RIGHT ladies (and gents!!!), this is just no good…. I’ve hit a brick wall. I don’t have very much spare cash at the moment/ever but am thinking very seriously about re-joining Slimming World this week (have been calorie counting since January 2012 and lost just over 2 stone). There’s a few groups around me – one meets tonight and one meets on Thursday. Before I do anything rash I need to try to understand the plan a little more.. Last time I didn’t really ‘do’ the plan.. I did with regards to my main meals, all Slimming World recipes and almost always free! And that is something that’s stuck with me ever since (October 2010) – it’s the rest that I struggled with? I’ve read reems and reems of info but for some reason it just isn’t going in…. I don’t understand the 1/3 superfree thing on EE, what are superfree foods? And is that for every single meal or just main meals? I don’t totally get the HexA and HexB thing? Does eating them aid weight loss? I’ve always tried to totally avoid bread and cheese! :-(
Ideally I’d like to follow the plan from home to save me a little bit of money so really would need a better understanding of the whole thing but am open to attending group for a while (until the money runs out, lol) – it seems to work soo well for soo many people! The reason I fell off the wagon last time is quite obviously because I wasn’t following the plan at all! Merely eating low-fat meals with no complex process aside from that.
You all seem so clued up, could you offer a little friendly ‘dumbed-down’ advice to a potential newbie? Thank you ladies
x x
Kelly, I am doing it on my own with help from my friends on this forum. I try to explain it as best as I can
SW is a lifestyle pan and not a fad diet. So it encourage us to eat as normal as possible. We need not deprived ourselves of all the goodness, vitamin and minerals in foods
HEXA - Dairy food essentail calciums (good for teeth , skinand bones)
HEXB - things like bread, nuts, cereals, etc
Freefood - Food that you can eat as much as you like until satisfied.
Superfree - food that have very little calories and help body to work hard to burn food such as most of vegetables, fruits
Idea behinf Extra Easy is to eat as normal as possible i.e combination of protein and carbs. The only rule that must be applied is to incorporate 1/3 superfree food in each meal . You are allowed 1xHEXB, 1xHEXA daily and up to 15 syns. Example of meals
Breakfast - SW fry up (bacon, egg, baked beans, 1/3 superfree (mushroom, onion, tomatoes or fruits)
Lunch - Baked potato (tuna, swwetcorn, 1/3 superfree (lettuce, tomato, cucumber, radish, fruits)
Dinner - Home made burgers with 1 small WM roll (HEXB), 30 gr cheese (1xHEXA), SW chips, salad, vegetables, fruit
Snack - fruit, veg from superfree list
Of course you can go for Green or Red days then you ae allowed 2xHEXB, 2xHEXA per day and up to 15 syns.
You can read more about these on SW website or on this forum.
I mainly follow Extra Easy as it suits me best and have lost nearly 3.5 stone since Christmas. I eat big meals and do not devrived myself of anything. In order to shape up I walk on a daily basis.
If you need to get more ideas about the plan, please read a few diaries and see what others are doing. Also you can try out all the plans to see which one suits you best.
Everyone on the forum is so friendly and helpful and as soon as you ask a question someone will answer and guide you. There are various discussions and challanges that you can join too to keep you on track and motivated.
As mentioned, I do it on my own and keep the money for class in a jar and treat myself to something special recently with the money I bought myself a Kindle and a mobile phone.
Once again welcome and good luck. Please let me know if you have any other question that I might be able to help.
Please feel free to browse through my diary. The link is at the bottom of my post under signature