This is just like us Annette. I honestly don't know where half out money goes and just 3 days after pay day we can have spent £400 without batting an eyelid and I get so mad. I put a ban on using debit cards and just taking cash out from cash point and I also opened up another joint account so we have one for bills and one for spends. It's helped us a lot but December we just frittered a load of money and I haven't a clue where it went!!
I'm going to get us little envelopes and put £50 a month in for takeaways, £50 a month for emergency food, £200 for food shopping, £100 for going out, £100 for odds and sods and then going to save between £500-£800 a month for holidays/birthdays/Xmas/house stuff.
You really don't realise how much things are now a days. Yesterday for example I nipped out for a walk and needed some mince, £23 later in the supermarket....