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Oh Jo that is awful how they treated you. Doesn't it make us all angry to feel they'll probably still be treating other girls like that. Shame on them!
I must have been around the same when I had my first. Fortunately they were much kinder to me. I remember the consultant checking me over for oedema and then cheekily saying that, while he thought there was a slight case of it, he thought there was a element of 'chubbiness' involved too. He had such a lovely grin on his face I burst out laughing.
You might find that when you go in hospital for Baby Two that its completely different. I was so full of confidence being a second time mum. Instead of trying to prove I could manage I was constantly saying, 'Is there a student free to bath my baby. I've had a CS and I've another littlie at home so I need to get my rest now.' My nurses were fab!
I find on this thread a lot of common sense is spoken. I wonder if you have to get to this weight to truly realise whats important with our weight journey. Maybe that this world is full of supposed 'ideals.' Life isn't ideal so not really surprising that we're not. Its raw and hard at times.
I can empathise over the carer situation. Not something I like to talk about but I had a year of being primary carer for a loved one, knowing from the outset we would never win, 24/7, you barely sleep for listening out all night. Absolutely exhausting mentally and physically. I've had a few months to rest now its over but I feel so much more for carers of all types now.
You might find that when you go in hospital for Baby Two that its completely different. I was so full of confidence being a second time mum. Instead of trying to prove I could manage I was constantly saying, 'Is there a student free to bath my baby. I've had a CS and I've another littlie at home so I need to get my rest now.' My nurses were fab!
I find on this thread a lot of common sense is spoken. I wonder if you have to get to this weight to truly realise whats important with our weight journey. Maybe that this world is full of supposed 'ideals.' Life isn't ideal so not really surprising that we're not. Its raw and hard at times.
I can empathise over the carer situation. Not something I like to talk about but I had a year of being primary carer for a loved one, knowing from the outset we would never win, 24/7, you barely sleep for listening out all night. Absolutely exhausting mentally and physically. I've had a few months to rest now its over but I feel so much more for carers of all types now.