Any one in to cake making or cake design? Xx

Hi guys, can I crash? I make the odd cake for the boys' birthdays but cupcakes are more my thing. my hubby runs a training company so i make cupcakes as the desserts for the buffets. Started off as a hobby, and I meant to turn it into a business but got a scholarship to study law instead which would be a lot more profitable long term! So now I just do them for the buffets or for fun. I'm teaching myself sugar craft through youtube and books, so its going slowly but not too bad. Wish i had more time to play though!
Hey :) share some pics!! Domed Cupcakes are on my to do list at some point soon. Thinking maybe for mothers day. X
Hi ya honey course you can crash we just talk about things :). Love the cup cake doing make many of them now :(.

Id love to make cup cakes more than big cakes lol zx
:) lol sounds yummy.

What you think lady's lol xxx


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So cute, love it!

I don't really have any pics of my cupcakes - they're all on my phone and I have no idea how to get them onto the computer! lol
I'm goin to do my bro some cupcakes for his birthday in April I decided today. I want to make six vanilla and six choc, each with a different (if i can think of enough ideas) twist incorporating his favourite things, sweets and chocolates. So I'm thinking cream egg, oreo, Jaffa cake, caramel, haribo etc. anything you guys have tried that was really lush?? Or you think would be? X
gemst said:
Have you got any cakes this month honey? How you going in your weigh loss? Xxc

Ah yes. I am in fact off to the cake shop this month :) I have a two tier wonky mickey mouse cake for Thursday that I need to go fetch a board and stuff for. Also have an elmo cake in two weeks time so may pick one up for that whilst I'm there too :) may also do some cupcakes for mothers day but not sure as everyone trying to diet lol

Weight loss. Hmmm. Plan is going great. I've been 100%. Scales are at the moment showing another bloody gain. Driving me mad :( hoping it'll all balance itself out by Monday. I've done no exercise this week though and that may be why :(

Also going to the sport shop today for some new jiggers. Signed up for the local run in June. Gotta learn to run now lol x

You got anything on this month? X
Oooo you look like you r going to be busy lol. Iv got some to do this month I will try and show you as many as I can lol. Can't wait to see yours.

Weight wise I'm doing ok keep having the old bad weeks but have lost 1st 7lb so far in 7 week weigh on tomorrow tho :( lol.

Hope you have a gd week this week xxx
Awww thank you I'm on slim fast not had a great week but going to weigh my self in boots today and then start new today :).

What plan do you do? Xx
Good luck for this week, i'm on slimming world hun. Love it cause i can eat lol x
Wow well done ladies..all those cakes are fantastic...i make cakes now and again..(nothing as good as any of yours though :eek:)...i am going to decorate my wedding cake LOL once i decide how im having it :D

We have a lady at work who is very talented i was going to ask her if she could make me a cake topper incorporating our tractor (in avatar) too :)

I have some pictures somewhere of cakes ive done yrs ago...must get back into it :)
Curlz said:
Wow well done ladies..all those cakes are fantastic...i make cakes now and again..(nothing as good as any of yours though :eek:)...i am going to decorate my wedding cake LOL once i decide how im having it :D

We have a lady at work who is very talented i was going to ask her if she could make me a cake topper incorporating our tractor (in avatar) too :)

I have some pictures somewhere of cakes ive done yrs ago...must get back into it :)

What have you been thinking for your wedding cake any ideas? Wish I'd been more into it when we got married. Would have had so many more ideas lol.

Well my cakes are baked and cooling. Am off to carve and crumb coat shortly and then bed. Decorate tomorrow x
Finished. Had a bit of a nightmare compared to the last wonky cake I did which was so much better but it's ok
