Hello people, didn't I have a wobble yesterday, thanks for all your support, it is always an incredible help!
I feel better today, it's nearly the end of Jan, I never thought I would get this far judging by my terrible history of restarting!
I am pushing forward and trying not to think about it, it's funny how life tests us isn't it? Yesterday at my weakest I got a bloody text message from papa johns offering me 2 for 1! What b**tards! Haha!
Anyway I am ploughing on determined never to be back at this weight nor on this blooming diet!
I have started trying on a few items of clothes, most are still tight but it's further than I have got into them before!
Do you realise that as we progress something happens to the perception of us by other people that we are unaware of, we start to look like we have let ourselves go a bit as opposed to fat! That doesn't sound like much but it is! I don't know if it makes sense to you guys but it does to me!
Anyway keep pushing and we will get there!