Anyone in the 21 stone ?!

Hiya all! 2.5 off for me this week (after maintaining weight last week), so I'm now at 21st2lb. Got my 1st stone award! wahoo!Wondering if i can make it down into the 20's by next week, althought i doubt it as i seem to be averaging 1lb per week. its very slow progress (considering my long term goal), but it's going in the right direction so going to stick at it. xx
Hi Ladies
Very disappointed tonight - 1lb on :(
Especially upset as I found out that I was slimmer of the week last week. I have to wait til my usual consultant is back to get that award as she was running so late last week I had to leave before she got round to telling us who had won what. At least I got my half stone award last week.
I've also got to find another group for my WI next week as it's half term & I can't have holiday as I am on a countdown. If I can't find a group I lose the week:mad:
However, I am determined that I WILL lose next week:D
Well done on your shiny sticker Phoenix! Awww Helen, sorry to hear that :( still, you're drawing a line under it! I've every confidence you'll get that plus more off next week :D 1lb off for me again this week (I've been very good so was hoping for a little more, but I'll take it and run with it), so I'm off into the 20s :) I'll keep a wee eye to see how you're all doing, hope to see you in the 20s thread very soon though! xx
Hi all, after putting on 1.5lb last week and being very disappointed, I lost a whopping 5.5lb this week. Very happy! That takes me down to 20st12 now so I'll be moving groups at long long last! Hope to see you all there soon! Xx
Hi Brads27 :wavey:
There's always room here - you're more than welcome:D
Hope you pop in often on your way down to 20
Hi Nice to meet you all. Im starting slimming world today. Just done Slim fast for 2 weeks and lost half a stone but dying to eat food so here I am xxx
Welcome Jennybeth :wavey: and congratulations Brads27 :bliss:

Stayed the same this week, which is better than last week (up 1 lb!)
Well done on the losses and maintains guys :) I've decided I'm staying in here... the 20 stone room is FAR too quiet :( xx
As you can see from the number of posts - it's not too busy here either Sam ;)

But it's good to see you :wavey: how're you doing this week?
Just noticed I haven't updated my signature for weeks :-/ I'm just back from WI so will rectify that asap. I wish I could say it will look good but it won't :(

No feeling sorry for me though folks - it's all of my own doing so I just have to get my proverbial in gear & stick to the plan!:sigh:
On a positive note - I AM still attending group every week, bad weeks as well as good.:p

Hope everyone else is doing ok:D
Hey Helen :) unfortunately, I seem to have my germs back :( so feeling a wee tad sorry for my little self lol. I got 2 off this week, so another 3 to go for my next shiny :D (pretty sure that at least 1lb of that is due to the pint of blood I gave though).

IMAGE therapy is awesome :) always helps with recipe ideas and whatnot... I still find I'm having at least one off day every week regardless, more when I'm not feeling 100% so I've been very lucky to maintain or lose, even if it is small losses.

There's a bit more going on in here than in the other thread... nobody even said hello or nuffink :( evil peoples

Sam xx
Hi Sam

Well I for one am glad you are stopping by for a chat :p
You are doing so well with SW - do you plan all your meals & stuff?
Sorry you are feeling pants atm, I bet the weather isn't helping either:(

Speak to you again soon I hope :wavey:
Hi I'm 21.2 I'm hoping not to be here long,but I am also hoping we can all move in to each group together :) ..first week for me this week :)
Hi Poshtotty. fingers crossed you'll be in the next stone by the end of the week :D I'm 21st8.5lb so I'll be here for a few weeks yet :)
Hi guys can I join please I am 21.4 now :) xxx
Hi Poshtotty. fingers crossed you'll be in the next stone by the end of the week :D I'm 21st8.5lb so I'll be here for a few weeks yet :)

I'm out I'm out I'm out!!!

ok so I'm 20st13lbs but never the less I am no longer 21 stone !!!whoop de whoop
Anyone left here ? I'm 21.4 lb and again hopefully not here long as there's too many cobwebs lol