Gym sounded great, bless that's great that they have a session for younger ones.
Don't worry too much about tea at SIL's it sounds lovely, but it wasn't your fault for going off plan... did you have any other syns yesterday? If you didn't then I'd say your fine just carry on as normal.
Some of that must be water retention or something else as well Charlene. If you were anything like me over Christmas then there's no way you ate the same as what you did in those 4 weeks just this week... Our bodies are weird things and it will all even out. Just try and remember how far you've come as well, did you put all that hard work into dieting so that when you saw friends you don't see very often your still worrying about what you eat ect? because I know I didn't, I know its hard and you don't want to go back to where you were, but you won't, you've had your fun with your friends and now you know you can get back on plan and start loosing that weight again.... and you still look stunning, those lbs you see on the scales you can get rid of but for the moment only you know they're there... noone else can see them, they all see the stunning slim lady we do in your photo's. Don't be so hard on yourself.
Suprisingly after my day of eating loads of rubbish on Sat, yesterday I was having a stand up wash at my friends (didn't have a shower as we were rushing straight home so I could eat and then go on my run) anyway, I looked in the mirror and felt very slim, I really don't want to loose anymore weight. I'd considered possibly changing my target to 8 stone 7, but I don't think I need too.... I do think that's mainly do to my running, I must have lost loads of inches doing it.... as before I started I was the same weight and could have been a fair bit smaller. Once I'm back to 8 stone 12 or near there I think I'll risk it and try on a couple of my dresses that didn't fit before I started running.... I'm a little scared as don't want to get upset if they don't fit, but just going to try and remember how I felt when I saw myself in the mirror yesterday.
Breakfast was lovely today.... had slimming world fry up with meat sausages (tesco light choices, we haven't had meat sausages in for ages when we couldn't get skinny lizzies and morrisons changed to Nume) then also had two small slices of the malted loaf my boyfriend made yesterday. I am stuffed now. The plan for today is to pop to the shopping centre once we're all ready, boyfriends going to see if he can buy himself something with his gift card from his mum and I'm going to go on one of those running machines and finally see what sort of trainers I need as I could tell the cushioning was completely gone on my run yesterday.. my knee's don't hurt yet but I think I'll find my running a lot easier if I have some comfy trainers on. Might also buy some new running bottoms, have a few tops now and hopefully getting more from races so don't need them (well could do with a new jacket but might hold off until after Summer now as I'm keeping fingers crossed for the weather just getting better and better now) then we're going swimming, before our all you can eat buffet. Looking at a gain tomorrow but hoping my running will at least make it not too big a gain.