Anyone in the 11 stone bracket want support to get down to the 10s?

TrimTrixy said:
Hope you had a lovely birthday Sadie :D

Thank you... xx If I can remember more I will let you know, at the moment all I can really recall was laughing...xx

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Glad you had a good Bday sadie!! Surely all that laughing was body magic ;)

I wasnt too good over the weekend, a wedding and then a birthday bbq!! I ended up drinking my body weight in cider!! I wasnt too bad foodwise on either day tho so hopefully not too much damage done!!

Hope everyone had a good weekend?? xx
Happy Birthday Sadie, glad you had a good day!
sleepytimesadie said:
Saturday was my 48th! Started off well then my best mate Tammie and my Bro Charlie arrived and it all went a bit Pete Tong... He walked in with subways for us all at least he tried and bought me a six inch not a foot long... Blood Orange Vodka, and a bottle of wine, then when goth night started we had our body weight in Absinth cocktails and shots... We had a full English heart attack on a plate at six am ish before spending yesterday dying in bed... Major break diet, but god it was fun, well, what I can remember anyway!...xx Thank you for the bday wishes honey... xx

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Hahaha Sadie that's funny... Glad you had fun!! What are birthdays for hey?? :) I love blood orange voddy - splash of sugary juice & lemonade!! ;) Roll on next year for another big blow out & memory loss haha!! xxx Ps 48?? Jeeez what's your secret?? Maybe I should turn goth :D xxx
Also can I just ask if I can use processed as my hexa ?? I am eating sainsburys basics if anyone knows syns or hexa quantity xxx :)
Hahaha Sadie that's funny... Glad you had fun!! What are birthdays for hey?? :) I love blood orange voddy - splash of sugary juice & lemonade!! ;) Roll on next year for another big blow out & memory loss haha!! xxx Ps 48?? Jeeez what's your secret?? Maybe I should turn goth :D xxx
No secret, just don't go out in daylight much and when I do factor 50... That and the fact I am probably pickled after years of booze!...:eek:
Also can I just ask if I can use processed as my hexa ?? I am eating sainsburys basics if anyone knows syns or hexa quantity xxx :)

you can have 3*20g sains reduced fat slices
2*24g BGTY slices
it doesnt mention basics range although there is just a 2*20g cheese slice unbranded
ninnins said:
you can have 3*20g sains reduced fat slices
2*24g BGTY slices
it doesnt mention basics range although there is just a 2*20g cheese slice unbranded

Oh ok that's great... Well I've had five so well over my amount but that's ok :) Thanks for your help xxx :)
Happy Birthday Sadie!! Sounds like you had a smashing/smashed time!!!!

Well I'm going in the right direction! I lost 1.5lb this week, that's 3 consecutive losses which is great for me!! I'm going in the right direction, back down to 11st 2lb! Just 2.5lb to go until I'm packing up my tent and moving on!! I'd love to do it in the next 2 weeks!!X
Hey belated birthday wishes Sadie, sounds like fun!

Funcurls am so impressed, you seem so focussed atm, really pleased for you hun x

I am off for the day to Crealy adventure park with the kids, whoopydoo! Free returns within a week as they charge £16 entry, great news, this will be my sons 3rd visit lol.

Taking a pack so in full control! Just not in control of hundreds of excited screaming kids, oh the joys lol
Thank you both for the Birthday wishes... Will not be on track again properly until after Infest this weekend, but being good in the meantime... Damage limitation, but will be back on track after next Monday with a vengeance, as the Halloween and Whitby countdown begins... xx

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I'm hoping to lose 2lb this week but feel I need a push... Might have a success express day tomorrow...!! Any tips on what to have during my success express day?? xxx
Lots of water!! Superfree foods as snack (crudettes, fruit or soup), soup is a good one for lunch anyway :) meat and 2 veg is always good for a dinner so that you can see how much SF food you get in

Good luck for getting 2lb off hun x x
pesty said:
Lots of water!! Superfree foods as snack (crudettes, fruit or soup), soup is a good one for lunch anyway :) meat and 2 veg is always good for a dinner so that you can see how much SF food you get in

Good luck for getting 2lb off hun x x

Thanks hun - I'm really going to give it my all. Water is a great idea.. I forget how impressive the clear stuff can be :) And I recently got a food processor so need to start making some speedy soups xxx