Don't worry Charlene, it does happen and like Kim says that won't all be fat as you will probably be retaining water. Also don't worry over Christmas, be good on the days you can and just enjoy yourself the other days. I really worried about Christmas last year but then eventually I did relax, yeah I had a big gain, but my boyfriend put it very well, what's the point of all the dieting if you can't relax over Christmas and other special occassions, we've changed the way we eat on a day to day basis, but that doesn't mean we can't enjoy special occassions and pig out a little one them, its what most people do and at least whatever gain we have we know exactly how to get it off and we're never going to gain the stones that we've lost over a few days or even weeks.
You look amazing how you are now, yeah you want to loose a bit more and that's fine, but don't worry about it over Christmas... my sister wasn't following slimming world last year but she decided just before Christmas that she wanted to loose some weight and I remember her coming to my nanna's on boxing day with her homemade sausage rolls which she wouldn't touch and she didn't eat anything from the buffet, as she'd had a jacket potatoe before coming out... she looked miserable and you could tell she wanted to eat more. Personally I don't think Christmas is a time to think about diets or what your eating. It only comes once a year