were a big loser (in the nicest possible way ;)) if I remember correctly so I'm sure that 13.5lb will be off within a couple of weeks. Good luck!
Good to see you back Anna - and glad you have sorted out your problems

13.5lbs is not bad at all considering the time - we all seem to be at it at the moment and coming back with our tails between our legs. ;)