Erghhh, I'm absolutely sick of getting stick about the final weight I want to be!! I have lost count of the number if people who have told me to not lose any more weight. I've also been told 'are u sure youre 12 stone' like I'm lying and every scale in the land is lying lol. (I'm dead on 12 so almost leaving this thread with any luck whooo!)
I need some reassurance that I'm not being stupid trying to get to 9 1/2 stone. I am almost 5ft 5' ...just a bit under. I'm proud of what I'm doing so I don't want to lie about it, but I'm starting to wish I'd lied and said I'm at my target =(
You need to be the weight you feel comfortable with hun, if people are being funny, just tell them that you are at target, and just let those who support you know that you aren't yet.
I think it totally goes by how you feel as opposed to the book, like it says i could go down to 7st for my height, and if i wanted to look like a lollypop then i probably would, but i know me, and my body, and i have boobs and hips and curves and i felt the best for me at between 8 - 8 1/2 stone, so that is my ultimate goal (trying to do it in stages or it's just too overwhelming)
Do YOU feel comfortable where you are?
If not, keep losing, if you are then stop.
All these negative nellies just mess with your head. You've done amazing so far, be proud, and those that see fit to judge you (grrr who do they think they are?!) just tell em whatever so they lay off you and give you the space to do what feels right for you.
Wow that was a long drawn out ramble....well i am the waffle queen hehe
