Anyone else have a Stupid Dog?

All your post have left me in tears- I love stupid dog and with one of my own I can just picture It all.
i have a boarder terrier and he is behind stupid. If it rains he won't wee ALL day because he doesn't want to get wet. Climbs over people like their climbing frames thinks he's "people" so uses his paws like hands. And when we are out for walks will starts fights with the big horses like dogs (like he'd win!)
Most loving thing in the world though, let's my girls drag him round like a doll but will guard your bed if you're ill.

Awwwww sounds like a diamond! We've a border terrier too, I think she's part lakeland terrier as well? She's a lazy lump bu8t absolutely adorable! And also doesnt approve of going out in the rain haha!!
We have a 17mth old black Lab, he was the runt of the litter that the owners had named billy no mates as nobody wanted him. He also has a flatulence problem, and hasn't a clue as to where it comes from! He has anxiety issues, if another dog barks (he doesn't even need to see the dog or it could be on the tv!) he cries for ages and will get an upset tum:( because of his stress problems we can't get him neutered, not that I think he knows what to do with it, haha! When he barks he runs and hides under the table, he's scared of the wood flooring in the hallway, and the hoover and has to be encouraged to walk on/past them (bit of a problem when he needs to go upstairs) He sleeps in our room in his own bed but will Ninja crawl across the room and up the duvet to settle between me and the husband, and he quite literally does eat everything, socks, knickers, shoes, belts, rugs, sellotape, paper, you name it he'll eat it, oh except for dog food which he has to be coaxed with a little bit of gravy.

He's an absolute nutter definitely a few planks short, but like everyone else says we love him soooo much, wouldn't trade him for the world:p
I've got a crazy old english sheepdog called mavis who's 11 months. I was bought up with boy doggies so don't know if its because she's female but she just seems manic. Anyone who comes to house she believes are there just for her benefit, she starts fights with dogs on walks then legs it when they bark at her. She's scared of the Hoover, the sweeping brush and mop. If its raining or dark she won't go out. She eats everything she sees, this week she's ate my new slippers, a pair of leggings, my little girls shoes and made a start on the leg of the new dining table. I just pray as she gets older she will calm down as she's so giddy but I must admit I love her to bits and would never be without her.



i love hearing about these funny dogs!!
they all sound so cute.
we're getting a black lab puppy in a few weeks time and looking forward to seeing what he/she is like.
any advice?xxxxxx
My dog isn't really stupid, but naughty! He's a beagle which can be known for their stubbornness and naughtiness. We can't leave anything on the floor or he'll run off with it and hide under the table in the dining room! He'll pick anything up- remote controls, mobile phones, slippers, bags etc.

If you're not careful he'll snatch food off your plate! We've been really careful with him though so he's not overweight (beagles can often have weight problems, in fact I'm the only overweight one in the household lol!)

I love him though. He sleeps across the sofa so no-one else can sit on it, he snores but it's adorable. Sometimes his tongue sticks out!
I have a demented 3 legged rescue dog called sam, he really is thick but absolutely loveable. He must be 6 or 7 and still carries on like a puppy, no one has told him he's a leg missing. Only this morning when we were going out (he goes everywhere with us) he got over excited and before we could open the boot he had jumped right into the back windscreen, smack :) His favourite place to sit is on your shoulders even though he's not a small dog, a staff/ lab cross. He's insecure so follows you everywhere, obsessed with food to the point he will eat anything off the floor including mouldy/furry food :s As my partner is not mobile at the moment he is his best friend and they are inseperable, he has brought so much to our lives and would not swap him for all the money in the world x
Sounds just like my Springer pup!
Dogs are the best haha!

My dog is a mix of 3 breeds (Collie X Jack Russel X Cocker Spaniel) he's a bit odd looking as you can imagine but he is perfect in every way... Wouldn't hurt a soul.

I'm not sure if this was stupid or very clever but when hand rearing lambs at home they would often go up to the dog and look for a teat and he would casually cock his leg for them lol pervy dog maybe ?
i love hearing about these funny dogs!!
they all sound so cute.
we're getting a black lab puppy in a few weeks time and looking forward to seeing what he/she is like.
any advice?xxxxxx

Be the boss!
My friends dog is vicious when it comes to food and toys, once she has it there is no getting it back without her snapping at you.
My dog is obsessed with food but I can take his food away while he's eating and he wont even flinch just stare at me all hopeful looking that he is gonna get it back and that's how it should be.
They will see you as part of a pack and they are to be at the bottom of that pack with no upper hand on their part.
i have a very silly dog.. he is like my child i swear, he is so so silly, he does things like.. me or hubby will nip out to the bin, and when we walk back in after literally 30 seconds.. he goes made like hes not seen us all day hahaha.. xx