usually when i am feeling guilty about slimming world i will go off track then the vicious circle starts. Not so sure i have much to be guilty off but here is my dilemma (dont laugh) Yesterday i made pasta and used a dolimio stir in sauce which i was going to share with the boys - so i took the calories and synned it for half a pot (which i estimated i would eat once it was all stirred through the pasta and shared out) no problem there. So today while making dinner i started to eat the left over pasta knowing that i shouldnt as i probably havent allowed for the sauce (that was already in it) Had about 25 tubes of penne pasta but it was a LOT of pasta that was made yesterday. THEN today i had those crisps which i synned but later on i took big handful of my sisters crips - sounds really pathetic i know but i dont know what to do. Last week i accounted for everything i ate - today it feels like i have sleekily been stealing food haha - seriously what do i do? i want to ignore it and pretend the sauce was already accounted for when i synned yesterdays but know that isnt right. On the other hand i dont want to get wrapped up in it all again - had sw chips and mushy peas for dinner while OH had chinese - eeeeeekkkkk