overworked underpaid mum!
Oooh sounds like u had fun! Lipobind, well the sachets, are shaped like those long things with sugar u get in cafe's u tear the top, pour the contents on ur tongue (tastes like strong blackcurrant) it's meant to be used i u have a naughty day, straight after meals. I found it on clearance in boots so figured it was worth a shot. It's meant to bind up to 27% of the fat from ur meal and also makes ur food leave ur stomach later therefore making u feel fuller for longer. I did notice a bit of tummy ache today, not major but annoying, doesn't seem to be alli likr on ur insides either. I would not pay £33 for it though, but seems to be a way of curbing the damage of a heavy night or day. Will keep u guys posted anyhoo as i started it yesterday.
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Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins *5st of me gone since 03/01/2011*