Losing the mummy bear weight

Yesterday I met with another mum for coffee... she had a cake so I had one too as felt awkward not to. When you're a mum so many people say oooo let's go for tea and cake, like it's a treat... but when I'm seeing friends pretty much every day I just can't do it! Thankfully quite a few of my mum friends are now on diets too, so it's just coffee when I see them.

So, yesterday was full of snacks instead of planned meals...

B - 2 slices toast and marmalade
S - banana
S - lemon drizzle cake and coffee
D - lasagne and summer greens
S - mini magnum
Same mistake again today, had coffee with a friend and ended up having a cane!!
Aargh. Oh well, holiday tomorrow anyway then will be two weeks of treating myself :)

B - bagel
L slimfast ba
S Bakewell tart!
D homemade Cornish pasty
Muller corner yoghurt
S slimfast snack bar
What's in the slimfast bar....are they filling?
What part of France....I love France and will be in Cahors in 4 weeks
Spent two lovely weeks in a cottage in normandy. Ate amazing food, and enjoyed every minute! Came back home and resumed diet a week before daring to stand in the scales. Have gained 4lbs... was convinced it would be way more!!! So pleased to be back on the wagon
Not too bad at all. Did baby bear go too...how was she on holiday? I'm off in the morning and hoping excess food and drink with be balanced with walking and swimming
Welcome back.
Thanks Tipp - yes family holiday, baby bear, daddy bear, grandma (mother in law) and brother in law. Baby bear did really well, she's loving food (she's just turned 8 months), so she was trying loads of new things (she ate her body weigh in baguette!). We only had a couple of hours in the car to get our cottage in Normandy but she did really well

Happy holidays to you!!!
HinBigbear, just found your thread to follow. As you know I do slimfast too. I've found my key to staying on track is to cut out bread as much as possible - sometimes allow myself a bacon sandwich on a Saturday, but I treat that as my main meal for the day.
4lb after 2wks holiday is really good, when it's easy to gain a stone in that time!

I'm off on hols in 2 wks and planning to swim lots, not overeat and do the free aquafit class each day.

Keep at it, you can do this!
Thanks chucklebug :) I definitely agree - less bread is a good thing. In the past when I've done well in slimfast I've gone down to eating hardly any bread at all.

Today was a bit stressful - slightly ambitious to try and do the shopping with a grouch 8 month old, but I managed some how

B 2 slices toast and jam
L slimfast meal bar
S skinny popcorn and 2 satsumas
D - Cornish pasty (homemade) not diet friendly, but after a good day on plan I reckon I can fit it in
Had a lovely day take advantage in the nice weather. Went in a walk at Blenheim with a friend. It was so going cos my friend is quite unfit (perhaps the only person I know less fit than me!!), she has had a tough year though after having twins so has a very good excuse though! Had a sausage roll for lunch ... whoops

Then went and met another friend for a little stroll around and a coffee... but I also had a cookie. Whoops again

Then my lovely boyfriend asks if it's ok to go to the pub after work tonight for a pint. I said it was fine, but only if he gets takeaway pizza on the way home... so triple whoopsie today on the diet front, but I've had a great time :)
Backnon the wagon tomorrow - plus its weigh in day. Eek!
Wasn't Saturday an absolutely gorgeous day? I spent the day out in the garden as much as possible. I see gardening as a bit of keep fit... well, that's if I'm moving about a bit. I don't think being sat on a chair with my feet up drinking tea counts as exercise, but it's vitamin D and fresh air, that's good, right?! ;)

Hope the wagon is firmly hitched up for the week ahead. Good luck!
Wagon is firmly attached!! Indulged in a bottle of wine over the weekend (half a bottle each evening), which also then leads on to eating more, plus with lovely boyfriend at home the motivation to stick to plan runs really low.
I also keep forgetting to weigh myself in the mornings, and I refuse to stand in the scales after I've had my breakfast.... it's always first thing in the morning, after I've been to the loo but before Izvestia eaten or drunk anything!! I didn't have a great week last week, so waiting until next weekend for a weigh in might not be a bad thing...

Having a much better day today

B 2 slices toast and marmalade
L chocolate slimfast meal bar
D sausages and oven chips and peas
S Apple and. 2 satsuma, probably a slimfast snackbar after dinner too
I'm the same with weigh in, first thing while still in pyjamas after the loo.
Bigbear I'm the same with the first thing in the morning weigh in. After the loo, starkers, and before any tea has passed my lips. It's a good baseline measure I think too, because later in the day, there can be too many factors to affect how much you may weigh, such as water retention, how much you may have eaten/drank, etc.

I hope the new healthy eating plan is going well.
Haha thanks guys, good to know I'm not alone.

Dragged my bum out of the house today for a walk around Blenheim. We got rained on (!) but also got some lovely fresh air, managed about 3 miles, can't believe how much my feet are aching, I'm so out of practice with walking!! Going to go out much more often now...

Good day in plan...
B 2 slices toast and marmalade
L slimfast meal bar
D chicken and rice
S banana and 2 satsuma
S slimfast snack bar whilst watching GBBO