Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

donna88 said:
Interview is done, fingers crossed, although I think I messed up at least one question :( and I don't have experience of physically disabled children and that's what the job is for... I really want it though, the school was lovely, the people were lovely, its enough hours and its what I want to be doing!
Will find out later today whether I got it or not.

Also I have my interview confirmed for that other job now, the one I was asked to apply for, if I don't get this one, what do I do about the job I got offered on Tuesday? Do I turn them down because I have a good chance of getting this other one? Or do I accept it and then have to tell them I can't do it anymore if I do get this one. The one I've already got an offer for isn't many hours, only 6 a week and I'd have to get a bus twice a day (5 days a week) so most of my pay would go on travel? But at the same time I've spent so long trying to get work, I don't feel like I can turn a job down...

Good stuff Donna. Six hours per week?
Good stuff Donna. Six hours per week?

Yeah its just a midday supervisor one, which I wouldn't mind so much if it were closer (obviously would prefer more hours but a jobs a job) I think I might have to turn it down, little ones school is advertising for the same so could apply for that at least that wouldn't cost in travel. It just feels so wrong turning a job down :( I don't want people to think I'm not looking for work as well as I desperatly am, but is it really worth two 20 min plus bus ride for an hour and 15 minute work a day? I wish I hadn't applied for it to be honest, I should have thought it through more :/
Oh and I didn't get that job, just had a call, feel really shitty but to be honest I had no chance, the lady who got it has experience working with the same disability this little boy has whereas I don't... but it still doesn't feel great and now I have the added pressure of what to do about this other job..
Personally Donna I wouldn't travel for that distance for such a short working day. You need to be happy with the job you get. I would hang off for the job you really want, it will make big difference. When does the job you were told to apply for start?
Personally Donna I wouldn't travel for that distance for such a short working day. You need to be happy with the job you get. I would hang off for the job you really want, it will make big difference. When does the job you were told to apply for start?

It won't be until January, but your right, still feel rubbish though. Anyway I'll look forward to this interview next week, at least I've had lots of interview practice now at school so have a few more idea's on questions they might ask and can focus on that. :)

Just checked as well and the midday supervisor position being advertised at little ones school closes the day after my interview, so if I don't get that I can quickly get my application in there and then at least that's walking distance. But hopefully it won't come down to that.

What's really annoying is I'm never actually getting any bad feedback from these interviews as such, just tiny little things and someone just literally beating me to the post... so I can't really work much on my interview technique. Just hope I don't trip myself up on Thursday as I'll have to do some things in the classroom, just been on the phone to my boyfriend and he says I'm silly to worry about that as I've done it before, I'm good at it and they know I'm good at it, but I've never done it before and been properly judged on it :/

Worked out the pay for the job I've just turned down now and I would literally be working 3 or 4 days to pay for my bus fare and then the one or two days would be my own... really not worth the effort at all.
I know you feel bad but do what you think is right. What would happen if your bus didn't turn up and only had hour to work? Am not tryin to talk you out of it as you need to consider your options and of course your take home pay ;)
Will keep my fingers crossed x
Has anyone else tried slim a tea? I know Charlene does but just curious as to how it effects everyone else x
Sorry to hear you're in such a quandry Donna & think you've made the right decision about the job you were offered. Shame about this one today, but you can understand why it was given to the girl with experience. Sounds like the one at your boys school sounds ideal as you wont have to pay for travel. It will work out in the end, it always does & you'll end up getting your perfect job x

B***** I was in Holland & Barrett just now & meant to get some Slimatea & forgot!
Deb, why do you focus so much on calories when doing SW? Unless you're eating way too much you need to forget they exist! x
kim63 said:
Sorry to hear you're in such a quandry Donna & think you've made the right decision about the job you were offered. Shame about this one today, but you can understand why it was given to the girl with experience. Sounds like the one at your boys school sounds ideal as you wont have to pay for travel. It will work out in the end, it always does & you'll end up getting your perfect job x

B***** I was in Holland & Barrett just now & meant to get some Slimatea & forgot!
Deb, why do you focus so much on calories when doing SW? Unless you're eating way too much you need to forget they exist! x

Since I found out about my fitness pal and the amount of cals needed for a loss I have been finding it hard to do sw without bearing this in mind. It's like a mental barrier. Even tho I could potentially eat a lot more lean mince for example or pasta I now limit the amount. Yes eat to your full but I know I would just keep eating if it was there. The idea of eating more calories when in my head I know eating a certain amount may not mean a loss puts me off. Don't get me wrong,I don't tot them up but I end up questioning the free food. I remember when I first joined and didn't know about calorie intake I was eating much more. It's prob something I need to get back into. Doing sw without thinking of the cals. I will start that this week after weigh in tom.

The slim a tea is weird for me. I don't get instant or quick effects. I had 2-3 cups last week and had 2 so far this week. I am noticing that once it kicks in...and I really don't mean to be disgusting....that I feel like my bottom will fall out but nothing happens? Ha ha am not very good at explaining but more wind than anything.
Decided that if I am up 1.25lb tom then that's pretty good considering the wine, the food and zero excercise. X
Blimey I better not have any of that tea then, as since being back on SW I've been rather windy but it is easing off a bit now lol!
Sorry to hear you're in such a quandry Donna & think you've made the right decision about the job you were offered. Shame about this one today, but you can understand why it was given to the girl with experience. Sounds like the one at your boys school sounds ideal as you wont have to pay for travel. It will work out in the end, it always does & you'll end up getting your perfect job x

B***** I was in Holland & Barrett just now & meant to get some Slimatea & forgot!
Deb, why do you focus so much on calories when doing SW? Unless you're eating way too much you need to forget they exist! x

Thanks Kim, its good to hear people understand, had a big rant with my boyfriends mum about it and she agreed it would be a waste of time and might actually make it more difficult to find another job.

Since I found out about my fitness pal and the amount of cals needed for a loss I have been finding it hard to do sw without bearing this in mind. It's like a mental barrier. Even tho I could potentially eat a lot more lean mince for example or pasta I now limit the amount. Yes eat to your full but I know I would just keep eating if it was there. The idea of eating more calories when in my head I know eating a certain amount may not mean a loss puts me off. Don't get me wrong,I don't tot them up but I end up questioning the free food. I remember when I first joined and didn't know about calorie intake I was eating much more. It's prob something I need to get back into. Doing sw without thinking of the cals. I will start that this week after weigh in tom.

The slim a tea is weird for me. I don't get instant or quick effects. I had 2-3 cups last week and had 2 so far this week. I am noticing that once it kicks in...and I really don't mean to be disgusting....that I feel like my bottom will fall out but nothing happens? Ha ha am not very good at explaining but more wind than anything.
Decided that if I am up 1.25lb tom then that's pretty good considering the wine, the food and zero excercise. X

I know its hard Deb, but just get the cals out of your mind. I used my fitness pal last week for a couple of days and it said that I was going over on my planned food... and then I even ate extra on top of that because I was either hungry, saw something else or I'd forgotten to put something in it and I had a good loss this week, so can't have been an issue. I think people struggle with slimming world when they don't completely trust in it, my first consultant said she'd done ww before and when she first started slimming world she didn't trust it and still counted points and struggled but when she gave in and just did slimming world 100% she started to loose... I think either our bodies are just more complicated then it being as simple as eating so many cals will make you loose and eating so many will make you maintain ect. or my favourite theory is that slimming world is actually magic
donna88 said:
Thanks Kim, its good to hear people understand, had a big rant with my boyfriends mum about it and she agreed it would be a waste of time and might actually make it more difficult to find another job.

I know its hard Deb, but just get the cals out of your mind. I used my fitness pal last week for a couple of days and it said that I was going over on my planned food... and then I even ate extra on top of that because I was either hungry, saw something else or I'd forgotten to put something in it and I had a good loss this week, so can't have been an issue. I think people struggle with slimming world when they don't completely trust in it, my first consultant said she'd done ww before and when she first started slimming world she didn't trust it and still counted points and struggled but when she gave in and just did slimming world 100% she started to loose... I think either our bodies are just more complicated then it being as simple as eating so many cals will make you loose and eating so many will make you maintain ect. or my favourite theory is that slimming world is actually magic

I think you have did the right thing, it will take longer some days to get to work than it would actually working. THen the bad weather are makin a good choice and brilliant you got it
I know its silly Donna. Will give it a bash again and have good old think about what am doing..thanks X
I'll be honest, I paniced when I checked on my fitness pal and thought about how I could reduce the cals... but I don't have enough will power to do that, so I thought stuff it (Think in a way I actually rebelled a bit and ate a bit more free food then I normally would have done). Your head does have to be in the right place for it though, hopefully you'll get there soon, I know it is hard when you just can't get in the right place but you can do it
I was the same I had started counting calories. I was afraid to eat fruit!! The last 2 weeks I relaxed and followed sw without counting calories and this morning I was down a lb!!! So I probably wasn't eating enough counting calories as apposed to eating healthy when hungry.
I said before, I started putting my daily foods into MFP & was going over 1200 calories everyday & that was me doing mainly green days, so goodness how many it would be for a red with all the meat. Counting calories is a bad move when we're doing SW as we would go over everyday if we all followed 1200 calories, which is about what we would all be on as we're roughly the same size & weight! I couldn't believe how quickly the food mounted up & I dont eat a huge amount & my portion sizes are fairly smallish, but seeing it all written down with my snacks etc it looked as tho I ate loads.....& how many calories are in a banana!!!!!!!! CC is a no no, SW all the way.....we didn't become a 'chubz' as my DH lovingly calls me, without loving food!

By the way ladies, Next have a sale online again & I bought 2 little £60 down to £25 & the other £30 down to £14......get shopping!
DH came home for his birthday yesterday & I wore the red one.....he was rather happy with his 'chubz'!

Clearance on Next Clothing & Homeware | Next Official Site
Help!! :-(

I got the job to be a slimming world consultant and I'm due to hand over my £1000 pound this Sunday but I've had a think and decided its not for me. I never wanted to do it to make money I wanted to do it as an excuse to talk about slimming world and see people lose weight because of me! But it's not going to happen. Reading through the paper work, working out hotels just for the training would cost me £300 and then slimming world take 60% of my profits and then the tax man takes 22% of my profits. And the thing that really got me is they provide me with 50 membership forms but expect me to have 100 members so I thought what happens then? Turns out I need to buy more, same with the certificates and stickers all comes out my profits. It's just not worth it but I'm so gutted. I so badly wanted to do it and focusing on this takes my mind off everything else. Now that's gone all my other problems are bck. I just want to eat a massive box of chocolates!!!!
Will have a nose Kim, thanks for letting us know I love the work shirts from NEXT and fingers crossed going to need loads more in the new year ;)

Rosie :( I'm so sorry to hear that, you'd make such a fab consultant, its something people have mentioned to me about doing as well. But sounds like its pretty impossible to make money from it (yeah I know its not about making money but to some extent it is, it is still a job after all and you def don't want to be out of pocket for doing it)
Don't reach for the chocolates, they'll only make you feel worse. If you really want to have a blow out eat loads of free food, chips, syn free rice pudding whatever.... yeah I know its still not great but its better then a box of chocolates.
Yeah I know but I don't even feel motivated any more :( I don't want to b out of pocket it's a lot of money and by the time slimming world and the tax man take their share I'm doing a lot for nothing I'm so so gutted I had so many ideas
rosierose15 said:
Help!! :-(

I got the job to be a slimming world consultant and I'm due to hand over my £1000 pound this Sunday but I've had a think and decided its not for me. I never wanted to do it to make money I wanted to do it as an excuse to talk about slimming world and see people lose weight because of me! But it's not going to happen. Reading through the paper work, working out hotels just for the training would cost me £300 and then slimming world take 60% of my profits and then the tax man takes 22% of my profits. And the thing that really got me is they provide me with 50 membership forms but expect me to have 100 members so I thought what happens then? Turns out I need to buy more, same with the certificates and stickers all comes out my profits. It's just not worth it but I'm so gutted. I so badly wanted to do it and focusing on this takes my mind off everything else. Now that's gone all my other problems are bck. I just want to eat a massive box of chocolates!!!!

Wow that's crazy isn't it? I knew it wasn't very profitable but didn't realise how much they took. Why would you need to buy more forms esp after paying 1000 pound is beyond me. Makes you wonder how others can commit to it all. Keep your chin up x