Well done on your fantastic loss this week! Brill start
Silly question probably but is sugar free redbull free fab stuff if it is!
Hope this week goes well for you

... Yes sugar free red bull has a tiny amount of calories and no fat

....great for me coz I love the stuff!!
Hiya Anna..
Well done on that fab WI result
Im having the same for tea..made a big stew yesterday so having the left overs tonight.
Hows the childminding going hun?and how is your mum now..hope all is well chuck,take care xx
Hiya, where's your diary? I was looking yesterday and couldnt find you??
Childminding is at a bit of a standstill atm, just concentrating on hubby getting another job...to stressed for kids right now lol
Mum is not to bad, alot better than before and she is making a really big effort...but still having the occasional blip
My stew was so tasty, but I seriously felt like i'd gained an instant 4lbs after eating it, my god all that veg weighed a ton lol xx
Its great to see you back and what a good start 6lbs gone well done
Thanks M xx
Evening all, got a low point roast in the oven....Just a little point out, I always used ready made roasties as you seem to get more for the points...anyway, I always have some tesco own brand roasties in, but had run out today so I got aunt bessies, which is all I could find...
The difference in sat fat is mad, tescos are 0.8gm per 100gms, aunt bessies are 3.6gm per 100 gms!!! Can't believe the difference!
Anyway, will have to point them in! Not much going down in my neck of the woods today, so dinner, chill, hot hot bath then bed lol xx