I'm still here! Still got 10lbs until I leave.Wow well done to the 10's! I'm gonna be the last one left herejust can't seem to stay on track! Don't weigh in til morning so don't know the damage yet! Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
I'm still here! Still got 10lbs until I leave.Wow well done to the 10's! I'm gonna be the last one left herejust can't seem to stay on track! Don't weigh in til morning so don't know the damage yet! Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
Joanne, bet your gone from here again next weekI get really annoyed when my weight flutters back and forth over a stone bracket! My weigh in tomora and I'm praying for at least 1lb! Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
I'm stuck at 11.3/11.4 been there for 3 weeks hovering up and down, not sure why or how to get losing again.
I've been a bit quiet on here over the last couple of weeks (had a 0.5 lb gain, followed by a sts :-( ) However found my mojo again, lost 2 tonight taking me to 11,11 (and earning me my 6.5 stone award...Yay)