Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Good luck tomorrow Charlene I'm sure you'll be fine. I would allow yourself a bit extra for the hair extensions as you know they'll make you a little heavier.

I don't think its lack of running as I've still done loads of exercise, we walked loads in Castleton and lots of that was up and down stairs and in the caves and I've still done 5 or 6 sessions on the crosstrainer. I think some of it is over synning but some of it must be water retention, could I still have water retention from Sat night? as I drank quite a bit, I've also not drank as much water as I have been doing lately as I just haven't had time. Need to get myself in a better routine in Jan when I'm settling into work better. I won't finish until 1.25 so will have to decide whether its worth eating at 2-ish or eating early at half 11, think a large breakfast and light lunch will be in order most days :) but I'll play about in Jan and see what works for me then.

Watching snow white and the huntsman, its really good actually.

Really hoping I can go running club on Thursday but it depends when my boyfriend gets back from his work do, its an early one (going out at 4) but depends how long it goes on. It's the coach's Birthday (a significant one apparently) and also the last run of the year, so we're going for a drink after, so would be a shame to miss that!
Congrats on getting the job Donna

Good luck for todays WI Charlene

I've got another duvet day by the looks of it as coughing up mushy peas now......sorry!
Thanks Kim, I'm really happy at the moment, even that 3lb gain isn't getting me down (although I'll be singing another tune in Jan when I'm at the top end of the 9's)

Sorry to hear that doesn't sound good at all :( hope your feeling better soon
Dont worry about the gain Donna, as Im sure we'll all be the same by the beginning of Jan & then it will be a push to be trim for the summer.
I scoffed 2 bags of nuts/choccie raisins/choccie honeycomb combo from Morrisons that I'd bought for New greed! If you can get to a Morrisons & buy them, they are totally delicious & very very moorish, so dont think I'll get anymore til our NY celebrations or they'll end up in my belly again!
Getting a bit down :-( I'm up to 12lbs gained now and at 16 +2 that feels like loads!

I'm eating totally the wrong the things and have probably ate only 2 pieces of fruit in 12 weeks!

I ordered some size 8 maternity trousers and they fit me but I'm just so scared ill balloon up and look hideous.

I have read online that you do have a growth spurt and most people put on around 4lb in a week! I was 10st 5 on Thursday and today I'm 10st 8.75!! Arghhh stressing!

Advice or help much appreciated..
Getting a bit down :-( I'm up to 12lbs gained now and at 16 +2 that feels like loads!

I'm eating totally the wrong the things and have probably ate only 2 pieces of fruit in 12 weeks!

I ordered some size 8 maternity trousers and they fit me but I'm just so scared ill balloon up and look hideous.

I have read online that you do have a growth spurt and most people put on around 4lb in a week! I was 10st 5 on Thursday and today I'm 10st 8.75!! Arghhh stressing!

Advice or help much appreciated..

Hi Nikki, I had to reply as I was the very same. From week 12 to 20 I gained 2lb a week!! I was horrified and I said it to my dr. She said your body is storing fat to protect baby and for me to try watch saturated fat intake. I was very sick until about 16wks and all I could eat was bread and lucozade!
Once sickness left I went back to eating lots of fruit and veg but I still gained 2.5 stone in the whole pregnancy. I breastfed and that along with sw and walking I lost the weight easily enough.
So don't get down think of the beautiful baby growing inside you. Next Xmas you will be back to your skinny self. Enjoy your pregnancy and relax.
Hi Nikki, I had to reply as I was the very same. From week 12 to 20 I gained 2lb a week!! I was horrified and I said it to my dr. She said your body is storing fat to protect baby and for me to try watch saturated fat intake. I was very sick until about 16wks and all I could eat was bread and lucozade!
Once sickness left I went back to eating lots of fruit and veg but I still gained 2.5 stone in the whole pregnancy. I breastfed and that along with sw and walking I lost the weight easily enough.
So don't get down think of the beautiful baby growing inside you. Next Xmas you will be back to your skinny self. Enjoy your pregnancy and relax.

Thanks Hun :)

I was shocked because its all weight gained since the 10th November so it's piled on since 11 weeks! Just hoping it slows down. I'm scared its fat fat on my belly because its all squishy and not very hard.

May try and get some more fruit and veg in me.

The problem is when I'm at work I don't take much food so I end walking to get crisps and choc so I'm going to bring more healthy stuff and leave my purse at home!!
I wouldn't worry Nikki, I'm going to be gaining about that I bet and that's without being pregnant.

They sound gorgeous Kim, don't encourage me lol, I'll be looking out for them ;)

Today went a little worse then expected (In a good way haha) Christmas dinner was hectic, but when it came to ours it was lovely sitting down having it, then when it came to pudding they gave me a massive slab of chocolate concrete... twice the normal serving, but it was gorgeous-it was cooked just right (sometimes its a little burnt but this one was just how I like it) and obviously I had to have custard too. Oh and then I helped the dinner ladies in the kitchen as I only had an hour until it was time to pick little one up and had a glass of wine with them in there!

I think I'll beat you all for gains this month
Congrats on the job Donna really pleased for you.

Hope you feel better soon Kim so many nasty bugs going about at the moment.

Nikki as everyone says try to relax its perfectly normal to gain during pregnancy - just make good choices when you can but don't get too caught up on worrying about food. Most people would dream of fitting into size8 maternity clothes when they aren't even pregnant lol ;-)

First day back on track was going really well yesterday but then I visited my mum who gave me an advent calendar she had for me (I don't see her that frequently) and on the drive home I ate all the choccies to get it up to date lol!! Oops!! All my meals were fine yesterday though which makes a change as lately I have been utter rubbish for meals as well as snacks!

Today was all on track too, until the new year I'm not counting points or calories or anything just trying to stick to 3 sensible meals and some treats but not whole multipacks like I had been having lol. X

I think not counting but trying to be sensible is a good idea until after the new year, wish I could manage that but I'm being a right pig, just going to try for as many on plan days as possible to make up for the naughty ones and hope my Jan WI isn't too bad
Ok ok so who ate all the pies? US. Ok ok so who thinks its celebration time? US. Ok ok so who in reality thinks "ok ok I have eaten rubbish, I have eaten family bags of crisps, bars of chocolates, nuts etc BUT its not what you eat between Xmas and new year that counts....its what you eat between New Year and Xmas that counts ;)
Ok so I read that on this forum but let's face it, its true. Personally I have been rubbish. I finished up work nearly one week ago. I am relaxed, not planning food much, being bit reckless so to speak but do you know what? I am refusing to feel guilty. It's only a few weeks, if we do good, excellent, if we don't then we have 50 plus weeks to torture ourselves back to our target weight. Yes I am tryin but not really. I am not sayin everyone binge eat or be indulgent, I am just sayin its ok to relax without stupid guilt. We have all said it before "life is too short"...we know folk, close or not so close who have passed away this year. Let's stop dwelling on the scales and just get on with it. Eat the blinking food if you want it but also try to not just fall totally off the wagon. I am rubbish at not eating rubbish. I have told myself that from tom til Xmas eve I will drink loads water and will eat as good as I Can. If I want something I will have it. I aim to not just eat for eatings sake.
We should all relax a little and take each day as it comes ;)

Well done on job Donna...good for you
Welcome all new girls and welcome back laura. Great news about the house and I laughed at the advent tale. How's work been?'s greys? Rather annoyed I have caught up. I like to save them up...bit flat so far this year? Hope your feeling better
Also I have black fur (fake)
Coat that I was planning on wearing with our dress..only problem being I wore cream shoes last time. Do you think black highs would be ok or totally wrong?

Nikki please relax. I think your body tells you how to cope. I think most folk eat excellent to start with they it tails off for couple weeks then back to normal patterns. You don't want to have the next five months worrying. I bet you look great x
Deb your a superstar! You are right, but I'm still going to worry a little haha, but yeah if I fancy something a little extra I'll try my best not to feel guilty about it.

My mums doing chilli and tonight, so think I might take something myself to have in jackets or if I don't have time to make anything I'll have beans and cheese as she makes her chilli with a packet and doesn't use meat free mince (in my books chilli is def a green day meal haha) normally I'd just have it and either syn it or be naughty and pretend it was free but as I'm already having so many extra's this week I don't want to waste syns on something that isn't as nice as when I make mine (that sounds horrible but its nothing against my mum I'm just not a fan of meat mince now unless its in burgers or meatballs and I also don't like packets of chilli)
debtin said:
Ok ok so who ate all the pies? US. Ok ok so who thinks its celebration time? US. Ok ok so who in reality thinks "ok ok I have eaten rubbish, I have eaten family bags of crisps, bars of chocolates, nuts etc BUT its not what you eat between Xmas and new year that counts....its what you eat between New Year and Xmas that counts ;)
Ok so I read that on this forum but let's face it, its true. Personally I have been rubbish. I finished up work nearly one week ago. I am relaxed, not planning food much, being bit reckless so to speak but do you know what? I am refusing to feel guilty. It's only a few weeks, if we do good, excellent, if we don't then we have 50 plus weeks to torture ourselves back to our target weight. Yes I am tryin but not really. I am not sayin everyone binge eat or be indulgent, I am just sayin its ok to relax without stupid guilt. We have all said it before "life is too short"...we know folk, close or not so close who have passed away this year. Let's stop dwelling on the scales and just get on with it. Eat the blinking food if you want it but also try to not just fall totally off the wagon. I am rubbish at not eating rubbish. I have told myself that from tom til Xmas eve I will drink loads water and will eat as good as I Can. If I want something I will have it. I aim to not just eat for eatings sake.
We should all relax a little and take each day as it comes ;)

Well done on job Donna...good for you
Welcome all new girls and welcome back laura. Great news about the house and I laughed at the advent tale. How's work been?'s greys? Rather annoyed I have caught up. I like to save them up...bit flat so far this year? Hope your feeling better
Also I have black fur (fake)
Coat that I was planning on wearing with our dress..only problem being I wore cream shoes last time. Do you think black highs would be ok or totally wrong?

Nikki please relax. I think your body tells you how to cope. I think most folk eat excellent to start with they it tails off for couple weeks then back to normal patterns. You don't want to have the next five months worrying. I bet you look great x

What a great post Deb love the quote about between Xmas new year and new year Xmas !! :) and so true
I think this little group has done so well this year we all have made big changes to our diets, when we have little blow outs none of us like the long term feeling so get back on track and do lose those extras. I have always said this is long term and not a quick fix so if we fluctuate by half a stone throughout the year then I think that is "normal"
I hopefully will be the same weight in January as I was last January 9.9 so therefore I have maintained for a whole year something I have never achieved in my whole life so I for one am very proud of myself :) and I think you all should be proud of yourselves too :) :) x

My jess has now come down with the sickness poor baby she was being sick from 4pm till midnight she's slept since then and is still asleep now god it's horrible when they are ill she was very brave though and made it to the loo every time (except first time that was straight over our path as soon as she got out the car from school)
Just praying Kate is ok cause she's on a school trip their back this afternoon so fingers crossed she makes it lol .

Nikki I agree with everyone just relax and enjoy your pregnancy it might not feel like it now but it flys by so quickly you do forget, and a stressed mummy is a stressed baby :-(
so just try and add a few healthy options in every day eg snack on fruit, a good breakfast and veggies with your meals, everything in moderation :)
I'm sure you look fabby anyway we need a bump update photo !!!
Very true Deb & I have no guilt when I polish off a whole bag of toffees that I have had for months & never bothered about lol! Im blaming my stinky cold for my blowouts, coz its not my fault lol!
Not a lot happening in Greys & they seem to have changed Merediths character.......since when did she become horrible to the Interns?

Today is my last day off til Boxing Day & still feeling grotty, but its community work so sat on my backside for most of the least I'll be on plan!

I wander where this horrible sickness bug appeared from Ronnie? They are such virulent germs & there's not a thing you can do to stop them, so I hope it doesn't go thru your whole family.......plenty of fluids & rest x
Y is it sooooo hard to stay on track the week before Xmas!!!??? I'm rushed off my feet that I'm forgetting to bring lunch that will fill me etc

Today I ate a hifi bar for breakfast as I rushed out door. And at lunch the healthiest thing around was a subway salad. Then had tickets to a Xmas party for the wee one and was so hungry as it was dinner time so I aye some of the choclate and cocktail sausages on offer for free. Ugh now I've just ate two ripples :(
Sounds like we are all in the same boat a bit lacking in willpower over the festive period but its fine we will all be back with renewed enthusiasm in January ;-) life's too short to not enjoy a bit of over indulgence over Xmas, or well most of December!! ;-) x
Morning ladies :)

Not sure if any of you are interested in my pregnancy babble haha but here is my 17 week picture... Another steady 1lb gain this week (I'm not midweek weighing and scaring myself ever again!!) 10st 6.5lb today


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Lovely neat little bump there Nikki x

Im all of a dither today! Slept really badly, cough cough all night long, up at 6 for a long day, got to my clients house & the 'stupido powers that be' had double booked me somehow, so Im home again all bothered! Think I'll go & do some food shopping as DH home tonight thru til next Thursday, so I'd better feed him lol! Was going to do a menu plan at work, so I've now had to have a think what to eat over the weekend.........meatballs in SW bbq sauce with roasted veg x 2, stirfry chicken, veg & noodles & then a SW fry up xmas eve. We'll be having a xmas dinner on xmas day, all sw friendly & then bubble & squeak with the left over chicken & ham on boxing day. On nights again the following friday & sunday & then we're having lovely treats for new year. So at least I'll be only having 2 days off plan over the festivities. I need to have that food control or otherwise I would go OTT & feel like a right blimp!
I know most people say 'well its xmas & only happens once a year', but I can pig out on food anytime of the year, so why should I over indulge just because....! It may be different if I wasn't working or we had family/friends over, but we're Billy No Mates this year & thats how we like it, we're not even socialising over the NY, just being on our tod! DH is still on standby, even tho he's off over the NY, so its not the same......roll on next year!
Lovely neat little bump there Nikki x

Im all of a dither today! Slept really badly, cough cough all night long, up at 6 for a long day, got to my clients house & the 'stupido powers that be' had double booked me somehow, so Im home again all bothered! Think I'll go & do some food shopping as DH home tonight thru til next Thursday, so I'd better feed him lol! Was going to do a menu plan at work, so I've now had to have a think what to eat over the weekend.........meatballs in SW bbq sauce with roasted veg x 2, stirfry chicken, veg & noodles & then a SW fry up xmas eve. We'll be having a xmas dinner on xmas day, all sw friendly & then bubble & squeak with the left over chicken & ham on boxing day. On nights again the following friday & sunday & then we're having lovely treats for new year. So at least I'll be only having 2 days off plan over the festivities. I need to have that food control or otherwise I would go OTT & feel like a right blimp!
I know most people say 'well its xmas & only happens once a year', but I can pig out on food anytime of the year, so why should I over indulge just because....! It may be different if I wasn't working or we had family/friends over, but we're Billy No Mates this year & thats how we like it, we're not even socialising over the NY, just being on our tod! DH is still on standby, even tho he's off over the NY, so its not the same......roll on next year!

Your so good Kim, I'm making another attempt at a good day today, yesterday failed after my mums chilli I then had loads of crisps... BUT I do need to remind myself I suppose that this time 2 years ago those crisps would have been an every night thing and also would have had loads of bread and chocolate or cakes as well...

Morning ladies :)

Not sure if any of you are interested in my pregnancy babble haha but here is my 17 week picture... Another steady 1lb gain this week (I'm not midweek weighing and scaring myself ever again!!) 10st 6.5lb today

Very cute little bump you've got now Nikki :) your still looking fab

Sounds like we are all in the same boat a bit lacking in willpower over the festive period but its fine we will all be back with renewed enthusiasm in January ;-) life's too short to not enjoy a bit of over indulgence over Xmas, or well most of December!! ;-) x

It's so hard isn't it, think we're all going to need each other in Jan haha
Oh forgot to mention, although foods being rubbish exercise is going strong :) did my usual 30 minutes on the crosstrainer followed by a 30 minute run and 110 crunches this morning :) going to try and do that everyday up until Christmas day now but if I don't do the running and crosstrainer I will do at least one of them each day, also planning on doing it on boxing day as well if I can move lol.

It's going to be hard over new years as however long we're down at boyfriends parents I'm not really going to get much exercise done, will talk them into as many walks along the beach and shopping trips (walking again haha) as possible but I'll miss my crosstrainer, also miss my running, I'll take my gear with me just in case I have time to go for a run but I can't see it (plus I don't really know the area so wouldn't want to get lost)