Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Morning ladies,

feeling rubbish this morning, last nights good intentions went out of the window when we were waiting over half an hour before we could even order and I'd spotted spicy beef buritto's on the menu... then I had chocolate fudge cake and ice-cream for pudding (although I shared that with my boyfriend and had rice with my meal instead of chips or wedges) I don't feel too rubbish about that to be honest, just really hope it doesn't effect my WI tomorrow (I'm now going to WI btw)

But I have barely had any sleep, little one was fine while we were out but had bad diarreah last night, he was up and to the toilet every 5 minutes.... it only really stopped just over an hour ago. So he's off school, my sister is going to watch him while I go to work later (which I'm dreading as I've never been away from him when he's poorly before)

I'm annoyed though, as he was at his Dad's this weekend and when I picked him up his dad told me he'd had diarreah, but considering he's told me this every week I've just assumed he's had loose poo's and his dads over reacting because he's been fine at home, my first thought was what is he feeding him... but then I realised, he always takes him to see his Dad in the care home, do you think he's picking it up from there? My mum doesn't think it will be there as she says they're really careful with things like that as obviously it can effect old people really badly, but I think at the end of the day no matter how careful you are if you have a load of sick people in a building your going to have things like that going around and it just seems odd that its at the very least every other weekend that little one is getting it.
WOW Vicky that is an amazing keep it up hun!!! Have you tried your dress on since losing the 8lbs?

Donna, maybe its a combination of the two? Both what his dad is feeding him and also the care home. My grandad has had a couple of strokes over the last few months and each time he has been there he has picked it up and ive been banned from going to see him because everyone who visited seemed to get it! Is it worth asking his Dad what he gives him when he stays there?

Well i lost 1lb this week!! I was hoping for maybe 2 but you know its better than me gaining. If i manage to lose 1lb a week between now and my due date I would be around the weight I wanted to be giving birth! Everyone thinks i'm all bump and that as soon as baby is here i'll spring back but I dont know really where your body holds water? Does anyone know if it can literally inflate everywhere? Like my thighs and bum seem huge and I cant get my jeans up past halfway over my thighs and I can get my rings off anymore without really having to tug whereas before they would spin around and slide up and down.
WOW Vicky that is an amazing keep it up hun!!! Have you tried your dress on since losing the 8lbs?

Donna, maybe its a combination of the two? Both what his dad is feeding him and also the care home. My grandad has had a couple of strokes over the last few months and each time he has been there he has picked it up and ive been banned from going to see him because everyone who visited seemed to get it! Is it worth asking his Dad what he gives him when he stays there?

Well i lost 1lb this week!! I was hoping for maybe 2 but you know its better than me gaining. If i manage to lose 1lb a week between now and my due date I would be around the weight I wanted to be giving birth! Everyone thinks i'm all bump and that as soon as baby is here i'll spring back but I dont know really where your body holds water? Does anyone know if it can literally inflate everywhere? Like my thighs and bum seem huge and I cant get my jeans up past halfway over my thighs and I can get my rings off anymore without really having to tug whereas before they would spin around and slide up and down.

I try talking to him but he's adamant its nothing to do with him, but it can't be a coincidence that he's getting it every weekend nearly, he's said he could have picked it up at school... which is true but I don't think its that when he's getting it all the time and none of the other kids seem to have it...

You can get water everywhere, it sounds silly but its true, my ankles were massive when I was pregnant and I remember laying there when they were inducing me and actually watch them deflate over time once they'd put me on the drip (didn't last long mind as they swelled up again not long after having him... but it was water retention again)

well done on the loss, I'm sure you'll look great after having little one, just stick at it as much as you can but don't stress yourself over it, not long now and you can get back on it and loose any weight you need to
I try talking to him but he's adamant its nothing to do with him, but it can't be a coincidence that he's getting it every weekend nearly, he's said he could have picked it up at school... which is true but I don't think its that when he's getting it all the time and none of the other kids seem to have it...

You can get water everywhere, it sounds silly but its true, my ankles were massive when I was pregnant and I remember laying there when they were inducing me and actually watch them deflate over time once they'd put me on the drip (didn't last long mind as they swelled up again not long after having him... but it was water retention again)

well done on the loss, I'm sure you'll look great after having little one, just stick at it as much as you can but don't stress yourself over it, not long now and you can get back on it and loose any weight you need to

Hope your lil one is ok though. Its not fair that he keeps getting poorly whenever he goes over to his dads. Bless him.

Everyone I have spoke to have said just how much weight they lost straight away when baby was born. I would be absolutely chuffed to be under 11st 2 weeks after the birth and then I can work on getting down to 9st 7lb by september and then the rest of the year to get to target. Well thats the plan anyway....
I think you can hold water everywhere too nikki. I know when I'm ovulating I retain water really bad and I can't get my rings off. Also I notice my shoes fit me differently sometimes.

Donna that's rubbish about your son maybe you should get his dad to write down what he is eating while there as maybe he is allergic to something he is giving him.

Nikki I haven't tried my dress on yet, I want to leave it as long as possible I bet it will fit better tho as all my clothes do.

Just been to gym and did a mega work out, even managed to do a little arms. Just used 5kgs on the machine and 10 reps at a time but felt really good. Ok not really good,it hurt but felt good to get ,y shoulder moving again as I, now concerned about that under arm over hang with me not using my arm!

Anyways at the gym I burnt 611 calories which really is a mega workout, booked on legs bums n tums tonight too!

Happy Monday everyone :)
I know its not my official WI day today but its the first morning WI I've had since Friday the 12th, so I was curious to see what a proper morning WI would be.....pesky nights ruin me!.......8st 8lbs 14oz! Happy with that & that magic number of 8.7 could be achievable my May 3rd, 11 days to go lol!
I have 3 nights to do this week & then Im off for 10 days, so I hope all the housework & running around I will be doing for the party will help shed those last couple of pounds as I wont have time for 'proper' exercise!

Donna, I would be slightly concerned about your boys recurrent diarrhoea, especially as it seems to be occurring after visiting his Grandfather in a care home. The staff can be as careful as they like with hand hygiene & infection control, but it will never iradicate any lurking bugs & the elderly/young are more susceptible. If you are worried, I would not only speak to your ex about it & ask him not to take him to visit his GF one weekend to see if it stops, find out what he feeds him & get a stool sample/speak to GP as not only will you find out what it is, but you will also stop any cross infection. There are some nasty GI bugs out there that can be passed around very easily/quickly.

Well done on the pound loss Nikki but try not to stress too much, as everyone says it will be mainly water weight that is held in your tissues & around your organs & of course baby/amniotic fluid! You'll soon be running around like a blue arsed fly & the weight will come flying off!
Thanks everyone, he seemed to perk up before I went to work, which put my mind at rest while I was at work, my sister even took him to the park with his younger cousins, he then said he needed the toilet though so she ran home with him (he made it though which was an improvement on earlier as he wasn't even making it at times when he was stood in the bathroom) she said after that he was very quiet and she could only get him to eat half a banana and a bourbon. He hasn't eaten much at all today, which doesn't bother me too much, having to force him to drink though, which bothers me more.
When I finished work he seemed to take another turn for the worse, he's completely out of it, which isn't a surprise he has no energy levels, but he's also been sick once :( so another day off school for him tomorrow, I'm hoping he'll be 100% better but going to keep him off anyway so that he can recover properly.... he's suppose to be at the hospital on Wednesday for his tooth out, obviously they won't do it if he's ill, they might not do it with him being ill now to be fair, I need to call and find out.

Vic I'm so excited for you, bet although you're waiting until as late as possible you can't wait to try the dress on.

Thanks Kim, I'll speak to the doctor and see what they say, I think this time round they'll just say he's picked a bug up though, especially with him being sick now as well.... is it too much to hope its a 24 hour thing?

Glad your happy with your number too Kim, I'm sure you can do it ;) I weighed on my nanna's scales yesterday and today and the number didn't change.... which means yesterdays bad food hasn't made me gain (yet lol)

I spent ages trying on clothes yesterday for brothers meal out.... all my clothes look rubbish on at the minute.... well my dresses to be specific :( (well the first 3 I tried on did)
Think it would be a good idea to take him to your GP Donna because its happening quite frequently which isn't normal for a little human!

Why were your clothes rubbish?
I don't know how frequently it is happening really though..... as we've seen no sign of it when he's come home from his dads before, that's why I didn't think anything of it when his dad dropped him off saying about it this weekend, I don't know if the other times it was like this or just not as solid if you get what I mean, suppose I need to really talk to his Dad and figure that out, but his dad really isn't the easiest of people to talk to.

they just fit really funny, didn't have much shape to them ect.... in general didn't look very nice
Some great losses going on in here !!! ;-) well done I was showing a loss in Friday by 21/2 lbs so was over the moon but this morn it's back up by 1/12lb cause had an off plan weekend again... But good time so not going dwell on it and just enjoy family time.
Girls can I ask does anyone else suffer from low mood when time of month due mine seems to be getting worse lately feel really tired can't concentrate, miserable, snappy and feel unhappy
I'm not depressed cause I'm normally a happy go lucky person but can feel a personality change. Is there anything I could take to lift my moods at these times or try include different foods anyone got any ideas??? Don't like being a moody cow ;-( x
Some great losses going on in here !!! ;-) well done I was showing a loss in Friday by 21/2 lbs so was over the moon but this morn it's back up by 1/12lb cause had an off plan weekend again... But good time so not going dwell on it and just enjoy family time.
Girls can I ask does anyone else suffer from low mood when time of month due mine seems to be getting worse lately feel really tired can't concentrate, miserable, snappy and feel unhappy
I'm not depressed cause I'm normally a happy go lucky person but can feel a personality change. Is there anything I could take to lift my moods at these times or try include different foods anyone got any ideas??? Don't like being a moody cow ;-( x

The only thing I could suggest would be Evening Primrose Oil, Starflower Oil, Angus Castus, St Johns Wort, or/& Vitamin B6. They take a few weeks to kick in, but can be effective. Food wise, I would think following SW with its healthy balanced diet should actually help.
Have you always had these PMS symptoms or is it a new thing? Could you be peri-menopausal? If you dont fancy taking herbal remedies, why not go & have a chat with your GP. Its a real beeatch being a woman sometimes!!!!
Some great losses going on in here !!! ;-) well done I was showing a loss in Friday by 21/2 lbs so was over the moon but this morn it's back up by 1/12lb cause had an off plan weekend again... But good time so not going dwell on it and just enjoy family time.
Girls can I ask does anyone else suffer from low mood when time of month due mine seems to be getting worse lately feel really tired can't concentrate, miserable, snappy and feel unhappy
I'm not depressed cause I'm normally a happy go lucky person but can feel a personality change. Is there anything I could take to lift my moods at these times or try include different foods anyone got any ideas??? Don't like being a moody cow ;-( x

Ronnie i have been the same, probably since my son has been born (PMT seems worse) I would say i am a happy sort of person but of late i find myself having to "Pick myself up". Now i dont know if its PMT or just me but i have been speaking to OH and he thinks its not me but circumstances of late or in my life that make me feel like that. Such as worrying about too many things. I can be fine at work, all happy and putting on a front then as soon as i am at home and reality is kicking in i can feel down. My mum suffers depression really bad but seems to have it under control the past few years - i then panic that i am going to be like her and try very very hard to have more "up" days. ike yesterday i was in tears heading to work and almost turned back 3 times - i forced myself to go and i felt much better for doing so. I think mines is circumstantial but i do feel it more the older i am getlting. That may go hand in hand with more responsibilties though. Its hard as i dont want to see a doctor as i dont think am at that level.....i guess life is just hard at times. You do what you think is best, i will prob go the the ideas Kim suggested x
Hi guys - not sure when i last posted but i agree with ronnie, some great losses ;o) i did day 2 of level 2 last night and it wasnt as bad - not easy but not as bad. Find myself getting frustrated though as the scales keep going up and up and up. I am not eating anything that i would say is contributing to this as i am certainly eating a lot better than i do at my worst and my weight doesnt change this much. Keep looking in the mirror looking for the reason i am committed to this Shred dvd and cant quite see it. Need to stop looking for miracles - its day 2 of level 2 for goodness sake. Just need my brain to absorb this fact lol. Once things at home are looking up i will combine the excercise wiht following sw to the letter. I am pretty much using up things we have in the house at the moment, which due to my SW practice is pretty good stuff ;o)
I used to take evening primrose oil all the time, so did my mum and her partner, as we all at one point had very bad PMT.... none of us would admit it was us though it was the other ones, but I have to say the evening primrose worked.... so whoever really had the bad PMT calmed down lol.

I'm sure there is a massive difference in your body Deb, did you take photo's before, try taking some now and comparing rather then trying to compare just by looking in the mirror each day? You are doing so well with it :)

Well little one has made a miraculous recovery, woke up at 9-ish needed to rush to the toilet again and both me and my boyfriend said how we thought we were in for a rough night, didn't hear a peep from him until half 6 this morning when he came running up our stairs happy as ever, he's had two breakfasts before I even got up and he's now in the bath having a good clean (always good to have a bath to get rid of that poorly feeling that seems to stick to your body)
The only thing I could suggest would be Evening Primrose Oil, Starflower Oil, Angus Castus, St Johns Wort, or/& Vitamin B6. They take a few weeks to kick in, but can be effective. Food wise, I would think following SW with its healthy balanced diet should actually help.
Have you always had these PMS symptoms or is it a new thing? Could you be peri-menopausal? If you dont fancy taking herbal remedies, why not go & have a chat with your GP. Its a real beeatch being a woman sometimes!!!!

Thanks Kim will look into a few of those. I have always dipped in mood but it does seem to be getting worse. my mum went through menopause at 41 so could be the start... oh the joys lol
I'm juggling a lot of balls at the moment and life is very stressful so all that doesn't help, need a week on a beach peace and quiet, one day maybe ha ha xx
I used to take evening primrose oil all the time, so did my mum and her partner, as we all at one point had very bad PMT.... none of us would admit it was us though it was the other ones, but I have to say the evening primrose worked.... so whoever really had the bad PMT calmed down lol.

I'm sure there is a massive difference in your body Deb, did you take photo's before, try taking some now and comparing rather then trying to compare just by looking in the mirror each day? You are doing so well with it :)

Well little one has made a miraculous recovery, woke up at 9-ish needed to rush to the toilet again and both me and my boyfriend said how we thought we were in for a rough night, didn't hear a peep from him until half 6 this morning when he came running up our stairs happy as ever, he's had two breakfasts before I even got up and he's now in the bath having a good clean (always good to have a bath to get rid of that poorly feeling that seems to stick to your body)

thats great he is feeling better now Donna, poor wee mite. Plus he must have been hungry lol. I took photos on 1st or 2nd april and posted them on here and my goal was to post new ones after 4 weeks which is looming lol. It was going to be after 4 weeks or after the completing the shred so am not too sure what one i will do (suggestions welcome) If i do the shred as much as i can i aim to be done wiht level 2 by the end of april and i was meant to be done with level 3 after 30 days - cant believe it is taking so long but there is no way i can do it every night like she suggests. Because i had my 2 rest nights at the weekend i am aiming to do it every night this week up until friday night. 30 days seems to be taking an age and i just hope i get similar results to the ones who can do it 30 days on the trot

Good luck with WI tonight, how are you feeling?
Ronnie i have been the same, probably since my son has been born (PMT seems worse) I would say i am a happy sort of person but of late i find myself having to "Pick myself up". Now i dont know if its PMT or just me but i have been speaking to OH and he thinks its not me but circumstances of late or in my life that make me feel like that. Such as worrying about too many things. I can be fine at work, all happy and putting on a front then as soon as i am at home and reality is kicking in i can feel down. My mum suffers depression really bad but seems to have it under control the past few years - i then panic that i am going to be like her and try very very hard to have more "up" days. ike yesterday i was in tears heading to work and almost turned back 3 times - i forced myself to go and i felt much better for doing so. I think mines is circumstantial but i do feel it more the older i am getlting. That may go hand in hand with more responsibilties though. Its hard as i dont want to see a doctor as i dont think am at that level.....i guess life is just hard at times. You do what you think is best, i will prob go the the ideas Kim suggested x

We are so the same deb, just how I feel not bad enough go the Doc but feeling low but do think its circumstances that I can usually cope with but at certain times and always seems to be time of month it just consumes me and I feel like I'm sinking and got no strength or energy to fight:-( what we like ah lol
Right come on misses lets get through this together :)
A while ago on here a lady I used to chat to started a 3 positives a day they were helpful and kept you focussed on the good things and not the negatives we could start that and see if it helps what do you think ?

Hi guys - not sure when i last posted but i agree with ronnie, some great losses ;o) i did day 2 of level 2 last night and it wasnt as bad - not easy but not as bad. Find myself getting frustrated though as the scales keep going up and up and up. I am not eating anything that i would say is contributing to this as i am certainly eating a lot better than i do at my worst and my weight doesnt change this much. Keep looking in the mirror looking for the reason i am committed to this Shred dvd and cant quite see it. Need to stop looking for miracles - its day 2 of level 2 for goodness sake. Just need my brain to absorb this fact lol. Once things at home are looking up i will combine the excercise wiht following sw to the letter. I am pretty much using up things we have in the house at the moment, which due to my SW practice is pretty good stuff ;o)

You are doing great the shred is hard so don't focus on how much left to do but concentrate on just doing it today and how much you have done :)
I'm sure there will be a difference I've noticed a difference in my legs and butt just doing the squat challenge and the shred was much harder
Keep going !!!

I used to take evening primrose oil all the time, so did my mum and her partner, as we all at one point had very bad PMT.... none of us would admit it was us though it was the other ones, but I have to say the evening primrose worked.... so whoever really had the bad PMT calmed down lol.

I'm sure there is a massive difference in your body Deb, did you take photo's before, try taking some now and comparing rather then trying to compare just by looking in the mirror each day? You are doing so well with it :)

Well little one has made a miraculous recovery, woke up at 9-ish needed to rush to the toilet again and both me and my boyfriend said how we thought we were in for a rough night, didn't hear a peep from him until half 6 this morning when he came running up our stairs happy as ever, he's had two breakfasts before I even got up and he's now in the bath having a good clean (always good to have a bath to get rid of that poorly feeling that seems to stick to your body)

Might look into evening primrose are they tablets? Sounds like they might be good
Glad your little one is feeling better x
Hey ladies wow I go away for a few days and its so busy in here! Hi to all the newbies :)

Wee trip away was fab - wasn't sure what to expect as it was a cheap coach holiday thing but it was great. Hotel was basic but room was massive, loads of stops at various places, boat trip down the Rhine, German lidl is amazing so so so cheap (2 euro bottles of wine, 4 euro bottles of vodka, 1.5 litres of real branded juice like cocacola 79cents, amazing rolls 13cents etc!!), and I was excited that the all you can eat buffet on the ferry had Ben n Jerry's ice cream lol!

Weighed in this morning at 9st 7.25lb (last weigh in before holiday was 9st 3lb) but lots of eating and drinking so very much deserved and feel motivated to get right back on track now :) xx
thats great he is feeling better now Donna, poor wee mite. Plus he must have been hungry lol. I took photos on 1st or 2nd april and posted them on here and my goal was to post new ones after 4 weeks which is looming lol. It was going to be after 4 weeks or after the completing the shred so am not too sure what one i will do (suggestions welcome) If i do the shred as much as i can i aim to be done wiht level 2 by the end of april and i was meant to be done with level 3 after 30 days - cant believe it is taking so long but there is no way i can do it every night like she suggests. Because i had my 2 rest nights at the weekend i am aiming to do it every night this week up until friday night. 30 days seems to be taking an age and i just hope i get similar results to the ones who can do it 30 days on the trot

Good luck with WI tonight, how are you feeling?

You must still be toning even though your not doing it 30 days on the trot... I don't agree with that anyway, you need rest days.

Thank you, not sure how I'm feeling, I have moments where I feel really slim and moments where I feel a little bloated. I don't think it should be a bad result though, although I went a little off on Sunday I've been good the rest of the week and its not like I went completely crazy on Sunday.

We are so the same deb, just how I feel not bad enough go the Doc but feeling low but do think its circumstances that I can usually cope with but at certain times and always seems to be time of month it just consumes me and I feel like I'm sinking and got no strength or energy to fight:-( what we like ah lol
Right come on misses lets get through this together :)
A while ago on here a lady I used to chat to started a 3 positives a day they were helpful and kept you focussed on the good things and not the negatives we could start that and see if it helps what do you think ?

You are doing great the shred is hard so don't focus on how much left to do but concentrate on just doing it today and how much you have done :)
I'm sure there will be a difference I've noticed a difference in my legs and butt just doing the squat challenge and the shred was much harder
Keep going !!!

Might look into evening primrose are they tablets? Sounds like they might be good
Glad your little one is feeling better x

They're little capsules usually.

Hey ladies wow I go away for a few days and its so busy in here! Hi to all the newbies :)

Wee trip away was fab - wasn't sure what to expect as it was a cheap coach holiday thing but it was great. Hotel was basic but room was massive, loads of stops at various places, boat trip down the Rhine, German lidl is amazing so so so cheap (2 euro bottles of wine, 4 euro bottles of vodka, 1.5 litres of real branded juice like cocacola 79cents, amazing rolls 13cents etc!!), and I was excited that the all you can eat buffet on the ferry had Ben n Jerry's ice cream lol!

Weighed in this morning at 9st 7.25lb (last weigh in before holiday was 9st 3lb) but lots of eating and drinking so very much deserved and feel motivated to get right back on track now :) xx

Sounds fantastoc and not a bad gain at all after that :)
We are so the same deb, just how I feel not bad enough go the Doc but feeling low but do think its circumstances that I can usually cope with but at certain times and always seems to be time of month it just consumes me and I feel like I'm sinking and got no strength or energy to fight:-( what we like ah lol
Right come on misses lets get through this together :)
A while ago on here a lady I used to chat to started a 3 positives a day they were helpful and kept you focussed on the good things and not the negatives we could start that and see if it helps what do you think ?

Ronnie i think the excercise really helps too. Dont get me wrong i can dust myself down more often than i let it get to me but i know where you are coming from. life can be hard and feel free to come on here or do private messages whenever it seems to much x x x

You are doing great the shred is hard so don't focus on how much left to do but concentrate on just doing it today and how much you have done :)
I'm sure there will be a difference I've noticed a difference in my legs and butt just doing the squat challenge and the shred was much harder
Keep going !!!

Might look into evening primrose are they tablets? Sounds like they might be good
Glad your little one is feeling better x

Ronnie i think the excercise really helps too. Dont get me wrong i can dust myself down more often than i let it get to me but i know where you are coming from. life can be hard and feel free to come on here or do private messages whenever it seems to much x x x

You are doing great the shred is hard so don't focus on how much left to do but concentrate on just doing it today and how much you have done :)
I'm sure there will be a difference I've noticed a difference in my legs and butt just doing the squat challenge and the shred was much harder
Keep going !!!

Might look into evening primrose are they tablets? Sounds like they might be good
Glad your little one is feeling better x[/QUOTE]