Anyone into Tattoos,Piercings & Body Modification?

Really? I've a foot tattoo & I didn't think it was as bad as my back. Suppose its just what our own pain threshold is.
I can't wait 2 get my next one :D
I already had 2 on my foot and they didn't hurt but this one was very painful. It's low down on my instep on the soft bit and goes onto my heel and ankle bone
I think I can bare a tat but piercing??. NOOO! I admire those who can take the pain of tongue piercing. I am really 'wowed'. LoL
I think I can bare a tat but piercing??. NOOO! I admire those who can take the pain of tongue piercing. I am really 'wowed'. LoL

its not the pain that gets you, its the swelling afterwards!
i used to have my tongue and tongue web pierced. there was no swelling with the tongue piercing, but the tongue web was really bad. incredibly swollen for 3 weeks, couldnt talk for the first week and the 2 weeks after i had a really bad lisp and my tongue still looked big.

i dont have them anymore, but i do miss the tongue bar. id love venom tongue piercings but heard that these are particulaly bad for swelling
I'd love to have more piercings and tattoo's but I think my work are not particularly keen on the ones I have right now without introducing more... not that I have many anyway!..

Both ear lobes stretched, helix, eyebrow, labret.

I have a tattoo of Pacman (video game) being chased by the ghosts from the game, on my right forearm...

And have a Macaw with a waterfall/rain forest scene/tree's, plants, small birds etc which covers my left shoulder and is eventually going to turn into a full sleeve.

Want more, but £ is needed! :(
I have 4 tattoos at the moment - first was a butterfly on my lower back, then a tribal koi fish on my thigh, stars on my wrist, and my most recent and biggest tatt so far is this:


It took 4 sittings and a lot of pain, but I'm so happy with how it turned out!! I haven't thought of getting any more yet, but no doubt that will come! As far as piercings go, I only have my ears and belly button done! :)

Some great looking tattoos posted on here so far :D
LeleQ1987 said:
That is a gorgeous tatt!

Thank you :) I made the design myself from a mixture of tattoos I'd seen that I really liked. Tool elements out of them and put them together in that design :)

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I have to ask, referring to the 1st comment in this thread , what is a snakebite piercing?
I have errrm duh duh der um 14 tattoos ~ had to count them in my head lol.
I have my ears pierced and have one tattoo :) I do want more, it's just saving the money up! lol I have a Celtic Sister Knot, me and my sister went together and got it done at the same time, in the same place :)
My newest and most favourite tattoo :eek:)

Yesterday I got a new tattoo - it's a hummingbird on my left thigh.



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I have 5 tattoos,with loads more planned lol :) Just have to keep saving up for them,wich is a pain :(
I love tattoo's. I have around £1800's worth of ink on me. When people say to me "when your old, they will look horrible". To be honest I don't think I will be bothered about my looks when I reach an elderly age.
I've got 11 tattoos, used to have nipple and Tongue and belly button piercings but gradually took them out as I got older and they got too "common"

Planning on having more tattoos, need to acknowledge my youngest son and the passing of my nan x
Im 20 and i had my first tatto on 9th of april. I had been looking for a few years and wanted it to represent something. After alot of things goin on in my life i decided that i wanted a lilly on my foot, this represented my dog (and as im not a mother myself she was my baby) it broke my heart when i had to say goodbye. Went into a tatto shop on 26th feb (which would have been my uncle barrys birthday, if he hadnt of died 6 years before) and Wardy coinsodently booked me in for the 9th april which was the anniversary of his death, bein 7 years, so i asked if he could put BB somewhere in the tatto for Barry Booth, he managed to put some swirls in which wen you look dead on they are 2 B's, very creative and i absolutely love my tatto. So everytime i look down at my foot i have a reminder of all the amazing memories i have with them both.

R.I.P Uncle Barry and Lilly <3
I love tattoo's. I have around £1800's worth of ink on me. When people say to me "when your old, they will look horrible". To be honest I don't think I will be bothered about my looks when I reach an elderly age.

Everytime I was getting another tattoo everyone would go on at me about thinking how I'll feel about them when I'm old. I feel exactly the same way - it's not like I'm going to be walking around showing off my flesh at the grand old age of say 80! And if I don't care about how they look then just accept that fact and leave me alone! lol

P.S - nice koi tattoo there! :)
I love tattoo's. I have around £1800's worth of ink on me. When people say to me "when your old, they will look horrible". To be honest I don't think I will be bothered about my looks when I reach an elderly age.

i get that, one thing i was told that made me laugh was "you wont be able to wear skirts when your 60!"
right... so they think i will want to wear a mini skirt at 60? :S ill be past it by then to event consider a skirt above the knee....
I have a lot of tattoo coverage!!! Only about 10 piercings these days and some scarification.... lovely to meet some like-minded people!!

What a lovely thread to come across!!!!
