Thanks texty! just gonna go for 3lbs this time, in the hope that I actually make a challenge! EDIT-can i be awkward and go for 5lbs instead? That's what I need to lose by end of March to stay on track with my pound a week target. Thanks daz
2lbs for me please Daz - surely I can manage that!! Ive never hit a target yet lol
Thank you for setting up this challenge, I've got my daughter's 22nd birthday which will involve a meal out & birthday cake, I've also got a 40th birthday to go to which will involve alcohol and I know now they will not be within syns.
I'm going for 3lb this month please Daz, I too have never met a challenge, I'm in target & want to get to my actual target weight, well really I'd like to get below, but maybe that's later in the year!!!!
Ive only started doing these challenges - completed the feb challenge and acheived it! Yay!
I think theyre a great motivator, thank u both for giving me something to push for other than being happy with myself.
Can u please put me down for 7lb again daz... ive got hubbys birthday and a weekend trip home to the parents - this will be a challenge in itself. Still want to push myself though
Thanks texty ,
These challenges are great ,
I think il aim for 5 lb this time,
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Ooh I've got a fairly busy march, I'm going to aim for 4lb anyway please daz!
Will aim for 5lb as I have 5 weigh ins ... good luck to all x
Thanx Texty and Daz x
Morning I will aim for two pounds. I have a busy march as well. Thanks again Texty and Daz for running the challenges
Thanks for setting up another challenge Texty, and thanks to you too Daz for coordinating the results / spreadsheet.
I'm going for 4lb off in march - just 1lb a week which is inkeeping with my "target for birthday" goal.
Many thanks! xx
I'm aiming for 4lbs off in March as well please Daz
Thanks to you both for setting up the challenge once again
Can I join in your challenge please? I'd like to lose at least 7lbs in March if I could (please!) so that's my target.
Ok I'm in. Yet again I'll go for 5. I'm hoping march might break my drought.
Hmm this is a tough one as being a Monday weigher I get 5 weigh ins this month! I'm also going to Dublin for a few days so will definitely put on then! Think I'm gonna go for 5lbs (1lb a week) and if I achieve it then i will have almost met my Easter challenge too! And if I don't then at least I've got my Easter challenge to meet it

xx Thanks Texty and Daz, as always
Hi. I'd like to go for 7lb and running! I will restart c25k, and get 4 weeks into it before skiing in April. I'm also going to exercise's about the inches as well as the scales!
Thanks for doing the March Challenge Sheila and Daz

. Please could you put me down for 4lbs.
Kay xx
7lb for me please.
Now just to keep my fat face from the chocolates....... Xx
Can I join in please? Can you put me down for 7lbs please? I've got a sad anniversary this month and need some extra motivation to stop me going of the rails.
Can I join in your challenge please? I'd like to lose at least 7lbs in March if I could (please!) so that's my target.
Hiya these challenges are such a great idea thanx for starting going for 8lb in march please. Just started the 30day shred so will follow this mon-fri all through march. Aiming high I know but really want this so am gonna give it my all.
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Can I join please? My aim for March is 10lbs. X
Determined to actually achieve a challenge this time so going for 7lbs... should hopefully be manageable over 4 WI's! *fingers crossed*
Good luck everyone! x
Hello. Can I join in the challenge please? I aim to try to lose 7 lbs in March. Thank you
I would like to join too please

think I will go for 7lb loss and also aim to walk for one hour a day at least 6 days per week. Thanks for organising this !
Hi all, I'm hoping that I can continue on my good path in March, please can you put me down for 8lbs. Good luck everyone.x
Hi......could I join too?
I've nothing on in march. It's the one month I have a chance to get some poundage shifted without complications!!!
So....I'm going for 8lbs.
Can i join please? I'd like at least 4lbs off for March its getting warmer here i need a bikini body
Hey! Please put me down for 4lbs Daz, that would be great! I'm a thursday weigher so only 4 WI this month. However, I am going to a ball this month and going home for a few days on the 26th so hoping not to undo all my good work! This should keep me on track!
Hi Daz
Thank you for doing the spreadsheets for these, I (im sure others as well) find it very helpful and motivating.
Please could I go for 5lbs in March? That will get me to my club 10 and only 14lbs from target
Thank you again
Right after an epic fail in feb challenge my target has to be higher this month. So it's 6lbs to get target before I combust trying !
Hi I'd love to join, by the end of March I would like to reach my 2 stone target - 8.5 llb to go!
Hi. Can I join please? I would like to aim for 8lbs.
Please put me down for 6lb in March. It's my hen do in April (and then my wedding in June, eeeek!) and another 6lb off would have me well on the way to goal

hey daz can you put me down for 8lbs in March.
That will get me my 2 stone award and club 10
Please can I set a goal of 3lbs, I have yet to achieve a challenge yet but have no excuses this month. Thanks Texty and Dazs for all your hard work.
After blowing Jan and Feb, I'll try to buck the trend, and actually hit a target!
Can I go for 4 please Daz?
Thanks again, you and Texty are the biz!
Was absolutely rubbish on last months. Too many sociables. Going to go for a realistic 3lbs and anymore will be a bonus. Thanks
Please put me down for 7lb, that's half a stone and will take me well and truly into the 13's...determined to see that on the scales soon.
Please put me up for 5 pounds in march, that will get me my club10 sticky
Can I please be put down for 7lb
Thank you x
Hello everyone. I'd like to join this months again. Can you put me down for 6lb please Daz? Thanks x
Hi everyone, would like to join the challenge again, even though I haven't been achieving the goals I have been setting! Going to go for 8lbs this month please. Thank you x
My aim is 6lb this month, I'm going to be extra good until the 22nd march when I've got a girls night out in Blackpool for a friends 30th, lots of alcohol and junk food will be consumed!! Lol
4lb please. It's my 40th half way through and there'll be booze and cake!
Hello Lovelies, Can you put me down for 8lbs again please? Thanking you kindly!
ok I was sulking before and Daz was right- my bumpy Feb meant that overall I maintained. Which is better than a gain (my result of January's challenge) and soooooo, if possible I would like to join the challenge with a 4lb target.
Thanks for your support and encouragement Daz. And all your hard work- obvs.
And thank you to everyone else for just being here and keeping the motivation alive.
Here's to a successfully slim March xxxx
Good to see you here sulky knickers
Daz could you put me down for 5 please,
Again thanks for doing this and messing last month
Hiya id like to join in again this month can you put me down for 8lbs for march please

thanks very much
Please could you put me down for ten, I have 5 weighins and trying wedding dresses on the 29th of March so this is the last big push for that x
Please can you put me down for 8lb
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4lb for me please. Thank you xxx
Ohhh nearly missed the start of this one! Gotta get signed up before the beginning of the month

so target for this month is going to be different to my normal 7lbs I go for, as I have 5 weigh ins I will gofor 8.5lbs to get me into the 20's please texty/daz xx
Can I join this challenge please? Can you put my target down as 4lb please. Im only back on this diet in the last few weeks so need to do this

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May I add myself

Would like to lose 6lbs this month. Weighed this morning & lost 1lb (not sure if todays weigh in counts lol)
Well, at last i have caught up. Phew, only 55 that i had to input.
As usual, please check your lines, i cannot be awesomely brilliant all the time, and it is currently 1.30am so i may need a bit of tolerance from you all.
Any of you that are unaware of how it works, just work it out, simple enough.

(just ask in here, someone will let you know, if i don't get here first)
I will try to make a generic guide for the challenges and post a link on my signature, shall let you know when its done.
Anybody that cannot see the sheet on their phones please ask for a snippet, i can do a screenshot of just your line and that will show on phone browsers.
As ever the challenge remains open to all, no matter what diet, and whenever they wish to join. Feel free to join in if you haven't already. (unless of course you are reading this after the 31st March, then you are just being, well, silly. )
Good luck everyone, i personally have gone for a small 4 lb, bloody useless at the moment, but im in, ready for a kicking from you lot. :8855:
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