Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

congrats on getting to target :D

Oh and tomorrow is my last WI of 2012 as well :/ scary thinking I have 3 weeks of no WI, but I have little one's Christmas party next week, the week after is just after Christmas and we're just so busy that week and then we're away for new years. At least I suppose once I do go back to WI I will be ready to loose whatever it is I have gained
Having to weigh in three days early this week as I'm going home on Thursday so will miss weigh in here at uni or at my one at home. I'm scared, would still like a loss!
Having to weigh in three days early this week as I'm going home on Thursday so will miss weigh in here at uni or at my one at home. I'm scared, would still like a loss!

When are you weighing? Good luck

First day went well, I really enjoyed it... although ended up having some school cake as well :O I'm going to have to seriously diet in Jan, dreading that first WI seeing how much I've gained. Must make sure I keep up the exercise to try and limit the damage I'm doing to myself at the moment... on a good note the school cake was a nice one :)
Donna, Im sure if you keep up with the running & just follow SW when you can, Im sure the damage wont be too bad! Anyways, it might do your body some good having some extra calories to give it a boost. If you do put on a few pounds, as you say you can seriously get back to SW in the NY
I'm going to try not to worry too much about it Kim, that's partly why I'm not weighing between Christmas and new years as I'm busy next week, I could make that one and then I'm busy new years, but I don't want to weigh between as I'll be thinking about whatever gain it is.... just hope I don't go the other way and worry about it because I don't know what I've gained. But hopefully I'll just be too busy enjoying the festive period to worry about it :)

Well done Hannah that's great. I'm dreading WI tomorrow but will go this last one just to see how bad I've done this week and also to stock up on hifi's for my 3 weeks off.
Heyyyy everyone!

Hope everyone had a good weekend!
I went out for lunch today and had a steak and pepper sauce and used up all my syns.

So I just had a fruit salad and yogurt for dinner. But now I'm badly craving some choclate :(
Please find my will power for me!
Too late :( just had malteasers and weigh in tomorrow :(
I ended up doing another work out. That's two today. Hopefully there's not to much damage tomorrow. Would still love that 2lb of I gained last week
Thanks! My scales r showing a 1.5 loss so I'm hoping it stays that way for tonight or even shows as a 2lb loss
Thanks Kim, I'm not too bothered about it now, will be over the moon if I loose, happy if I maintain and not too bothered about a gain either as if I do gain I know where it came from. I don't feel as bloated today so hopefully if it is a gain it won't be a massive one (I did have a gain due to star week last week so hopefully I'll pull off a maintain or loss despite this weekend)

I'm also feeling more positive about the 3 weeks with no WI's, this week I'll be having 6 syns a day except at the weekend when we're away (I have some mint Christmas mini rolls that need eating up lol), next week is a normal week as for me except Christmas eve when I'll be having a take-away so what I'm planning is having around 10 syns a day apart from Christmas eve when it will probably be KFC and I'll use about 30 syns for that... oh and a bit of alcohol but I'll be sticking to ameretto's and diet cokes rather then the wine. The next week is Christmas and I'll have what I want, but no drink as I'm driving on Christmas day and boxing day and then try to stay syn free until we're down at my boyfriends mums when I'll make sensible choices but then have what I want new years eve and new years day (we don't go down until the 30th I don't think) after new years I'll stay low syn until the next WI... that's the plan anyway, I'll try to stick to it, expecting a gain that first WI back, hopefully it won't be too bad but if it is, I know how to get it all back off again :)
What does ameretto taste like Donna?
Just made garlic dip for tonight's dinner!!! It's so yum!

I made it with quark, light mayo, garlic, mixed herbs and onion salt. 1 syn for a huge tub lol tastes so much nicer than the yogurt version!!

Gonna have it with kebab meat and chips!! With fried onions n mushrooms!! Can't wait til after weigh in! Lol
Sounds lush Charlene. I make mine with light Phili, extra light mayo, garlic & 0% greek yoghurt......mmmmm just might have to make some for my lunch with some crudites
Hiya everyone!!

Good luck for today's weighers!! Everyone is doing fab!

Are we all looking forward to crimbo? I'm fuming! I was supposed to get paid this Friday (including a rather juicy Xmas bonus!) but they have had to put it back to next Wednesday! Arghhh!! I need to do shopping!

Debating going to back SW group as well or shall I wait until after baby? What do you all think?

I'm looking forward to crimbo. Cause I wanna enjpy myself with food and sweets without worrying lol and of course seeing my daughter face, this is the first year that she's aware of what is going on at Xmas.

It's completely up to u Nikki. Going to weigh ins might help u stay within 7-14lbs of ur original weight. But again it's up to u x
I'm looking forward to crimbo. Cause I wanna enjpy myself with food and sweets without worrying lol and of course seeing my daughter face, this is the first year that she's aware of what is going on at Xmas.

It's completely up to u Nikki. Going to weigh ins might help u stay within 7-14lbs of ur original weight. But again it's up to u x

That's what I was thinking. My problem is I've become reliant in sweet stuff and carbs which I would never ever eat usually. If I went back to group id be so much restrained and hopefully not gain at silly rates! I have my 2nd midwife appointment on Thursday and think ill have gained around 8-10lb!!

I can't wait for crimbo!! So excited!! Xxx