Anyone in the 10's wanting to get into the 9's........

WI this morning and lost 3.4lbs so now 10stone 6.6lbs. Will update my stats when I get on a computer.

Hope you have a nice day!!
Wow! Well done, that's a brilliant loss! :D

My god I was such a pig last night :-/ I think I'll have definitely gone over my weeklies! Whoops! Ah well, I really enjoyed it and I'm sure I can still get on track for a loss next week.

Before CID I worked in an investigation unit which dealt with more "low level" crime. Then before that I worked in a department where we organised the officers duties, events, warrants etc. I enjoyed that but wanted to get into investigation so left. I couldn't do cold calling :-/ those people get so much grief! Plus, I'm not very flood at persuasion! Unless its to go out drinking ;-)

Hope you have a great day! I'm sure you'll be on cloud 9 with that loss!! xxx
Yea happy with that just hope it continues hehe

That's great at least your doing something you love and you've had lots of experience doing different things. Although im only 24 this is my 7th job, not had much luck till this one hehe

Well the main thing is you enjoyed yourself, life would be boring if it was just a constant diet :p

It's freezing here today, sitting in my car on this not wanting to leave the heater hehe hope you have a lovely day xxx
It's damn cold here too! Brrrrr! Heavy snow forcast for Friday as well! Snow day anyone?? ;-) mind you, we don't get them in the police. Can you imagine the general publics reaction... "YOU HAD A SNOW DAY WHEN I PAY YOUR WAGES??" outrageous! Hahaha! :D

I'm sure your losses will continue in the right direction - of course they will! Have you got any plans this week where you might get to use them?

Dont worry about the job thing - at least you have one!!! I went starlight to work from school and had no idea what I wanted to do until I got a lightbulb moment one day. Before that though, I'd been in 3 different jobs. xxx
I've just logged on here at work and I can see your stats now. You joined Minimins on my birthday last year! :D Just thought I'd mention that! hahaha! xxx
I know its heavy snow forecast here for Friday too, just hope it happens after I've got home. Couldn't imagine spending the weekend in there. I can imagine it would be hard to be sent home from the police, it's not something that can just shut down sadly.

No plans this week that I should go over, trying to be good because in February I have a 30th birthday, my dads birthday and valentines, do hard work now before then hehe how about you?

I left school and went straight to university to study architecture, stayed there for a few years but there's no jobs so I quit then went straight to working and that's me hehe.

When you finish work? I finished at half 4 :D xxx
Is architecture something you're interested in then? Or not anymore?

Yep, good plan to get some hard work done now before you let loose and enjoy yourself! :D I have a girly day on Saturday for a friends birthday. There's champagne, nibbles, face masks, nail painting etc planned then out to the pub in the evening. I'm going to drive though. Mainly because I'm skint! But also I really want to get these pounds off and also, I'm having a dry January. I'd have to stay at my Mums (it's happening back in my hometown) and I don't want to. So decided to drive... Even though my sister is literally begging me not too! Haha! I'm trying not to drink so much (not that I did before mind) because it has such a horrible effect on my emotional state for days afterwards. I suffered with depression and although I'm ok now, alcohol is a trigger for me. The next time I plan to have a drink is 2nd Feb when I have an evening planned with some of the girls from work as a kind of farewell thing. Man, I've waffled! Lol

I usually finish at 4pm but today I finished at 7pm as I had some evening appointments. I got a lie in today! :D

Fingers crossed you get home before the snow... It's meant to be bad! Especially up your way! xxxx
I think it's more the technical design aspect of the architecture, think that's why I'm enjoying the engineering job that I'm in.

Yea I'd rather not have all those occasions but that's just life lol aw that sounds lovely especially all the pampering beforehand!! Maybe you should pack a little overnight bag to take with you just incase you change your mind? At least your better now and know what your triggers are to deal with it.

I do 8.30am to 4.30pm Mon - Thurs then 8.30am to 3.30pm in Friday so hoping that finishing an hour early on Friday will help hehe

One born every minute time, I love this program :D what you up to tonight? Xxx
If I take an overnight bag then I really will be tempted to drink and tuck into all the nibbles! I'm best off not doing that - I know what I'm like! haha!

I finish at 3.30pm on a Friday too! :D Its brilliant! If there weather is bad tomorrow, then i may just work from my local station, which just so happens to be next door to me! :D Perhaps I'll saunter over in my PJs ;)

I don't watch One Born.. mainly because I think it's gross lol I've got no inclination to have children. I've got 4 nieces (with another two babies on the way this year) so I get enough "children time" to satisfy any urges I may get. 1hr with them and I'm bored! I did start to watch it (as I had Gok on beforehand) and then I was like "what am I doing!!!!" lol I missed Africa, which was what I had planned to watch. I had a shower and went a read in bed. I checked Facebook and saw people commenting on Africa and was like DAMMIT!! lol

Hope you have a good day hun :) xxx
I just don't like being the only person with a car because you end up being the taxi hehe selfish I know :p do you get the munchies when you've been drinking then?

I love finishing the hour earlier hehe as lucky you, no panic of getting to work then. I have a 20 minute drive to work but my mum said the weather said the snow is missing Glasgow now so I have no idea what's happening.

Do you never want to have kids? I suppose it's different being an auntie to so many. What ages are they? I love kiddies mainly because I'm a big kid at heart hehe I really can't wait to be a mummy one day :D just watch Africa on catch up like I do!

How was your day today? I was busy again and getting taught to do even more hehe xxx
Hahaha! Yes well, I'm sure I'll be taxi for a bit, but it's ok. Although due to the snow, I may not even be able to get there! To be honest, I don't think they actually know what's going on with the weather! One minute it's snowing, the next not. Then the next minute we're due tons of snow overnight and now they're saying it's coming tomorrow afternoon... Pffft! Who knows!

Nope, I've never had the inclination to have children. Maybe I'll change when I'm older (they say things just "click" one day) but who knows. I'm happy without and I'm happy to stay without. My nieces are 8, 6, 20months and 1months :) I've another on the way in May and just found out yesterday, another on the way in September! Amazing! Only thing is, they're all over the place. 2 (sisters) are down here, 1 is in Devon and 1 is in Leeds, so I don't get to see them all that much. But it makes the time I do see them so much sweeter :)

So you plan to have lots of children then? Hey, I'm a big kid too! Maybe that's why I get fed up with them... They steal my thunder! ;-) I much prefer animals, especially doggies.

Today I've had a good day food wise. Been pretty busy at work so it's kept me distracted. I had an amazing king prawn stirfry tonight, again! Haha! Had it Monday night too. I did have one small piece of the BFs baguette, just the end bit but I wasnt sure how to point it, so did it at 3pp. Do you think that'll be enough? It was about 2inches long and an inch wide

Getting taught more is brilliant! Will your wages go up to reflect that? xxx
Yea that's true totally forgot if its snowing it would stop you getting there, it would be a shame if it did stop you going though when it sounds such a nice day. I think we will get something but won't be as bad as initially thought.

I couldn't imagine having 4 sisters! Do you have any brothers? So will your sisters be hoping for little boys this time to try and even out the numbers. My youngest cousin is 12 but my oldest cousin just had a baby in July, she's gorgeous.

Don't plan in having a big family, I'd be happy with just the two really. I love my little doggy, she's a bichon frise so perfect size for getting lovely cuddles hehe

Thats great well done! How many points you used today? I'm not really a big prawn fan so I'm afraid I wouldn't like it. I had beef hotpot and veg with a WW wrap, still got 2 points for a little WW cake. Done my DVD tonight too so I'm keeping it up.

It should mean more money, just got to bide my time then ask once I've got my work planned out a little more xxx
Well, snow is crazy here today! I went to work with nothing and then came back here at lunchtime. I worked from the nick next door to us. It's crazy! How's the weather there?

I've got 3 sisters (2 have had babies) and a brother (he has one girl). My brothers baby is due in May and my eldest sisters baby is due in September. The three of them will have 2 children each! Only me (middle child) and my youngest sister don't have any. My Mum has a bishon frise - he's a little bugger! :D what's your dogs name? I LOVE dogs - my favourite animal :) I'm allergic to them though... So I need have a breed that won't effect my allergies. I'm such an animal person but I'm allergic to them all! My hamster even makes me suffer! Lol

I'm SO hungry today - I don't know why!!? And I really fancy some chocolate again so I'm going to allow myself some. That's if I can summons up the motivation to go out in the snow!

My plans for tomorrow are cancelled now. There's no way I can make it there. So a cost day indoors. I will just have to stove off the boredom eating :-/ xxx
At least you didn't travel far before the snow started. We have absolutely nothing! Clear blue skies and just a cold wind that was all :(

How was it growing up with 5 of you? So you will have lots more presents to buy by the time Christmas comes again hehe. I've got a younger brother who is 22 and he still lives at home too, both too spoiled really!

Aw how much of a coincidence is that? I have Holly and she will be 4 in April, that's her in my picture. What's the name of your mums and what age is he? Whats your hamsters name? I took bad allergies when I was about 16 so that's why I got holly because she doesn't cast :D

I was hungrier earlier but had my lunch and was fine. Have you went out to get chocolate yet? I bought WW toffee apple cakes and they are delish for 2pp.

Aw that's a shame that your plans are now cancelled, you will just need to keep your fingers busy on minimins so you don't eat any chocolate hehe :p xxx
Hiya! Yesterday was a baaaad day! I literally ate anything in sight! I tracked everything though but it means I've used a ton of weeklies, which I didn't want to do as I had used them all on Tuesday. I'm just going to have to have my fingers crossed for WI :(

My mums dogs name is Dylan :) and he's still really a pup. Maybe 1yr old. The little monkey he is! Well it was a mad house when we grew up! My mum brought us up herself too as she split from my Dad when we were really young. However, the food thing about it, was that all of us are really close. I think it's because we all looked out for eachother. I'm still just as close with them now :) they're my best friends! Do you get on with your brother?

So, do you still have no snow? It's bad here, although apparently the roads are ok. I still don't want to drive in it so I'm not going to go to my friends. Which does mean I need to keep myself distracted from food! How was you day/evening yesterday?
I'm sure your WI will still be fine, what did you end up eating? How many weeklies did u use? My bf bought me a large twix but I was good and only ate half of it for 6pp, he was bad getting me the big one though :p

Aw that's so sweet, I love my wee Holly and do treat her like my wee baby. She has a special dog booster seat for the car so she can see out the window and she comes and stays at my bf hehe. Aw that's nice that your close though, it's always better like that. Yea I'm really close to my brother especially since there's only 2 years between us.

Is it still snowing there today? We've had no snow at all! Think we might get a little on Monday. Probably better not going out driving it in especially when you would need to drive back tonight when it's dark and icy.

I'm still at my bfs the now but will head home soon then take holly a walk with my mum. What you got planned? Xxx
Gah! I'm not so sure... I was having a Filling & Healthy day but managed to eat some chocolate, crisps and some tear and share pizza bread. 32pp! :-o crap! Ah well, nothing I can do about it and will just see what happens. I've been out for a walk this morning (more like a slippery sliding walk!) and I'll go again tomorrow. I'm going to do Davina app later to try and sort some of the damage!

Hahaha! Your pooch has a booster seat! ? I LOVE that! So cute. I've got to clean my hamsters cage today (she's called Alice :) ) she's getting old now - nearly 2 - and a bugger to try and get her out of her bed! She doesn't come out to play much anymore :(

Well done for only eating half the Twix! Wow! I'm impressed! You're so good and put me to shame! ;)

No plans really for today, I've done some food shopping (all good food!) and had a look around some shops. Going to relax this afternoon. The BF is at work until 6pm. Booooooooo!

I can't believe you've got no snow! It's mental here! And we're due more today and tomorrow. Boo hoo! I hate it! xxx
I'm honestly sure you will be fine at WI, we all need a blow out every once in a while just to get it out or system then were fine again. And as long as you enjoyed it at the time that's all that matters hehe :p

Yes she has a booster seat because I felt bad that she was too little to see out the window, she really is a spoiled princess. Aw that's so sweet, I don't blame Alice not wanting to get out her bed especially in this weather!

I think the only reason I stopped after half was I was really tired and must have been sleeping within 30mins so didn't bother me.

We had a little flurry of snow as I was driving home but it didn't amount to much :( how thick is it over your way? Does your bf work at the station beside you? Xxx
Awwwwwww! It's an actual booster seat for dogs?? She is adorable! :D such a cutie. I dont have one of Dylan. I'll see if I can find a pic of Alice. She's massive!

Well I hold out hope for WI! Hehe! I've got quorn meatballs and wholewheat pasta for dinner tonight. The BF just come in saying he wants fish and chips, to which I said HE can but I am NOT! He can be such a bugger. He reckons I dont need to lose any more weight and is often not very supportive. The git! No, he works at a station about 10 miles away. But we both worked from the one next door.

I've attached a pic of our back garden... We have about 6ins or so of snow. It's been on and off all day here. Grrrrrrr! Bugger off! I'm feeling pretty :( this evening as my friends are all putting statuses on FB about all going out tonight and being together :( Pffft! It's annoying cos I know I'll be leaving them soon as well, so wanted to spend as much time as possible with them. *sigh*

So, the other half of the Twix tonight then? Haha! xxx


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