Anna's Diary


Hi everyone,

Another attempt at Lipotrim from this morning :sigh:

At my fattest ever and really so want to get this weight sorted by the summer....

Got nearly 4 stone to loose :eek:

My stats as of the 22nd Feb, according my my Chemists's Wellpoint scale- starting point:

Weight 12st 4lb (77kg - should be 55kg)
BMI 33.6 (should be between 18.5 and 25)
BFC 40.1 (should be between 18 and 26)


What am I going to do different this time?

Absolutely no idea......


Got my water bottles ready in the fridge, got week's worth of sachets, got a time scale (55kg on the last day of May THIS year), need to set a smaller step goal.. ermmmm

OK- I would like to get below the 75kg on the 1st March
so need a 4-5lb (2-2.5kg) loss in the next 6 days.

Please keep your fingers crossed for me

Week 1 - 0.7kg (1lb 8.69oz) loss :cry:
Week 2 - 1.0kg (2lb)loss
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14

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hi anna... how you getting on? you must be well in ketosis by now so my betting is you're over half a stone down. good luck for the WI.
Thanks everyone but.... I am one big miserable failure :(

I do not think I have managed even one whole day without cheating.

Result - 0.7kg loss ONLY

Picked up my next week's supply of Lipotrim and hope for the better week next week....

I have major problems with nights - I wake up at like stupid 2 or 3 am absolutely STARVING and head for the kitchen.

I will be fine all day, having my shakes, having my water, no problems here. It is the night time that I can not get through without waking up feeling like I am going to die of hunger and HAVE to eat.

No, drinking more water then would not fill me up, tried that already - all it does is make me keep on going for a pee which means I can not sleep at all.

In any case, I run to the look like 3 times EVERY hour daytime so have to stop drinking water no later than 7pm to enable me to sleep at all.

Orghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :sigh:

Hope everyone else is doing MUCH better :break_diet:


Now the statement from my first post:

OK- I would like to get below the 75kg on the 1st March
so need a 4-5lb (2-2.5kg) loss in the next 6 days.

..looks soooooooooooooooooo stupid.

So what my next (LOL) goal should be?

Ok -

This time next week I will be at least 2kg (4lb) lighter :wave_cry:
Hi anna, you are NOT a failure... You are experiencing what most of us experience during the night instead of the day.... As for the weeing your body after a few weeks will stop the half hour wee and take it to an hour and then hold onto it for half the night- I won't promise the whole night lol... The past is something to learn from so.... Last week is the past... Keep half your last shake tonight. When you wake up instead of goig for food use your last half in half the water you would of used for the full one... Then go and clean your teeth- I find after the shake if I still feel hungry cleaning my teeth helps.. You can split your last one like this and save the disapointment of having food xx hope this helps xx
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hi anna, sorry to hear you're having a nightmare start to lipotrim, try this as it certainly worked for me during my weaker days. split the shakes up and have 6 mini portions with plenty of crushed ice throughout the day. i lost an average of 4-5lb weekly. good luck and keep in touch with minimins for support.
Hi Ladies - and thanks for your kind words.

The very first time I tried VLCD it was Lighterlife which is obviously same sa Lipotrim mu twice (or more) as much. I absolutely hated the group thingys so used to just go, collect my shakes and come back home. And I was fine - I have lost the 3 stone in 3 months and... put it all back on

That was good few years back.

Then I have heard about Lipotrim so of course went on it. Lost 2 stone - put it back on.

Then I decided that maybe Lipotrim was not for me as I am a total complete chocoholic and the only shakes I could have wer.. yup, the chocolate ones, 3 times per day 7 days per week nothing but chocolate shakes. I did not like ANY of the other flavours so of course eventually it got bored (yup I have tried coffee with the vanila shake etc , freezing them etc but the ONLY one I like is the chocolate).

So off I went onto Cambridge and discovered Chocolate Mint and Chcolate Orange and also their Oat one with apple - all yummyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy BUT the only CD counsellor I have within reasonable distance turned up to be useless, she was 3 times the size of me and .. generally useless.

I do not like/want to travel to another counsellor, I work long hours, have a dog to run home to to take out and I do not drive so CD although tasty - went out of the window.

Put all the weight back on and... here I am on Lipotrim again as the chemist is on my way from work - pure and simple.

With my job the peeing every 30 min is not very practical but I do go through at least 3 litres of water per day.

It is the nights that are doing my head in - if I drink water after 7pm - I simply can not sleep as every time I feel I am falling asleep - I have to get up for the loo:cry:

I think I may have a weak bladder anyway as I tend to go to the loo 4 times more often than anyone else I know so.. that extra water is making things close to unbearable for me.

BUT - I have not cheated as much this week as I did last wek so......

Thanks again - going for a weight in Monday or Tuesday evening, will see. Do not trust my home scale as it tends to be "nicer" to me than the Chemist's one ;)

Of course will try splitting the shakes - although getting ice while at work is not possible LOL
Hi Anna keep at it a 2lb loss is much better than a gain, regarding the ice, if it is not too much to carry try putting ice into a vaccum flask, that should do it!