Morning before weigh in is showing 1.25lb up. Not surprising due to my three day hangover but my weeks in and two pounds off is not good. Despite weigh in results, something has got to give. What do I do? My target seems way off. Do I just get a grip and commit to 100% tryin to excercise etc. Not makin sense I know....x
Think you know the answer to that one Deb! Exercise alone will not make you lose weight unless your calorie deficit was huge & you would need to keep it up virtually every day to see a difference if you're just toning. To lose weight on SW you need to be 100% committed & more importantly be in the right frame of mind. Its easy to say but you have to plan & have the right foods in the house, keep a diary of everything you eat......I keep one on my laptop & every little morsal get written down.
You're very good at maintaining your weight, so 2 decisions really, do you carry on maintaining like this & learn to love your body as it is, or do you commit to losing weight 100%? Without being too blunt, SW doesn't work if you're being wishy washy about it!
I think you need to ask yourself why you cant commit to it & stick to the plan, as you always start off with very good intentions & then it seems to go a bit awry.....why???
Maybe you need to just forget about SW for a month or so, come off this site & then re-evaluate in the New Year.
Just throwing out some possible scenarios for you there Deb, but only you know what you want to do......hope Im not sounding too harsh
Have you lost a large amount of weight on SW before? If so, then you know it works. xx