Sorry my lovely - should have made it clearer.
Green Day - Free Foods: Pasta, Rice, Potatoes, Sweetcorn,. Parsnips, Peas, Beans and Pulses. Meat and Fish are not free on Green Days
Red Day - All meat and fish with viable fat trimmed is free, but Pasta, Rice, Potatoes,Sweetcorn,. Parsnips, Peas, Beans and Pulses are not free.
On both days you get 2 x HEB and 2 x HEA.
Extra Easy- All meat and carbs are free. You get 1 x HEB and 1 x HEA on Extra Easy
On all plans you are encouraged to eat 1/3rd superfree (veg except potatoes sweetcorn, parsnip and peas, and fresh or frozen fruit). You are by no means forced to eat it (but it does speed up weight loss and is the 1st thing that will be suggested if you struggle)