Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Thanks ladies & yes my friend will be so chuffed her bike is getting well used as she was a big fan of cycling.

Deb, staples bras are c*** but needs must sometimes unfortunately! Being bigger busted I find I never get the best support but the one I have is boned & underwired & from m & s of all places. Normally I get my bras from Bravissimo. Depends what size you are but would go with a full cup underwired one x

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kim63 said:
Thanks ladies & yes my friend will be so chuffed her bike is getting well used as she was a big fan of cycling.

Deb, staples bras are c*** but needs must sometimes unfortunately! Being bigger busted I find I never get the best support but the one I have is boned & underwired & from m & s of all places. Normally I get my bras from Bravissimo. Depends what size you are but would go with a full cup underwired one x

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Oh the thought of even going and being measured fills me with dread..hate it but know I need to. Like to feel secure. I remember last one I got kept falling down...was a nightmare. Wish me luck lol
If you don't like being measured just go & get a selection of sizes & try them on. I don't rate m & s bras anymore but tend to get either Freya or Panache bras as they fit me the best. So many of us are in the wrong size so it is important to get fitted & you'll probably find you're a completely different size than you thought.

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Aghhh my glasses have broken :( boyfriends just taken them to try and fix them but he's so clumsy I can see him loosing the screw :/

I know I need to get measured, but last time I went she was really funny with me, I know they're not normally but its really put me off. Plus I don't think she did it right as the bra's I ended up with didn't fit very well, that was in m&s
It might be worth going into a lingerie shop & get measured properly. They will also sell brand names like Freya etc & once you find a good make you like stick to it as you know they'll fit properly. Do you have a Bravissimo shop near you as they are boob experts?!

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kim63 said:
It might be worth going into a lingerie shop & get measured properly. They will also sell brand names like Freya etc & once you find a good make you like stick to it as you know they'll fit properly. Do you have a Bravissimo shop near you as they are boob experts?!

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Yes I am sure I do. Would they sell different brands as opposed to m&s who will sell their own? Probably worth paying more tho bravissomo are expensive aren't they? It's the thought of going that's putting me off. Very personal I think...wee prude ha
Morning ladies hope your all good. Can I just say what a difference not excercising can make you feel. Haven't done shred since Fri and feel horrible and guilty lol
Slim a tea doesn't seem to be working tho not sure if it helps metabolism? Horrible day here but have I good one
I get really grumpy when I can't exercise now, on Friday I was in a right mood waiting for the doctors to call back because I could't do my crosstrainer.

It's freezing here :( I'm sat trying to warm up with my cuppa, can't wait to get little one off to school so I can come back and get on the crosstrainer to warm up.
Oh my god. Got my first taste of hi fi bars....yummy. can't believe how good they are. Two for healthy extra or 3syns for a treat. CAramel and chocolate....result
debtin said:
Morning ladies hope your all good. Can I just say what a difference not excercising can make you feel. Haven't done shred since Fri and feel horrible and guilty lol
Slim a tea doesn't seem to be working tho not sure if it helps metabolism? Horrible day here but have I good one

How long have u been taking the tea for? Just give it awhile. U could be one of the lucky ones that it doesn't cause loose stools (as slimatea calls it on the side if their packet) but it can still speed up metabolism
Whoohoo glad to be seeing that 8:12 today. Hoping I can get rid of that 1/2 lb and have A 2lb loss at weigh in

Tue: 9.0
Wed: 9.0
Thurs:8.13(1/2) WHOOHOO!!!!!!
Sat: 8.13
Sun :8:13(1/2)
Oh my god. Got my first taste of hi fi bars....yummy. can't believe how good they are. Two for healthy extra or 3syns for a treat. CAramel and chocolate....result

I know, they're great aren't they. I can't live without them now haha

Whoohoo glad to be seeing that 8:12 today. Hoping I can get rid of that 1/2 lb and have A 2lb loss at weigh in

Tue: 9.0
Wed: 9.0
Thurs:8.13(1/2) WHOOHOO!!!!!!
Sat: 8.13
Sun :8:13(1/2)

Good luck for tomorrow, I'm hoping to loose 2lb as well, but no idea where I am as I can't weigh at home, tempted to buy some cheap scales but don't know if its a good idea because I'll get addicted and will be weighing myself every 5 minutes.

Exercise done and I'm all showered and in my scruffs now, not going out so didn't see the point in wearing any of my good stuff, so got my least favourite jeans on and a jumper that I should probably throw away as its massive, but I've had it since I was about 14... possibly younger.... I've known it longer then I've known my boyfriend lol
Fingers crossed ya get a 2lb loss also.

I find weighing daily helps me lose faster. The weeks I didn't weigh daily I maintained :(

I'm working out later on. Gonna lounge about with the wee one and cuddle.
I love big cosy jumpers like that. I don't have one. But I have a big baby grow which I'm wearing right now and don't plan on taking off until I'm going out lol
I'm having a bit of a relax this morning now, going to have a few hot drinks and attempt to watch my TV... its not working very well because of the weather, if not I'll pop a DVD on or watch something on lovefilm. Then this afternoon I'm doing housework.... exciting I know.

Going to a Christmas market on Sunday again and WI will determine whether I take my lunch with me to keep it free, save some syns, or just say to hell with it I'm flexi-synning that day... so fingers crossed I do have a big loss (to me 2lb is a big one lol)
honeypop said:
How long have u been taking the tea for? Just give it awhile. U could be one of the lucky ones that it doesn't cause loose stools (as slimatea calls it on the side if their packet) but it can still speed up metabolism

Only two nights...not sure if its working as its no more than usual but perhaps speeding things up. Not the best at work so going to drink it few hours early tonight
R u letting the tea bag soak for awhile in the cup? I would just finish the course of tea bags and see how ur weigh loss goes x
Hope the tea does help you out Deb

Aghhh plan for tomorrow has just been thrown out, was going to have jacket but going to be at my nanna's babysitting at lunch time now.... will have to take some soup or pasta (don't want to eat late as its WI)
Oh and decided I will save syns for this weekend, as Christmas is looming and before Christmas I have a weekend away with my boyfriend, little one, mum and her partner and that will no doubt be a blow out... so I need to try and loose in the weeks where I can, won't mind if I maintain next week but def don't want to risk a gain...