I have been loitering in the 11st bracket for a couple of years now - got to 11st 2lb just before Christmas but my honeymoon and some trips away took their toll and I crept back up to 11st 10lb last week. I started SW on Saturday just gone and apart from one mistake (4 finger kit-kat) yesterday, I think I have been 100%. Seeing how dreadful I looked in my wedding photo's and knowing my dress was too tight on the day has inspired me to get going again (am I the only person who hates her wedding photo's??). This site has been really useful in showing me where I have gone wrong previously with portions so I am all fired up and ready to go again. Also, having read an article on here about comfort eating, I had a "lightbulb moment" when realised I comfort eat when I am under a lot of pressure at work and conversely when I am bored (the kit-kat).
I would be ecstatic if I could say I was 10st something - so here I am - all ears and eyes for any new tips.
Thanks. x