Lipo Lover
Thanks Tracy and Lili, god Lili you must be really close now?? Can I ask you Tracy, do you have a certain no. of calories/grams of fat per day??
Her day will come hunni...god , that sounds evil....but true oldest sis was the same ...but now is well (i can say this becuase she is my sister)she's the size of a house!Even worse the girl who sits next to me is so tiny but is always munching on sweets and crisps.:sigh:
Cheers Harriet, I know its been said before but you are an inspiration to us all. I know what you meann about looking in the mirror, I feel that way already. You know I am the type of person who if told what to do will do it no problem, so I like discipline. I know it will be trial and error but would love to see some food diaries, I know you did one on here before, but at the time I was only new. Would you mind if I asked to see it again just to give me an idea??? Cheers hun