Hi all,
So when I came home I weighed myself and I had put on 12lbs whilst being in hospital... 12 bloody pounds!!! And then I realised... When doing a keyhole gallbladder removal they pump you full of gas and full of fluids before! So now day three of being home and all of that weight bar a 1lb has gone so in turn I think I may have actually lost weight as I still have a lot of internal bruising and my carb water weight that I would have put on but I honestly won't see for about another two weeks until all swelling and bruising had gone!
But now I have a tough decision to make... The guidelines say that you need to wait 3 months before starting a VLCD again after surgery... I do not want to wait 3 months!! I'll lose it completely! I'm going to give myself this week of actually not caring, eating when I'm hungry and whatever it may be that takes my fancy and then on Sunday it's back to low carb, high protein and high iron, I'm then going to give myself another week of that with no exercise and then back to the gym... Gently... Very very gently! I think maybe start with gentle walking! And nothing else! And then I need to make my big decision... When to go back to a VLCD???? I just don't know!!
Hope you are all well, sorry for the ramble! X