Anyone into Tattoos,Piercings & Body Modification?

i didnt think i would be suited but luckily i was aliright for it. according to the vch test im not suited, yet i have it. i dont trust some of these tests....
need to save up some money for these i want, another i want back is nipple piercings, i used to have them done but after two years they still wernt healing and id got them done at 3.2mm too, more painful that a regular 1.6mm, had to be stretched from 2.4mm with a taper, crying with pain. i always say no to any numbing things too!

i only have a few visible ear piercings, my tattoos are covered by clothes, so boyfriends are shocked when they find out i have them :p
I used to be called scrapyard gina! i had 26 piercings at one point lol
I used to be called scrapyard gina! i had 26 piercings at one point lol

people ask how many i have, then count them. when they dont see the visible ones adding up right they ask "so do you have...." lol!!

i dont have my septum visble, and barely anyone see's my stomach implants!
haha, i grew out of mine, still have 3 in each ear, nose, tragus and tongue but im more in to tattoo's now.. plus with my job I dont want to much attention drew to me lol
i got into microdermal implants and skin divers, the micros never last very long on me, but my divers ive had for over a year, and the micros for 3 monthes and all 3 are rejecting already. yet my 4 divers are fine, as they are on my stomach i didnt expect them to be long lasting at all but they are staying in firm!
My latest :)

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In the past I have had my Eybrow and lip pearced but let these grow out. I still have 3 holes in each ear, my nose and my tongue pierced.

My first tatt was a small scull and cross bone with the name DUKE under it, he was my first dog who I loved and lost many years ago. I added to this years later with some tribal all way round it. Also have a tribal bank on my ankle. Black Widow Spider on my boob. Dog paw print with the chinease symbol for blade on my wrist, BLADE was my secod dog, he was a rescue and died early...On the side of my wrist I have the word DADDY (he will always be my hearo) I have a grim reaper on my upper arm. And lower arm I have a star a swirl design which started with the word GUN.. Yep.. he was my dog as well, iv since added to this with the words COCKEY (cat) and ORION (rescued cat)

As you can tell i love my animals and I dont have one single tat that I regret. Each tels a different story over the years as my lifes changed. If needs be, every one of them can be covered up.
All of mine have meaning behind them but I think my most obvious is the portrait of my beloved cat which I had done a few months after I lost him. He is with me forever now <3

I am having another on my foot today, can't wait!
That's a great tat Gina! Whew! You are one brave girl! Lol. I always wanted to have one but I'm afraid of of the electric thingy that they're going to use on my skin. Hahah. I always dream of having a rosary on my foot. Or a simple tat that says "blessed". How I wish I'll have the courage one of these days.
Ooh, I just noticed this thread! :D
I have no piercings atm but hav had my tongue & nose done in the past. Itching to get my tragus done but a friend who has it told me its agony??
I currently have 8 tattoos & plan on having my next one after my wedding in October :D. Like previous mentions, all mine have a meaning behind & are very special to me.

Yeah Lele! All tats have meaning behind them. I don't think a person will dare have something on his skin permanently if not for a very meaningful reason. Some for memories most for Love, right?
Oh you'd be surprised!
A ton of my friends have tattoos just for the sake of having them!
Really? Lol! My friends have tats because of some personal reasons. I wonder how they can take the pain of having pins and needles inside their skin. Ouch!
I don't think you necessarily have to have a reason behind a tattoo, each to their own & that. But I do think it makes it all the nicer & personal if it does have a special meaning. :D
I used to know a family (mother & 2 daughters) that would just walk into a tattoo studio on a saturday afternoon and pick one off the wall. Some times all 3 of them would have the same tat done. They had a lot of random butterflies and flowers and if you were to ask why they would just say "because I liked it". I think those that regret tattoo's are the ones that have them for the sake of it. I don't regret any of mine because each one means something.

I had a new one on Thursday on my foot, at the bottom of my instep. I would NOT recommend it! Not only was it excruciatingly painful when it was done, I couldn't walk properly for 2 days after. It was definately the most painful yet but I love the end result
Really? I've a foot tattoo & I didn't think it was as bad as my back. Suppose its just what our own pain threshold is.
I can't wait 2 get my next one :D
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Ooh, I just noticed this thread! :D
I have no piercings atm but hav had my tongue & nose done in the past. Itching to get my tragus done but a friend who has it told me its agony??
I currently have 8 tattoos & plan on having my next one after my wedding in October :D. Like previous mentions, all mine have a meaning behind & are very special to me.


i have my tragus done and its not sore, well not that i can remember i think when you 1st get it done may face felt a bit tight on that side but that was gone within hours

if you want it done dont listen to others, i almost didn't get my tongue done but i had no pain with it really either