Anyone Maintaining Who Wants Help And Mutual Support To Stay Put?

1.5 off... Eating exactly the same and still randomly gaining and losing lbs... Mih, whatever. 6 months and one week at target!
Sts- 8'13. I cant decide if I want to go lower, my ideal target is 8'7, but I am struggling with motivation

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0.5lb on which is good considering the rubbish that passed my lips this week.
Fully on plan this week for a loss x
Hello everyone. My first week maintaing and I'm a bit scared of gaining it all back!! Has anyone got any tips?? I'm having an extra heb a day. Im also having all my syns.

Saturday is going to be an off plan day, it's my grandma's birthday, there will be cake. Also going out for a meal after with mum & dad and I think I'm just going to go off plan. So scared of going out of target in the first week!! X
No ideas here... I'm still eating like I want to lose and I'm staying the same... Sorry.
Shrimpy said:
No ideas here... I'm still eating like I want to lose and I'm staying the same... Sorry.

I'm going to read this thread from start to finish:) I'm so scared of going back! Eek!
Having put on 3lb in my first week at target then losing 1.5lb I was chatting to my C about this who told me it's nigh on impossible to stay exactly at target that's why you get 3lb each way. You should increase HEs not syns but even this can take some time to work out exactly how many to increase to. X
jennyc_uk said:
Having put on 3lb in my first week at target then losing 1.5lb I was chatting to my C about this who told me it's nigh on impossible to stay exactly at target that's why you get 3lb each way. You should increase HEs not syns but even this can take some time to work out exactly how many to increase to. X

My consultant said it's a case of trial and error. I guess only time will tell:) determined not to go back though!!
My consultant said it's a case of trial and error. I guess only time will tell:) determined not to go back though!!

you won't dont worry :) Just remember what it took to get here!! And if you do go out of target one week don't panic, we have the tools to know how to get back to where we want to be now!

I increased my HEB per day and kept my syns between 5-10, and I kept gaining so now im following the plan back to basics, but some days if I fancy an extra HEB I'll have it and not worry about it :)

And I do have off-plan days every now and then when needed, knowing that I can get back on track afterwards. Its a perk of being a mainainer! Enjoy it! :)
I've got an off plan day tomorrow- my grandma's 90th, so I'll have to have cake. They are cup cakes so I'll probably spilt it half & half and share with my daughter who's 2. Then I think my parents are taking us out for tea and I'll have what I want & pudding. Rest of week will be on plan. So I think I'm going to stick to 5-10 syns and have an extra healthy extra when it fits in with my plans.

Fingers crossed! Had a sneaky peak at the scales today and I've maintained so far, lol.
Maintaining for me has only been for two weeks, like Mini Mog I was scarred to put it all back on, still am, but now I have got my head around it and feel more confident that I can maintain with SW
So glad I'm not the only one who fears gaining it all back, but in some ways it's good to have the fear because that means that I won't let it happen.

Loving getting to attend class free & I'm only one of 2 target members who stay to group.
I also love the freeness haha! And i stay to group always, because I feel I need to personally or I'll get complacent.

I'm terrified I'm going to go back to weighing nearly 13 stone...but then again I'm also confident I'll never let it go that far because I love my size 10 clothes too much!!! Its all still very new to me!

but I'm one pound over my mid-range if that makes sense, so still 2pounds in target but i stil dont feel happy! would rather be under a bit I think...
I've been at target for nearly 2 months now, but I'm still terrified at putting it all back on again, even though I've fluctuated between target and 2lbs under.

As a general rule I stick to plan, usually have an extra hex (which one depends on what I'm doing for meals - or if I fancy a hi fi bar). I generally use up my syns - although somedays I'm under, some I'm over.

Having said that, I also don't worry if I end up going out or having a take away - and pull it back either before (if I know about it) or after (if it's a spurr of the moment thing). This includes 5 days of eating out for my birthday last month (I gained 2lbs which I lost the following week) and this weekend where I've eaten out everyday since Thursday and I still have to face the scales, so now I'm being super good taken my syns back down to 5-10 and 1 of each hex.
whoop had a loss this week of 1.5 so feeling a bit more comfortable. Helps that I didn't have any distractions (nights out etc) so could stay on plan easily. Lets see what happens this week, my body does like to keep me on my toes haha
Im hoping for a sts this week! But at the moment I think it'll be a small gain due to 2 meals out & cake on sat. Hopefully still within target. I've just been sticking to plan and having more healthy extras when it suits. So we'll see tomorrow!

Im planning to maintain till new year and then I think I'll start paying again and try to lose another 7lb. Still not quite happy with how I look. I'm giving myself a bit of time to get used to how I look now and maintaining to see if my opinions change. I'm mindful of the fact that I don't want to lose an amount that's difficult to maintain. I like an easy life! Lol:)
Caz_Mnaz said:
whoop had a loss this week of 1.5 so feeling a bit more comfortable. Helps that I didn't have any distractions (nights out etc) so could stay on plan easily. Lets see what happens this week, my body does like to keep me on my toes haha

Mine does too! I used to weigh daily but my weight fluctuates a lot during the week now. 1.5 is great:) well done!! X