I haven't counted but as I was reading through I think this may be officially the most quotes I've ever....quoted

I'm never sitting and watching a film with my boyfriend again I miss out on too much lol
Booo! Ok, I've finally grown a set and returned. Having a mega struggle getting to target at the minute (due to munching more than I should...no one to blame but myself) but now have no nights out planned until December so I am on the straight and narrow. Welcome me back?Lol!
Hope everyone is getting on well!
YAY for returning, I've been struggling lately, I want to get just below my target, luckily I'm still in target range just 1lb over target but I've been a nightmare with food. Only had one week in October without a complete blow out one day at the weekend. Managed to maintain each week where I did have the blow outs though (well except one where I gained 1/2 which is weird as I think it was probably the smallest of my blow outs)
Anyway, I think the point of this is we're in this together. I'm having a 100% week this week hoping to loose a lb to get me to my target weight.... then I might be happy with another maintain as the following week I'm at a Christmas market.
Well ladies I am setting myself a new challenge. Come 1st November I am dusting down the shred. I need jillian to kick my wobbly bum. Loving the treadmill and can't give it up, esp cos everyone will be treating it like one of my phases but I don't feel pain except my legs. I want my arms and tummy to ache HA HA remind me of this when I am crawling up the stairs on Friday morning.
This gives me more than 30 days if my target date is 21st December.
Tryin to recycle an old dress but its quite clingy and my bum needs a lift. Onwards and upwards!!
I keep meaning to get the shred out again, but its hard just thinking about it. Don't know whether to crosstrain or run today, might do both but it depends will have to do it all this morning as we're off to tesco's to meet a monster and get little ones face painted this afternoon (yeah rock and roll spending halloween at tesco's)
On the topic of cross training...how long would you usually spend on it? I went on it for the first time today since joining the gym (as the first night I went I was really close to passing out so have been put off it since) and only managed a km on it. It seemed to take a lot longer to hit a km on it than you would on the treadmill but I've been reading comments on the net tonight about people managing 3k in 15 minutes on a ridiculously high level. Obv I'm not very fit yet but it really did seem to take ages to complete a km given the effort I was putting in!?
I think its been answered but yeah I do 30 minutes, but when I do that I follow it with 100 crunches and that's all I do, I have a crosstrainer at home so its not like I do that plus more gym work. I do have a weird little rower machine thing somewhere might dig that out and try that. I want something to help tone my baby tummy (he's 4 so it really needs to get gone)
Donna can do 30 mins on cross trainer....she is my hero lol
Can I just say this is lovely to wake up to lol
30 minutes?! She is clearly a fitness GOD! I get so jealous in the gym seeing all these people who can cross train/run like a gazelle and don't even look remotely out of breath...I wish to be like that! Instead, I'm usually in a sweating mess crying for my mum after 5 minutes haha!
You got any plans today? I'm not up to much apart from tidying the house (parents are back from a trip to Dublin) and hitting the gym though it's extremely cold and the idea of having to leave the house is not pleasing me. If someone could teleport me to the gym I would be most appreciative.
I'm not fit in every way I just have certain things I can do, my certain things being cross trainer, crunches and now I'm building up my running.... and that's it. I can talk when I do it but I still sweat like nobodys business so I don't look so pretty.
I'm doing a santa's on the run 4.4 mile event to raise money for rainbows childrens hospice in December, dreading it now I've signed up as I get really hot when running so running in a santa suit probably isn't a great idea :/
Nope, the girl who me my 'induction' was useless...she basically showed me how to use the treadmill, cross trainer and stepper...as in you put your key in and go and then she showed us the same for 2 different leg machines.
I really need to grow a set and ask for advice but because I'm so hideously unfit and inexperienced in that area I feel really stupid and as if they're thinking 'idiot'. I know it's completely ridiculous as it's their job but I'm just weird with stuff like that. I also know the only person who is losing out is me but I shall keep researching online and hopefully shall come up with some sort of plan of attack.
Def ask for advice your paying for the service and they need to be providing it and making sure your getting the most out of it, I'd be tempted to complain about the girl who gave you the induction as well. I know how you feel though that's one of the reasons I don't go to the gym and do it all at home or with my running club... that and I'm lazy and actually getting to the gym is too much of a hassle and I'd never get going.