Still on plan. I’ve had such a rubbish day emotionally, felt really down and cried lots today. I’m feeling stressed about house move, worried about my knee and when I’ll be back on my feet properly and hubby’s health is a concern at the moment too. Think it had all just got to me. I didn’t eat or drink anything until around 4pm. Had 2 brownie packs just before I came to bed and really struggled to eat them. In bed now, the peace and quiet is so nice and maybe what I needed earlier but had no choice as was looking after kids, I’m feeling better now, no more crying and I’m feeling more positive.
my mother in law is coming over on Thursday to help me finish sorting out what’s to throw away. Downstairs of the house is sorted, just garage and upstairs to sort. Feels great having a good clear out.
off to sleep soon x x
Hey, how did you get on with starting exercising? I really struggle to do squats with my kneebut will try stepping or just moving during those moments where I’d normally be standing still x x
Hey, sorry I haven’t posted. If you know me then you’ll guess I’ve been off plan again. Yesterday I was thinking of trying sw again, I did so well with it before losing 6 stone in less than a year. But this morning I weighed and I’m back in the 13s, so disappointed, so I’m giving sns one last shot, if I fall off again then I’m not trying it again, it’s so restrictive and if I’m cheating and having days off then my losses are less than sw so no point.
so for the final time today is day 1. No cheating at all, feeling focused![]()
Hope you all are well, I’ll reply to comments shortly, just going out x x
Hey, thank you, it’s so easy to give up and go mad with food. Feeling much more positive todayOh Jenny I can relate to you. Don’t be disappointed! You’ve still done so amazing!!
I have felt similar in the past and the disappointment/guilt usually leads me to just thinking I’ve ruined it and I’d give up entirely and undo most of my effortWhat we should be focusing on is how far we’ve come! You’ve done so well!
Don’t put too much pressure on yourself - you have a choice, you can do SNS or SW, only you know what’s right for you
Maybe a compromise would be following SW and incorporating 5:2? Using the SNS products on your 2 days a week? It might help with feeling so restricted..... which can just be miserable.
Hey, thank you, it’s so easy to give up and go mad with food. Feeling much more positive todayhope you’re doing well x x
Haha yeah that’s true, I don’t want to be taking them with me so I’ll finish what I’ve gotWell done on avoiding the curry..
Finish all your packs before deciding if your going to do SW. You don’t want to take them with you when you move.![]()
Good morning, I’ve been awake since 3am, couldn’t sleep and feeling worried about some stuff I’ve got going on so decided to get up. I feel exhausted mentally.
On a positive note, the scales were down almost 2lbs today, back in 28s bmi.
I think today will be really testing for me with so much stress, I’m going to try my hardest to stick to plan. I need to stop using food for the wrong reasons.
have a good day x x
Thank youI heard someone say “food isn’t the problem so food won’t be the answer”.
I also use food for comfort so I can relate to you and it’s easier said than done. For me I have to keep myself occupied in a different way, bubble bath, go out for a walk etc to resist the urge to comfort eat.
You got this Jenny![]()
Thank youso far so good. I’ve been cleaning and just got back from a long walk. Booked to have my toenails done shortly so that will be nice. I miss getting my nails done but can’t have them done with all the baking and cake decorating I do, so toes will do
off to drink water
have a good day x x