Anyone doing Flex??

On a whole different subject, what were you doing up at half 5 on a Sunday??? Lol
Lol. I'm an early bird. Usually get up around 5am on weekdays, and my body clock doesn't seem to care it's a weekend!
How are you getting on? Seems quiet again!
I had a bad night last night!!! lol
My mum and daughter came round to help me put up the xmas tree, we do it together every year and normally have a few drinks and a takeaway after, i could have said no to it all but of course i didn't!! So i had a large baileys whilst doing the tree, then 3 glasses of red, a spring roll and half a beef curry with boiled rice from the chinese. Not good the night before my first weigh in lol. I did have 36 weeklies left and 22 dailies to use but i def used more than that. Wasn't sure if i should bother weighing myself this morning but i did and have lost 3lbs, not great for a first week but at least it was a loss. Anyway back on track today but am finding it hard now my house looks like it's xmas, i feel like i should be treating myself to all the xmas goodies, keep thinking i'll not bother with a diet now it's too close to xmas and i'll start again in January, but in January when i'm even fatter i'll wish i'd got a few pounds off now!! So trying to remain strong lol

How is your week going?? It is very quiet on here, i used to love this site but it seems hardly anyone posts here anymore which is a shame. I quite like the ww connect but it's not the same as here.
It's hard with all the Christmas things! Well done on your loss! 3lbs is great! Although it's hard now it'll be worth it and feel so much better in January when it comes.
I started Well, but went out on Sunday night and used some, but not all, of my weeklies. Then on Monday my kids were off school cos of a St Andrews Day holiday, and my daughter made shortbread. She gave me 5 all at once!5! And once I start, I can't stop. I tracked the recipe, and ended up with -11 weeklies! Yesterday was better, saved 4 dailies so now at -7 weeklies. Have to be extra good the rest of the week now!
I'm like that with sweet stuff too, can't just a have a small bit!!!! When do your weeklies "renew"? I've managed to be good so far today, had baked oats (4) for breakfast and homemade minestrone soup (2) for lunch with a chicken salad flatbread (3), no idea what to have for dinner. What are you having?
I'm like that with sweet stuff too, can't just a have a small bit!!!! When do your weeklies "renew"? I've managed to be good so far today, had baked oats (4) for breakfast and homemade minestrone soup (2) for lunch with a chicken salad flatbread (3), no idea what to have for dinner. What are you having?
My weeklies renew on Sunday, so still time to claw back. Food looks good. I'm having a lean pork medallion (4sp), boiled potatoes (4sp), parsnips (2sp) cooked in olive oil (1sp), peas and carrots (0sp), and a little Apple sauce (1sp). Big dinner tonight lol, but I get loads of points atm.
Hi I have now joined online xx hard to get used to new plan xx
Welcome aboard! To me the new plan looks like a cross between Ww and SW!
Yeah that's what it looks like to me too!!! Quite enjoying the new plan though, nice having some free foods other than fruit and veg.

You'll make it to Sunday no bother lil miss!!!

Boofle i find the plan pretty much the same but more foods have zero points now.
Well done, 1lb is going in the right direction!! I'm loving the free chicken, fish and eggs. I've been mostly on plan so hoping for another small loss on friday. Finding it harder and harder to stay away from the xmas goodies though.