Silver Member
Yeah that's what I want to do. Im quite a big build and when I have said to everyone I wanna lose 2 stone they all tell me that's way too much. But I think I will know when it's too much and considering m BMI tells my I am morbidly obese I don't think 2 stone is too much!!
How has your week gone? When is your WI day? X
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My bmi is overweight now? was obese? healthy bmi for 5ft 8 is somewhere between 9 stone 5 and 11 stone 8 i think?
But yeah 2 stone would bring me just into the healthy range.. but im thinking if i get there i would love to get to the smaller side so i can be skinny like my friends! ah sure il see when i get there
I had two bold days last week but managed to lose half a pound yday
Hows your week going? whens your wi? x x