Smidge, sorry for the very late response! No I don't intend to go to the 9's. Couldn't ever imagine being in the 10's really but I'm still here......just! Funny though as whilst sitting in the dentist and reading mag, it had all these similar height people and their weights and they were all 9 stone something. Always believed I'd look anorexic in the 9's but who knows?! I think 10st 7lb is about as low as I'd go.
Definitely can't put on any weight now, as stupid OH took the wrong bag to the charity shop this morning
All my lovely different colour jeans and work clothes that I'd only just grown out of?!!!! I called and they said they'd sorted it all and basically couldn'y have it back!! x
Definitely can't put on any weight now, as stupid OH took the wrong bag to the charity shop this morning