thanks to u both
ive been looking for motivation to re-start and havent found it but think i might have cracked it now this forums active! me and a friend tried to re-start them a while back but got no replies from anyone else, shes gone on to try exante and ive got stuck in a rut, i know when we were trying it out i got a lot of motivation from thinking about this site and that i'd have to share my weigh-in's lol and i know it sounds stupid but i liked being able to adjust my tickers in my signature to show weight loss and exercise i'd done
i wasnt particularly looking to restart JUDDD but think i will now, obviously by having a DD tomorrow as every days been a massive up-day for me since i stopped lol i think i might plan out what i will eat as i tend to obsess over it on DD, i think about food constantly and am always thinking about what i can eat next unless im busy. that sounds so lame!
when i did JUDDD before i used to try to not eat until about 3pm, most of the time it worked until the days when i went on a scoffing frenzy and ate everything.
im going to need some strength to get through tomorrow as we're having a shopping delivery, and its going to be so hard putting all the lovely yummy food in the kitchen knowing i cant have any

its one of those things u get used to though, like before it didnt bother me cuz i'd look at something nice and think 'i dont want it i'd rather lose weight', if only i kept that in mind!
me and my boyfriend have moved into a new flat so im thinking - new flat, new start, new me
i regret not carrying on with JUDDD as ive put the whole 8lbs back on which is such a shame cuz i was amazed to have lost that much in the first place.
but i know i can do it again