Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

I think if it came out into the room my dog would have it cos she has a teddy thats small and grey and she rags it about lol.

I feel silly that im scared of it been in the house. Before I went to bed last night I could actually hear it squeelk. I think I would prefer a humane trap but if it came out while I was there I wouldnt think twice about hitting it with something lol.

Gonna spend all mprning scrubbing the kitchen amd trasfering boxes to tuppawears x
They move too quick to throw something & hit it believe me! If you see it, throw a tea towel over it & they tend to just stand still then & then you can scoop him up in the tea towel & put him outside! Hate to be the bearer of bad news tho, they tend to hide away in cubby holes, so try opening up your kitchen door for a while & he might run out, or otherwise he'll probably die & then your kitchen will stink.....talking from experience here, as one got in our airing cupboard of all places!
Thats why I dont want to use poison cos it will probably die in behind the kitchen unit. Only problem with the door is that we have a kitchen living room n the outside door is out in the hall way so probably wouldnt go. We r going to get some humane traps today. We know where it is cos we can hear it but its behind the units!
On a diet realted topic me and the ss have just had a gorgeous breakfast of mango and melon. Going to be extra extra good today to make up for the ice cream yesterday!
well today's mood has gone from good to bad, boyfriend has been in a right mood... last straw was when I yawned and knocked the laptop off the side of the settee and he had a right go, so I had a go back and stormed off upstairs to get ready to go on the crosstrainer, I came down to get my trainers and asked how his precious computer was and he said sorry, but I had a go about a number of other things as they've been getting to me at the moment. Went on the crosstrainer but only did 20 minutes as just wasn't in the mood, got dressed and I've avoided him so far. He's busying himself sorting out little one's bedroom.

I feel bad on here as it feels like all I do is moan about him, I do love him and he is a great guy, but things just seem very difficult at the moment... think it would be easier if I didn't love him actually as I'd just say stuff it.

Good luck getting the traps Vicky, hopefully you'll catch it and be able to set it out somewhere away from the house. It is shocking how quickly they move.
There must be as he has been in a mood this week, but he says he doesn't know why. It's a nightmare, he doesn't really want to talk about it obviously, he's not a big talker, one of my problems is when something is bothering me I like to talk about it and he doesn't. He's funny though, if I'm not talking to him about something and he knows there's something wrong then he'll ask me what's wrong but when we actually get to the issue he won't talk about it unless it's a pretty straight forward ''Oh don't be silly yes so and so is causing problems but I love you'' (like when we've had other people sticking their noses in, but when it comes down to something he's done it's either well I didn't mean it that way or... well he just closes off)

Might ask him later on when little one's in bed what's bothering him, but doubt I'll get an answer.... I wouldn't be surprised if it's the stripper thing and he was being funny because he knew I was upset, but if it is that then I'll be annoyed as I tried talking to him about it the other day.

I have spoke to him since my last post though and everthing's just ''normal'' now :/

I don't think it helps that I am a worrier and a talker where as he isn't
Have you read the book 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus'? It sums us up completely & explains why men & women behave differently.....when men have a problem they 'go into their cave' to dwell on their problems & will come out in their own time. If you pressure him to talk they go further into their cave & wont talk. So, its best just to leave him be & if he wants to talk, he will in his own time!
Believe me, it works & you end up getting more out of them!
Im sure you'd be able to get the book quite cheaply now as its quite old. Once I read it, I gave it to my DH to read & he agrees with most of it & it does make a lot of sense. My DH is one of the most easy going people I know, but as a man does have some 'different' traits to us women lol!
Could it be because its half term donna? I know you have said before he doesnt enjoy his job. I dont like where I am working and when ita half term I get myself worked up thinking about going back. Just a thoight x
I havent read it Kim, but should provably bear it all in mind.

it could be half term, he said he's just fed up with things, I asked what and he said he doesnt know but its not me, I thought he'd be more relaxed then he is though with it being half term.

I've just sat at a kids party and eaten sone little sausages, two jam sandwiches and a sausage roll :( so no syns for me tobight... don't even know why I did it! do much for being 100% after last week, really hope my running does counteract it all
Well done on weigh in donna. Your giving me inspiration on the exercise so just need to get going.
We had mouse/mice and used the wee traps that you then set free. Remember seeing it scurry across kitchen eugh hate them....your very brave Kim lol
Not been focused very much this week to be honest and would love sts. Haven't been too bad but not so good either. Back to letting things slip in without recording them, with the promise to cut back next day but then i don't. Feel ok about it all but want to nip it in the bud and reign it in again. 3 good weeks one not so good but better than four bad.
Hope OH is ok donna x
Well done on weigh in donna. Your giving me inspiration on the exercise so just need to get going.
We had mouse/mice and used the wee traps that you then set free. Remember seeing it scurry across kitchen eugh hate them....your very brave Kim lol
Not been focused very much this week to be honest and would love sts. Haven't been too bad but not so good either. Back to letting things slip in without recording them, with the promise to cut back next day but then i don't. Feel ok about it all but want to nip it in the bud and reign it in again. 3 good weeks one not so good but better than four bad.
Hope OH is ok donna x

Haha i have no choice not to be brave as DH wont go near them lol! He's a 6 foot fighting machine & Im a 5 foot little woman.....who says chivalry is dead lol!
Whats making you go off track? Just keep writing in your diary so you can see what you've eaten & just remember your holiday you have planned! X

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I feel bleugh after eating that at the party, luckily I'm stuffed after our burgers but do have free things in if I get hungry later, but I doubt it as it's quite late now.

Try remembering your holiday Deb, I think part of my problem these past few days has been plans and then also the fact that I'm really happy at the moment and concentrating on my running, but I need to keep my weight down otherwise my running will suffer.

OH seems okay now, fingers crossed he is
Haha i have no choice not to be brave as DH wont go near them lol! He's a 6 foot fighting machine & Im a 5 foot little woman.....who says chivalry is dead lol!
Whats making you go off track? Just keep writing in your diary so you can see what you've eaten & just remember your holiday you have planned! X

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Lol mine is like that with spiders but braves it to get them outside. Eugh getting shivers thinking about mice.
Think it started on Friday with my off plan meal. Plus lack of planning and lack of effort. I haven't been my usual "sod it" self but few extra chocs and having no idea about syns isn't helping. Keeping my chin up all the same yet looking forward to fresh start on Friday. Oh ran out chewy delight i had got on special offer...not so good lol
I feel bleugh after eating that at the party, luckily I'm stuffed after our burgers but do have free things in if I get hungry later, but I doubt it as it's quite late now.

Try remembering your holiday Deb, I think part of my problem these past few days has been plans and then also the fact that I'm really happy at the moment and concentrating on my running, but I need to keep my weight down otherwise my running will suffer.

OH seems okay now, fingers crossed he is

I am 60% happy. Need exercise. You are doing great
Lol mine is like that with spiders but braves it to get them outside. Eugh getting shivers thinking about mice.
Think it started on Friday with my off plan meal. Plus lack of planning and lack of effort. I haven't been my usual "sod it" self but few extra chocs and having no idea about syns isn't helping. Keeping my chin up all the same yet looking forward to fresh start on Friday. Oh ran out chewy delight i had got on special offer...not so good lol

If you don't like mice you would have been terrified when my cat brought in a rat! She took it up the stairs, dropped it, i went up to see what it was, levitated for a full minute, it ran back down the stairs & went to sleep behind the tv! Now i don't mind mice but rats are another thing! DH came home & armed himself with a big kitchen knife, pulled tv out, stamped his feet & it ran out the patio door! What a brave boy with the knife....he said they used to do that in the jungle lol!

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If you don't like mice you would have been terrified when my cat brought in a rat! She took it up the stairs, dropped it, i went up to see what it was, levitated for a full minute, it ran back down the stairs & went to sleep behind the tv! Now i don't mind mice but rats are another thing! DH came home & armed himself with a big kitchen knife, pulled tv out, stamped his feet & it ran out the patio door! What a brave boy with the knife....he said they used to do that in the jungle lol!

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Double eugh. They move too fast. Rats!! Honest if we get mice again i am leaving lol. Love your hubby with his knife ha
Double eugh. They move too fast. Rats!! Honest if we get mice again i am leaving lol. Love your hubby with his knife ha

Mice are cute, they're only little field mice so tiny, but they sure can shift & they jump as well that makes me squeal like a girl! A few months ago i murdered one coz he went in the wheel of Charlie's food bucket without me realising it & I squidged him to death....was very upset!
Yes my hunky macho husband lol! He is, apart from rodents & scary movies....big baby lol!

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aggghhhh that rat story is awful.... so glad we dont hace a cat. although have an image of a bloke stamping his feet holding a knife now which is rather funny :)

boyfriend is thinking of making bread this week... wholemeal but if he does ill be having more bread as healthy extras then usual, can't resist freshly baked!