Okies sooooooo......
I've been here for a short two weeks. I'm gals that this thread is active but you all seem really close so would I like to know a bit more about u all if that's possible. ?
Ill start
I'm Charlene, mummy to 19 month old Eva. I'm 24.
From Belfast and very close to getting to the weight I've always wanted to get to since I was 20.
donna88 said:Glad you said this, I've wondered what your name was but always feel funny asking in case you've already said.
Hi Charlene
I'm Donna, I have a little boy who's 4, his name's Mack. He's a little monster as well.
I'm 24 and currently unemployed but over the past year I've done a tonne of voluntary work in schools, hoping to get a job in a secondary school over the next few months. There's one coming up in the school I volunteered at last year and I loved it there, so would be great to actually start work properly there.
I started slimming world a few weeks before Easter 2011 and got to my 9 stone target the week before Christmas last year. I would like to loose a couple more lbs then that but until that happens I'm happy where I am.
Lol honeypop is an old email I made in 2003 and its just always stuck.
I'm not working either. But I'm lucky that Eva's dad can support us both so I can stay home and look after her. She's on a few meds that prevented me from wanting her in care.
I would love to get back into working. But wanna better my education first
Where r u from?
Are you the one that's expecting again? X
honeypop said:Okies sooooooo......
I've been here for a short two weeks. I'm gals that this thread is active but you all seem really close so would I like to know a bit more about u all if that's possible. ?
Ill start
I'm Charlene, mummy to 19 month old Eva. I'm 24.
From Belfast and very close to getting to the weight I've always wanted to get to since I was 20.
kim63 said:Just back from the GP & its as I thought.....trochanteric (hip) bursitis! So, I have to rest, ice packs, painkillers, anti inflammatory gel & physio. Boohoo, no cycling or running for me until I've no pain & seen the physio in 2 weeks! Might do a little research into some Pilates exercises, as the GP did recommend some inner core work, which I know will be good for me especially for toning my abs as well as supporting the hip muscles.
One good thing did come out of visiting the GP......she said this condition is common in slim, female runners lol! Me slim!
donna88 said:I'm the same with my target I keep being tempted to change it but I'm comfortable enough for now where I am
I'm from Doncaster (South Yorkshire) no its Nikki that's expecting. I'd love another one but now isn't the right time for us, I want to be comfortably in work and we want to get married first as well, so a good few years until Mack will have a little brother or sister. Also my boyfriend isn't Mack's dad, we didn't see the point in rushing to have one together like a lot of people I know who'd met new partners after having children. We've been together 3 years now and are happy with how we are for now
Aww bless her, I hope the meds aren't anything serious. It's great that you can be a full time mummy thoughI did do full time work for a year when Mack was 9 months but gave it up as I was just missing out on so much of his life, but now he's in full time education I feel its the right time to go back, plus the extra money would be great.
kim63 said:Hi Charlene
Im Kim an intensive care nurse from North Dorset & am falling apart at the seams lol!
Started SW in November '10 after piling on loads of weight waiting for a cervical discectomy (slipped disc in my neck) that I had in the September. I lost 2 st 11lbs taking me to target of 8st 7lbs & I did that with little exercise. Went back to work, took up cycling & had problems again with my neck requiring another cervical discectomy last November & went back up to 10st 7lbs......discovered baking & ate too many of my own cakes! So, that takes us to January of this year....are you all bored yet?!.....got down to my target of 8st 11lbs in July, maintained for a while & then took my eye off the ball as we had to do a lot of travelling up North to visit a dear friend in a Hospice who sadly died at the end of September. Weight wise, I'd put on 8.5lbs!
So my last blow out food & alcohol wise, was her funeral as she wanted us to all celebrate her life, which we all did in true military fashion (hubby is a Royal Marine).....SW commenced on Friday 5th October.
Im not drinking again until next April as supporting my hubby who isnt allowed due to work commitments & so far so good.....30 days alcohol free!!!
I've put my goal weight as 8 stone for the 3rd May next year as that is a big birthday for me & DH wants to throw me a big party, so a girls got to look her best at 50!!!!! Cant believe Im that age, as it only seems 5 minutes ago I was out most weekends partying with my friends, getting drunk & doing things I shouldn't have......nurses like to party hard!!!
Anyway, whether 8 stone is achievable or not, we shall find out, as I'll see how I look at 8.7 & go from there as I dont want to look scrawny! We're also going out to Abu Dhabi next May/June time to visit my stepson & his wife & I'll need to look good in a bikini.....dont think I look to bad for my age, so have no qualms about wearing a 2 piece.....hubby doesn't seem to mind either lol!
Have always loved running, so my legs are in pretty good shape, but my new found love is cycling as its kinder on the joints & after 2 neck surgeries I cant run as much as I would like! My weight tends to sit around my middle, so cycling is a good all round CV workout & I hope to get rid of my kangaroo pooch by nexy year to strut down that beach!
Blimey I do rabbit on sometimes, but you did ask lol!!!
Nikki<3 said:Hi Charlene!
I'm Nikki, 24 in a 8 weeks. I work in a stonemasons and have been around target for 18months, this was my original target! I've struggled as the girls know but I'm happy
10 weeks pregnant and want to open my open business!
Oh and I'm from Nottingham!
kim63 said:Just back from the GP & its as I thought.....trochanteric (hip) bursitis! So, I have to rest, ice packs, painkillers, anti inflammatory gel & physio. Boohoo, no cycling or running for me until I've no pain & seen the physio in 2 weeks! Might do a little research into some Pilates exercises, as the GP did recommend some inner core work, which I know will be good for me especially for toning my abs as well as supporting the hip muscles.
One good thing did come out of visiting the GP......she said this condition is common in slim, female runners lol! Me slim!
honeypop said:On right. See I was all confused. These posts have sorted it all out though
Yea I won't be having another one till I'm married and it will be planned lol
Hi Kim!!!
I enjoyed the storycan I ask what height u r? I'm 5.2 and would love to be 8 stone again.
U have gave me a bit of inspiration to get there.
I'm sure u will look fab in a bikini. I've become quiet active this year so hopefully ill have nice toned legs the older I get. My kangaroo pouch is what I want rid off by next year also!!
Hi Nikki! Congrats. This ur first? Exciting times
ATM that would be my worst nightmare. Being told that I couldn't exercise as I've become addicted to exercising now lol
I hope u get relief soon, yes Pilates is good and can be relaxing. My tummy muscles killed afterwards.
Wheyheyyy for being slim!!![]()
kim63 said:How can you be scared of this hound!!!
That right there is the face of a cold blooded killer haha! Joookes! He looks lovely but if he so much as sniffed my foot you'd have to sedate me haha!