Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Jenna88 said:
30 minutes?! She is clearly a fitness GOD! I get so jealous in the gym seeing all these people who can cross train/run like a gazelle and don't even look remotely out of breath...I wish to be like that! Instead, I'm usually in a sweating mess crying for my mum after 5 minutes haha!

You got any plans today? I'm not up to much apart from tidying the house (parents are back from a trip to Dublin) and hitting the gym though it's extremely cold and the idea of having to leave the house is not pleasing me. If someone could teleport me to the gym I would be most appreciative.

Ha that's me. Wheezing like god knows what. It is gettin easier tho. Why are you up if your off? It's my last day at work yippeeee.I work three days as I have an almost three year old...who has refused to wear his Halloween costume ha
Nope, the girl who gave me my 'induction' was useless...she basically showed me how to use the treadmill, cross trainer and in you put your key in and go and then she showed us the same for 2 different leg machines.

I really need to grow a set and ask for advice but because I'm so hideously unfit and inexperienced in that area I feel really stupid and as if they're thinking 'idiot'. I know it's completely ridiculous as it's their job but I'm just weird with stuff like that. I also know the only person who is losing out is me but I shall keep researching online and hopefully shall come up with some sort of plan of attack.

If you dont have any confidence in them, is there not another gym you could go to? If not, it may be worth you having a personal trainer session for a few hours to advice you. Or, just go & have a word with the trainers there & tell them you weren't inducted properly & would like a fresh induction & tell them what key areas you want to work on......Im sure you pay enough for gym membership?! You could be going to the gym 3-4 times a week plodding along & then months down the line wandering why you've seen no need to be inducted properly, not only for health & safety, but you need to know how to step it up as you get fitter........or you could stop the gym membership, buy a bike & some decent running trainers & run & cycle out in the fresh air!!
kim63 said:
Right ladies, let me explain to you about jumping on the scales every 2 minutes............Im a darn site older than you chicks, hence I've been at this dieting/exercising malarky a lot longer than you have! For my own sanity & husbands well being, I have learnt not to step on those little darlings until WI day & even then I need to be sedated to do so lol! The reason being , I know the 'science' behind it & know that your weight fluctuates daily & shows no relation to your true weekly weight & will give you all sorts of horrible numbers that you dont want to see & I cant bear to see those horrible little numbers, so only put myself thru it once a week. If I dare do it & I have, I will have the screaming abdabs, run around the bathroom like a screaming banshee & the husband, dog & cat take to the hills lol!
Girls, if you want to put yourselves thru that, carry on, but its not for me & you do know there is help out there for addictions lol!

Am off it now. It just puts me on a downer....lesson learnt x
I haven't counted but as I was reading through I think this may be officially the most quotes I've ever....quoted :p I'm never sitting and watching a film with my boyfriend again I miss out on too much lol :p

Booo! Ok, I've finally grown a set and returned. Having a mega struggle getting to target at the minute (due to munching more than I one to blame but myself) but now have no nights out planned until December so I am on the straight and narrow. Welcome me back?Lol!
Hope everyone is getting on well!

YAY for returning, I've been struggling lately, I want to get just below my target, luckily I'm still in target range just 1lb over target but I've been a nightmare with food. Only had one week in October without a complete blow out one day at the weekend. Managed to maintain each week where I did have the blow outs though (well except one where I gained 1/2 which is weird as I think it was probably the smallest of my blow outs)
Anyway, I think the point of this is we're in this together. I'm having a 100% week this week hoping to loose a lb to get me to my target weight.... then I might be happy with another maintain as the following week I'm at a Christmas market.

Well ladies I am setting myself a new challenge. Come 1st November I am dusting down the shred. I need jillian to kick my wobbly bum. Loving the treadmill and can't give it up, esp cos everyone will be treating it like one of my phases but I don't feel pain except my legs. I want my arms and tummy to ache HA HA remind me of this when I am crawling up the stairs on Friday morning.
This gives me more than 30 days if my target date is 21st December.
Tryin to recycle an old dress but its quite clingy and my bum needs a lift. Onwards and upwards!!

I keep meaning to get the shred out again, but its hard just thinking about it. Don't know whether to crosstrain or run today, might do both but it depends will have to do it all this morning as we're off to tesco's to meet a monster and get little ones face painted this afternoon (yeah rock and roll spending halloween at tesco's)

On the topic of cross long would you usually spend on it? I went on it for the first time today since joining the gym (as the first night I went I was really close to passing out so have been put off it since) and only managed a km on it. It seemed to take a lot longer to hit a km on it than you would on the treadmill but I've been reading comments on the net tonight about people managing 3k in 15 minutes on a ridiculously high level. Obv I'm not very fit yet but it really did seem to take ages to complete a km given the effort I was putting in!?

I think its been answered but yeah I do 30 minutes, but when I do that I follow it with 100 crunches and that's all I do, I have a crosstrainer at home so its not like I do that plus more gym work. I do have a weird little rower machine thing somewhere might dig that out and try that. I want something to help tone my baby tummy (he's 4 so it really needs to get gone)

Donna can do 30 mins on cross trainer....she is my hero lol

Can I just say this is lovely to wake up to lol

30 minutes?! She is clearly a fitness GOD! I get so jealous in the gym seeing all these people who can cross train/run like a gazelle and don't even look remotely out of breath...I wish to be like that! Instead, I'm usually in a sweating mess crying for my mum after 5 minutes haha!

You got any plans today? I'm not up to much apart from tidying the house (parents are back from a trip to Dublin) and hitting the gym though it's extremely cold and the idea of having to leave the house is not pleasing me. If someone could teleport me to the gym I would be most appreciative.

I'm not fit in every way I just have certain things I can do, my certain things being cross trainer, crunches and now I'm building up my running.... and that's it. I can talk when I do it but I still sweat like nobodys business so I don't look so pretty.
I'm doing a santa's on the run 4.4 mile event to raise money for rainbows childrens hospice in December, dreading it now I've signed up as I get really hot when running so running in a santa suit probably isn't a great idea :/

Nope, the girl who me my 'induction' was useless...she basically showed me how to use the treadmill, cross trainer and in you put your key in and go and then she showed us the same for 2 different leg machines.

I really need to grow a set and ask for advice but because I'm so hideously unfit and inexperienced in that area I feel really stupid and as if they're thinking 'idiot'. I know it's completely ridiculous as it's their job but I'm just weird with stuff like that. I also know the only person who is losing out is me but I shall keep researching online and hopefully shall come up with some sort of plan of attack.

Def ask for advice your paying for the service and they need to be providing it and making sure your getting the most out of it, I'd be tempted to complain about the girl who gave you the induction as well. I know how you feel though that's one of the reasons I don't go to the gym and do it all at home or with my running club... that and I'm lazy and actually getting to the gym is too much of a hassle and I'd never get going.
That awkward moment when you stuff urself with a choclate hifi bar, just to remember half way through that u already had your hexb as weetabix :/

Ohh boo. That's 6 syns down the drain that I was planning on keeping for the Halloween party tonight
Well thats put paid to my running for a while...........had some hip pain after Sundays run & typical me just ignored it! Went out for a 5 mile run today, hip felt tender but thought I would work thru it, but at the halfway point it was agony, so hopped back 2.5 miles looking a right eejit! I have now self diagnosed a hip bursa, so Im applying a cold pack & will take an anti inflammatory.........grrr, it was going so well! If it still feels like this tomorrow, as in I cant weight bear on my right leg at the moment, off to my GP I go! No work for me today then! Thats means I'll be glued to the laptop annoying you lot lol! x
That awkward moment when you stuff urself with a choclate hifi bar, just to remember half way through that u already had your hexb as weetabix :/

Ohh boo. That's 6 syns down the drain that I was planning on keeping for the Halloween party tonight

Do an extra 30 minutes at the gym! x
kim63 said:
Well thats put paid to my running for a while...........had some hip pain after Sundays run & typical me just ignored it! Went out for a 5 mile run today, hip felt tender but thought I would work thru it, but at the halfway point it was agony, so hopped back 2.5 miles looking a right eejit! I have now self diagnosed a hip bursa, so Im applying a cold pack & will take an anti inflammatory.........grrr, it was going so well! If it still feels like this tomorrow, as in I cant weight bear on my right leg at the moment, off to my GP I go! No work for me today then! Thats means I'll be glued to the laptop annoying you lot lol! x

Not so good that an effect of running do you think?or just one of those things?
Good that you can be on lap top tho yay
P.s if your at loose end your receipe for salsa and quacom would be nice to see....cheeky mare I know x
That awkward moment when you stuff urself with a choclate hifi bar, just to remember half way through that u already had your hexb as weetabix :/

Ohh boo. That's 6 syns down the drain that I was planning on keeping for the Halloween party tonight

Yeah do a bit extra at the gym, don't worry too much 6 syns isn't much in the grand scheme of things.

Well thats put paid to my running for a while...........had some hip pain after Sundays run & typical me just ignored it! Went out for a 5 mile run today, hip felt tender but thought I would work thru it, but at the halfway point it was agony, so hopped back 2.5 miles looking a right eejit! I have now self diagnosed a hip bursa, so Im applying a cold pack & will take an anti inflammatory.........grrr, it was going so well! If it still feels like this tomorrow, as in I cant weight bear on my right leg at the moment, off to my GP I go! No work for me today then! Thats means I'll be glued to the laptop annoying you lot lol! x

Oh no :( that's a shame. Hope your feeling better soon.

I did my run and crunches this morning and decided not to do the crosstrainer as well....if I get this job I'm not going to have time to do everything at once so I don't want to start doing loads and loads and then feel bad that I have to stop some, I'd rather stick with stuff that I can keep up with work. got some soup on the go for lunch.... smelling lovely already
Not so good that an effect of running do you think?or just one of those things?
Good that you can be on lap top tho yay
P.s if your at loose end your receipe for salsa and quacom would be nice to see....cheeky mare I know x

Yep, caused by running! So, I need to rest, ice & anti inflammatorys

I'll give you those recipes if you promise to keep them, the fajita recipe & phili sauce one!!!!!!!!
These are my own recipes, so feel free to adapt to your own taste. Quantaties are a bit sketchy as well as I tend to just throw ingredients together, so just go by your own taste....

Gaucamole (serves 2)....can be used on any plan & syns depend on your quantaties

1 x avocado - 28g avocado flesh = 2.5 syns
2tbsp extra light mayo - 1 syn
Dollop of 0% greek yoghurt
2 cloves of crushed garlic
Salt to taste

Mash the avocado.....I like it quite lumpy
Add all the other ingredients & mix together & season to taste
Keep in fridge & cover with clingfilm or otherwise it tends to go brown! syns & can be used on any plan

Finely diced fresh tomatoes or you can use a tin of chopped tomatoes
Finely diced red onion
Finely diced green chili with pips
Chopped fresh coriander
Salt & ground black pepper to taste

Mix all the ingredients together & put in the fridge for a while to get the flavours infusing.......voila, thats your salsa
Oh no, Kim that's wick about your hip. Take it easy for a bit, no point in putting any more pressure on it.

Honeypop, I can't even buy the hi fi bars as I could EASILY scoff 4 in a day and think nothing of it, so 2 extra on one day really isn't too bad in the grand scheme of things.

Donna, you've inspired me, going to do crunches either before I go to bed at night or as soon as I get up in the morning! I want rid of this pooch of chub that I have on my belly-would it be so difficult for us all to just be given the abs of Jillian Michaels without all the damn effort? lol!

Well, I've been rather productive this morning (as far as days off and productive go).
Went to the gym, obviously I'm still a chicken $hit and didn't ask for advice but I did spy one of the male trainers who was a bit older giving a girl a thorough explanation of all the equipment this morning so I think he's the one I'm going to target the next time I see him. He seems approachable.

Did 1km on the bike again, in roughly the same time as yday ...I did half a km on a higher level today, granted I did want to die half way through as I was mind numbingly bored but that's besides the point haha!
Also did 10 mins on treadmill, alternating between running (as in fast running...well as fast as I get) and walking.
Arm spinny machine from hell and reclined bike for my cardio. My knee keeps clicking when I'm on the bike. I had a check up for my arthritis yesterday and the doctor didn't seem in the slightest bit concerned when I told him today but it makes me spend less time on the bike as I'd like as it gets sore. It may not be related to my arthritis but I wasn't impressed with the dr's immediate disregard for it!

Weight wise, I did some machine where you lift weights above your head (I know, my technical knowledge of gym equipment is outstanding), inner thigh, outer thigh and leg press. Didn't want to do too much on my arms as I woke up in the middle of the night and had a major panic as I couldn't feel my arm for a minute or two and then when I did it was really sore at the shoulder joint. It was obviously because I slept on it but I remember freaking out in my half awake/half asleep state that I'd popped something at the gym...nothing like an overreaction lol!

Anyways, other than the gym I've made sure the house is spick and span for the parents arriving home from their break away...wish they were away longer, I love having the house to myself and have just ordered part of my mum and sisters Christmas pressies!!
Jenna just doing abs won't get rid of belly fat I'm afraid! You need CV to get rid of adipose ......hence why I run & cycle.....but still do crunches as that will help tone up your abs for when you get rid of your pouch .....we all have one !
Remember on JM's dvd she has you jumping around like a banshee before you do your ab work! X

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Oh I know I still need to bust my non existent balls at the gym but doing the ab work like you say so that I have them ready to go when the flab disappears lol! Although now that you've said that I'm thinking it would probably be best to team them with cardio? I think I would die of embarrassment doing them in the gym eek!

I hate JM, I'll never forgive her for what she did to my wee legs :( Was hard to even sit on the loo!
Yep Jenna thats the best thing to do......push out the cardio & work up a sweat & then team it with some abs.
I know when I first did JM, I had to come down the stairs on my bum lol!
haha soo funny - i was the same with Jillian but iam going to kick her ass tomorrow!! mainly because i just had half a stick of rock??? building a bridge and getting over it though - it will only make me want to binge if i dont AND i have a halloween party at my mums tonight so no doubt Mrs Temptation will be there with her big smug face on!!

how you feeling now kim? i did the honourable thing and copied all your recipes you have kindly given me about 5 times on to a word document and will print it off now - thanks so much.

I had remembered jillian said that about the cardio and toning thing too - puts me off doing arm weights for some reason

good day off jen and you have some xmas shopping in. I went out at lunch time and got some more bits and bobs - take the pain off if i buy bits and bobs as opposed to having to go out and get it all in the one go

so no gym for me tonight due to party - as i said shred tomorrow as its the 1st Nov

Donna loved your story in another thread about your little ones book story - all credit to you ;o)
Sorry to hear you've hurt yourself Kim :-( take care and be careful!!

I've ate so much today I feel sick. Got a cake to bake and decorate before Saturday so going to have a little trial run tonight.

On the baby front I can feel my bump!!! Yay!! Finally it making its way upwards!
haha soo funny - i was the same with Jillian but iam going to kick her ass tomorrow!! mainly because i just had half a stick of rock??? building a bridge and getting over it though - it will only make me want to binge if i dont AND i have a halloween party at my mums tonight so no doubt Mrs Temptation will be there with her big smug face on!!

how you feeling now kim? i did the honourable thing and copied all your recipes you have kindly given me about 5 times on to a word document and will print it off now - thanks so much.

I had remembered jillian said that about the cardio and toning thing too - puts me off doing arm weights for some reason

good day off jen and you have some xmas shopping in. I went out at lunch time and got some more bits and bobs - take the pain off if i buy bits and bobs as opposed to having to go out and get it all in the one go

so no gym for me tonight due to party - as i said shred tomorrow as its the 1st Nov

Donna loved your story in another thread about your little ones book story - all credit to you ;o)

Have just had a hot bath & now icing it again, but still hobbling round like a geek!
Hope you get on OK with those recipes & they make sense! They are obviously to my taste & I love them as they're tried & tested, so I hope you enjoy.
Good luck with Jillian.....measure yourself first in cm's Deb & then do it on the 1st December, Im sure you will be pleasantly surprised x

Sorry to hear you've hurt yourself Kim :-( take care and be careful!!

I've ate so much today I feel sick. Got a cake to bake and decorate before Saturday so going to have a little trial run tonight.

On the baby front I can feel my bump!!! Yay!! Finally it making its way upwards!

Thanks Nikki, I cant do anything else but be careful as I cant get into too much trouble hobbling on one leg lol!
How lovely to feel your bump, its always a very special moment knowing you have a little person you made in there.....treasure every moment x
Jenna it sounds like a good workout overall that you had. Wish I had the time and the patience to go to a gym, but I always seem much more focused at home.

It was adorable Deb, just hope I remember to take it when he's back at school next week.

Nikki that's fab news :) exciting

Just got back from tesco's, they were doing free face painting so little one's had his done, I was going to get mine done too but there was a massive line of kids waiting and although a lady in front of us did have hers done I didn't feel like it was fair for me to sit down and have it done with kids waiting.
I don't think I could have resisted getting my face painted, Donna haha! Sucha child. What did the wee one get?

That's lovely about your bump Nikki :)

I try to do all my Xmas shopping online, Deb. Much nicer when things are delivered straight to you and you don't have to hack around town carrying them!

So jealous of your hot bath, Kim. Our bath is broke...when you fill it with water it's fine but when you let out the water it ends up on the bathroom floor so I had to have a hot shower after the's just not the same.