Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

How's little one Ronnie?
Nikki your bump is lovely and am rather envious ;)

Ate no rubbish yesterday...plan on not having any either. Totally disgusted but on a good note scales say I am still 8st 4lb..whether this is true weight am not sure.
Can't really be bothered eating for eatings sake. If the urge comes and I want something then I will but think my blow out has helped. Going to try hard to stay at the weight I am. Will allow 1lb but no more
Good attitude Kim, our Xmas dinner won't be sw friendly as we are eating out but am not concerned...will prob get some cheese n biscuits in for oh but keep the rest of rubbish to a minimum
Good for you Donna, keep up excercise x
Yikes, Tesco was mad with everyone buying their xmas food! I still ended up spending £80 on food for the weekend! Think I will stop buying meat as its so bloomin expensive & just have it as a little treat at the days for me next year!
Going to have a cooky afternoon & make scan bran muffins with my homemade mincemeat, make the meatballs (added smoked bacon makes them delicious) & bbq sauce & then some raspberry jam as have loads of my homegrown raspberries in the freezer.......what fun lol!
I'm feeling really good despite going off plan, but I suppose I haven't gone completely crazy, I did at the weekend but that was a little holiday the other days I've just had a bit extra. Like last night I really wanted the crisps so I had them, but I didn't then go and have loads of chocolate ect. as well. Hoping the exercise will do a bit of stop too much of a gain as well to be honest, trying to make sure I'm still drinking plenty as well, but its hard now I've started work.

Oh and I won the raffle at work... a lovely hamper filled with goodies (just what I needed lol) I can give some of it away like some chicken tonight and stuffing ect. but will want to keep some of it for me (the biscuits and the chocolate brownie pudding especially haha) might ask my mum if she's bought pudding for those of us who don't have Christmas pudding yet and take the pudding there Christmas day if she hasn't.
we're going to Morrisons on Saturday Kim to get the rest of what we need for Christmas, dreading it, but it has to be Sat as I refuse to do it later lol and we're busy tonight, could go tomorrow but then we'd have little one so makes more sense to just wait one day, going to be naughty and buy a cooked chicken and some of the salad bar and have that for tea :) can't wait used to do that all the time and its yummy, but think I'll enjoy it much more this time as its a one off treat and not a oh look we've been shopping so we got this kind of thing... might even stretch to buying some tigger bread to go with it (going to feel massive by Christmas day lol just hope I don't look it on the photo's)
Buy some of those mixed nuts Donna.......think they're the maple covered nuts with chocolate covered raisins & chocolate covered honeycomb......yummy!
Buy some of those mixed nuts Donna.......think they're the maple covered nuts with chocolate covered raisins & chocolate covered honeycomb......yummy!

Oh my gosh they sound divine!!! Mmmm....
Buy some of those mixed nuts Donna.......think they're the maple covered nuts with chocolate covered raisins & chocolate covered honeycomb......yummy!

just popped them on the list! they sound gorgeous :)
Cant believe where those 11 weeks have gone......
Anyways stats as below, so pretty happy with that! I just want to maintain over the next few weeks which I appear to be pretty good at considering the last few WI's, but I have had 5 off plan days in the last 2 weeks!!

11 weeks (77 days) Xmas Challenge
My aim is to lose 5.5lbs - 11lbs = 0.5 - 1lb per week & be at least 90% on plan by the end of my challenge as I know I have
at least 2 socials to go to!
Start date 5/10/12 9st 5.5lbs
End date 21/12/12 8st 11.5lbs

Total loss 8lbs
93.5% on plan for 11 weeks

Week 1:7/7 days on plan = -3lbs
Week 2:14/14 days on plan = +2lbs*
Week 3:21/21 days on plan = -1.5lbs*
Week 4:28/28 days on plan = +1.5lbs
Week 5
: 35/35 days on plan = -4lbs
Week 6: 42/42 days on plan = -1lb
Week 7:
49/49 days on plan = -1.5lbs
Week 8: ​56/56/days on plan =- 0.5lbs
Week 9:
63/63 days on plan = STS
Week 10: 68/70 days on plan = STS
Week 11: 72/77 days on plan = STS

Wont be having any naughty days now til NY eve which Im glad about as we're off out to a friends 50th birthday party next Saturday & Im wearing a fitted little number, so will defo have to lay off the mince pies......have scan bran mincemeat muffins for that all made fresh yesterday.
I start my first of 7 nights in 10 days tonight, so at least I wont be tempted & we have no naughties in the house as DH doesn't want any either........oh what clean healthy people we are.....apart from my lingering germs lol!
Well done Kim that is brilliant. You are so good!! Keep it up and you will be to where you want to be...
Is it still 8st?

I also thankfully stayed the same.8st 4lb. Pretty pleased and feel so much better. Will aim for 8st in new year too. Didn't drink any water these past few bad is that? Need to make effort to drink more...its a must x
Thanks Deb & well done you as well! Looking at your signature you've lost 5.25lbs which is a brilliant loss. Come on girl we can do it in the New Year!!!
Im not sure about 8st to be honest. My plan is to get to 8st 7lbs, keep going with SW & if I keep losing I'll keep going, so maybe 8st 2lbs - 8st. All depends on what I look like really as well, but I know I've certainly got more I can lose, but hopefully that will go with more cycling as I have a 100 miler that I need to train for!
Your both doing fab :) we're not a bad bunch really are we? lol

I feel really guilty, I've never got teachers presents, I do know they do a great job and I always make sure they get cards ect. but I've never really been able to afford to get anything (as you then get into all the LSA's one as well) but little one's teacher this year is amazing, his one last year was amazing and I didn't think she could be topped but I think she has, she's so caring and you can tell she loves all the kids, she's also really helped me get into the school and encouraged me with getting my job. Anyway I got to school today and she brought out a bottle bag and gave it to me, it was a bottle of cava to say thank you for doing the library for them.

I got a call just before lunch time as little one had a toilet accident (diarrea again) couldn't get hold of my sister so I've had to have the day off as well as had to take him own, anyway his teacher came running through with all his things, he's made some beautiful Christmas decorations and a lovely card for me and my boyfriend and a calendar, they're all great... there was also a couple of presents in there for him, one from his teacher and a little one which didn't have a tag on but I'm guessing its from the LSA who is in there all the time, (as they've already all had a present from the school which santa brought them at their party) his teacher got them all a little selection box, some drawing stuff and stamps, its such a lovely thought and I feel really guilty for not getting her anything as she really is such a great teacher, I'm so glad I sent him to that school as the school in general is great.

Going to have to make sure I get her something for the end of the year, although that will be really sad as she'll not be his teacher anymore the following year :(

Little one does seem loads better now at least, when I first brought him home he was very quiet and was trying to be brave saying he was fine but he admitted his tummy hurt and he had a headache, he went to the toilet a few more times as well, but he seems to have perked up now and has finally eaten something.
Kim I need to have words with you.... those nuts are TOO nice!!!! I've managed to eat a whole bag to myself today :( and I have another on as boyfriend doesn't like them. I'm going to be so massive in Jan

but they are gorgeous, I did really enjoy them
Haha! Sorry Donna but I had to share this knowledge of pure goergeousness lol! I bought 2 bags of them for NY & ate both bags watching Grey Anatomy! They are bags of joy & certainly not for sharing!

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Glad I don't like nuts then!! Went out for work day out and wow paying for it today. Stuck to beer even tho there was free wine but have lost count at 13 beer. Couldn't eat today so not had much but no amount of not eating can clear the damage of to much beer lol. Been so tired all day and can't believe I am still wakened. Our dress went down a treat Kim ;)
Haha, not another hangover Deb lol! Yuck too much beer will pay havoc with your gut lol!
Glad the dress went down well, but Im sure it was your new lovely figure that did it! Did you wear it with the black shoes & coat in the end? Any pics?
kim63 said:
Haha, not another hangover Deb lol! Yuck too much beer will pay havoc with your gut lol!
Glad the dress went down well, but Im sure it was your new lovely figure that did it! Did you wear it with the black shoes & coat in the end? Any pics?

Kim they hang overs are so bad. Still not back to full fitness and have things to do ugh.
No black didn't go well so wore cream with cream coat. The dress felt wee bit baggy too
Weighed today and up 1.5 but not too concerned as all that does is make me want do better x
I daren't weigh myself now until after my official WI after new years haha, after new years I'm tempted to get back on plan and not weigh until I'm back home.... but we'll see what happens while I'm down there.

Had tiger bread with bacon on one slice and jam on two for breakfast.... my boyfriend brought it up as a surprise so couldn't say no ;) out for dinner with friends today, no idea what I'm going to eat but going to try and make a good choice.

Glad you had a good night Deb, bet you looked stunning, have you got any pics?

Kim I can't decide what to do with my other pack of nuts, part of me wants t be naughty and save them just for me but part of me thinks I should take them for the Christmas, boxing day or new year buffets so that other people eat some (although I'd probably still end up eating most of them lol) we're seriously going to find out how much damage you can do in 2-3 weeks... bet I'm much more careful this time next year. My clothes don't feel too tight yet though, I haven't tried my river Island size 8 jeans on though yet... think I'll leave them until a little bit into 2013.... I don't feel much bigger either, but I'm probably just tricking myself.

actually... if they still fit might wear my river Island jeans on Christmas day as there will be less room for me to grow so might control how much I eat... hmmm.... no chance on boxing day though as I've already decided I'm wearing my Christmas dress.
I wear nude colour shoes with our dress Deb as well. Hope you're feeling better soon!

Eat the nuts Donna.....lots of lovely protein lol!

Have a right sicky tummy tonight & think it might be the Slimatea, so will be giving that a miss for a while I think!
Weights been up as high as 9st recently due to *week arriving 2 months late, but back down to 8st 12.5lbs again, so really hope to see less than 8st 11.5lbs (my lowest) by Friday seeing as Im having a lovely healthy week! Will be the first time ever, so quite pleased Im working in that regards as good for weight loss if I just stick to my own food & dont get tempted if my clients offer me any 'naughty' food!
Im going to see some friends on the 4th that I haven't seen for 18 months & think I'll be a stone lighter, so its always good to see people you haven't seen for a while & see if they notice.
Off to do some Next sale online shopping as have a VIP ticket, so hope my client doesn't need me as a girls gotta shop!!!