Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

I did some research last night into why you lose weight if you drink plenty of water & the recommended amount is 8 x 8fl oz per day = approx 2litres. One of the reasons is, if you dont drink enough your kidneys hold onto the water as they think you're dehydrated, so you retain the fluid for protection!
I must have been seriously dehydrated as I only ever drank coffee & no wander I've lost these last few weeks & its so good not having pudgy fingers all the time as well lol! My belly fat isn't so repulsive either lol!
I did some research last night into why you lose weight if you drink plenty of water & the recommended amount is 8 x 8fl oz per day = approx 2litres. One of the reasons is, if you dont drink enough your kidneys hold onto the water as they think you're dehydrated, so you retain the fluid for protection!
I must have been seriously dehydrated as I only ever drank coffee & no wander I've lost these last few weeks & its so good not having pudgy fingers all the time as well lol! My belly fat isn't so repulsive either lol!

That's interesting and makes sense

Feel rubbish today :( little one seems okay now so luckily he should be back at school tomorrow for me to go to my interview. But I have a horrible head cold, a bunged up nose and just feel generally bleugh :( really hope I'm better for tomorrow otherwise I can't see it going well...
Weigh in yesterday 1.5lb off so I'm now 9st 12lb. 6lb to target :D (9st 6lb).
not feeling great Deb, but loads better than I was earlier, going to have an early-ish night and hope Im okay for tomorrow... interview isnt until 11 so at least I wont be in a rush. Just have to see how little one is as well, he seemed okay before bed but i think he's going to be full of cold
Managed to have 2litres if squash today plus 4 cups of tea happy with that :)

Hope you feel better for your interview tomorrow Donna good luck :) xx
Morning before weigh in is showing 1.25lb up. Not surprising due to my three day hangover but my weeks in and two pounds off is not good. Despite weigh in results, something has got to give. What do I do? My target seems way off. Do I just get a grip and commit to 100% tryin to excercise etc. Not makin sense I know....x
Thanks for the good lucks, still have a bit of a cold but nowhere near how bad I was yesterday so should be okay :) Just had my porridge with apple and berries (was lovely) little one says he feels loads better today and is looking forward to taking his homework into school (we're both really proud because he did it all on his own while I did the pots. Only had to ask about some of the spelling questions did all the sums completely on his own.

Get back on it 100% and start the exercise Deb and you will see results, I know its hard, but once you get your head in the right place you'll do fantastic. I'd also drink more, bearing in mind I've been struggling recently because of that... I lost 2lbs in November and when you look at the fact that I lost 2.5 lbs last week that really isn't good.

I've run out of squash so until we go shopping on Saturday I'll have to just drink water :( which I don't mind but it's a bit of a pain when I'm drinking so much, ahhh well another good result on the scales will be worth it.
Morning!! Good luck for today Donna.

I'm stil 1.75lb up from weigh in. I was 2lb up yesterday. Dunno y :( I'm 100% with everything. Really hope i don't gain this week
Morning everyone.

Sorry to hear you and little one have even poorly Donna :-( good luck with today's interview though!

I can see a few sad faces on here recently :-( let's smile, it's nearly crimbo!! I know at times it gets hard with losing weight and when I stopped losing with SW I tried cutting back on free and uping my super free to 2/3s. It worked wonders and have me a boost, made my skin look better and I felt so much less bloated.

I'm in love with marmite on toast at the minute and decaf tea! But I won't mention the quality streets too.....
Thanks, I'm all ready now and have at least half an hour before I can set off (even that would get me there 20 minutes early) glad its a later one as it's meant this morning hasn't been a rush and I still had time to do my exercise, but I also hate waiting once I'm ready lol.

Don't worry Charlene, I'm sure you won't gain or if you do it won't be fat if you've been 100% on plan. Just stick at it and you'll see results, or try what Nikki suggested and eat a bit more superfree.

I feel loads better after doing my exercise as well, fingers crossed I still feel like this once I'm in the interview lol
Morning before weigh in is showing 1.25lb up. Not surprising due to my three day hangover but my weeks in and two pounds off is not good. Despite weigh in results, something has got to give. What do I do? My target seems way off. Do I just get a grip and commit to 100% tryin to excercise etc. Not makin sense I know....x

Think you know the answer to that one Deb! Exercise alone will not make you lose weight unless your calorie deficit was huge & you would need to keep it up virtually every day to see a difference if you're just toning. To lose weight on SW you need to be 100% committed & more importantly be in the right frame of mind. Its easy to say but you have to plan & have the right foods in the house, keep a diary of everything you eat......I keep one on my laptop & every little morsal get written down.
You're very good at maintaining your weight, so 2 decisions really, do you carry on maintaining like this & learn to love your body as it is, or do you commit to losing weight 100%? Without being too blunt, SW doesn't work if you're being wishy washy about it!
I think you need to ask yourself why you cant commit to it & stick to the plan, as you always start off with very good intentions & then it seems to go a bit awry.....why???
Maybe you need to just forget about SW for a month or so, come off this site & then re-evaluate in the New Year.
Just throwing out some possible scenarios for you there Deb, but only you know what you want to do......hope Im not sounding too harsh :)
Have you lost a large amount of weight on SW before? If so, then you know it works. xx
Interview is done, fingers crossed, although I think I messed up at least one question :( and I don't have experience of physically disabled children and that's what the job is for... I really want it though, the school was lovely, the people were lovely, its enough hours and its what I want to be doing!
Will find out later today whether I got it or not.

Also I have my interview confirmed for that other job now, the one I was asked to apply for, if I don't get this one, what do I do about the job I got offered on Tuesday? Do I turn them down because I have a good chance of getting this other one? Or do I accept it and then have to tell them I can't do it anymore if I do get this one. The one I've already got an offer for isn't many hours, only 6 a week and I'd have to get a bus twice a day (5 days a week) so most of my pay would go on travel? But at the same time I've spent so long trying to get work, I don't feel like I can turn a job down...
Thanks Kim I appreciate your honesty and I know your right. I joined sw about may last year when I was 9st or thereabouts. My book is at home so I can't be sure. I went to class for 6 weeks and I would say I lost 6lb so from that perspective I have been gaining and losing same pounds.
I guess the biggest thing for me is when I am not watching my weight I tend to pig out a lot more which makes me feel keeping my eye on what I eat, makin effort to excercise I feel better and in control. BUT when I try to do sw properly I become obsessed with calories. Won't eat the free things as they will add to my calories. For example knowing I should eat 1200 cals to lose weight puts me off eating free foods like muller lights as it can make me go over.
I don't enjoy not being able to have cornflakes without synning them for example. I then feel restricted. Your right about maintaining as I don't over eat, I try to follow basic sw principles and I tend to pick the healthier option.
I am going to keep doing what I do, minus the wine for a while. This will allow me to see what happens when I don't focus on it all so much. I did well last week and felt great, the hangover hasn't helped but not did as bad as I used too.
Just ranting again but thanks. X