Anyone out there?

Good luck Shanny.
I am just starting Juddd and could use all the support I can get .

I am going to try on my down days to eat two meals instead of waiting all day then eat one meal of 500 cals.

I also think if I eat low carb on my dds, I won't get as hungry.
Hi smardie! I am going to attempt to start back up tomorrow. It's so hard when you fall off the wagon to get back on:( I keep saying maybe tomorrow. Good luck here. I hope you find the support you need!
I am struggiling this way to be honest I thinking going back to dukan. I am not vert good at the up day and always overeat
Are you losing weight Louise? Sometimes I think I'm overeating on an up day but still lose.
I just want to say a word or two of encouragement to those who are battling... I went from 10 st 11 (? can't remember exactly) to about 9 st 1 on Judd in 2010... started in Feb and got to target in July. Since then I've not done any true Down Days - in fact, I was a right pig over Christmas and most of January. Weight rose to 9st 8 , which wasn't surprising except I'm convinced it would/should have been more. Now I'm a bit more active than in the winter and with no effort whatsoever, I'm back to 9 st 4 and falling. I really think that there is something in the 'skinny gene' activation theory and am prepared to do a few down days, if that's what it takes to keep myself as I am. Don't give up unless you have to because it makes you feel rough.. if you feel ok on it, carry on and you may find that it's the last 'heavy duty' diet you eber have to do -IF you keep an eye on things!
Thanks so much for the support? I'm an on-again off-again JUDDDer, but its good to know that it does actually work successfully if you stick it out. Well done on the weight loss! :)
Hi, I've been doing this for the past week, and have managed to lose 4lbs already :) although I didn't start on shakes I just reduced my calorie intake to about 500 a day on DD's. I wait until lunch time and have a weightwatches soup about 70+ calories and then a weight watches meal with loads of salad / veg for my tea. Maybe a options hot choc for supper. Been a bit hungry but just drank loads of water!
this forum gets reeeeeeeally quiet sometimes, where is everyone?

deliphant - 4lbs in 1 week is great! well done! when i did JUDDD i didnt bother with shakes either, in fact if i remember correctly, my first down day consisted of a tin of soup, 3 biscuits and half a chocolate doughnut lol

how have u found JUDDD so far? x
Hi there

Thanks for the input guys. I was doing well and then I fell off the wagon. The thing with me is I actually love food and to not have it really makes me sad so this plan is ideal for me. I am going to give it another shot tomorrow.
im thinking about giving juddd another go aswell, i really need to do something about my weight now! ive been on this site for months and am the same weight as when i started despite being a stone lighter 2 months or so ago :( depressing!
Hello ladies and gents, hAve been watching what I eat with the help of my fitness pal, after a stint of slimming world, I started out at 12st 9lbs in may think it was.

I am going to give JUDDD a go, today will be my down day, I only had 1300 Cals yesterday but I'd rather start it so that ICANN have an up day tomorrow.

Starting weight 11st 9lbs, not expecting a big loss for the first week as I'm already eating lower Cals.

My determination seems to be intact at the moment so I'm hoping my down day will be quite easy, looking forward to it, I actually like the empty feeling.

No plans for today, I'm hoping to save my Cals up for tonight and with 500 Cals I can have a good sized meal. Not doing the shakes on down days I don't think, as the thought of a meal at the end of a DD might keep me going.

At the moment I don't intend on going mad on UP days either, il eat 1800-2000 Cals though but I'm gonna try not to see it as an excuse to eat anything I want, plus I'm a bit all or nothing and if I fully lose control that might be it. I will however enjoy all the meals that I fancy.

Long babbly post, hope there's still some others out there who are doing this?

Thinking of having a lovely fillet steak for tea, or some nice smoked basa fillets, maybe even a subway, will see how it goes
Yeah I think the key to this is not to go too mad on ur upday - like I did yesterday. But also I think it's important not to worry too much about calories on ur up day it's nice to have a treat or sit down to a meal with everyone else and just enjoy otherwise it would be impossible to follow!
I like to save the calories up for a decent evening meal and a options hot choc before bed!
i was intending to save some for an orange hot chocolate too, but i got the nibbles when i was giving my girls there tea, so ended up having 3 crabsticks and a mouthful of super noodles, not the end of the world by a long way but its put me a bit over 500 for the day.

im trying not to be too hard on myself though as its the first day and its a huge drop to what my body is used to either way.

how long have u been juddding for?
This is my second week this time, but I've tried it before! I tend to not count the calories in my green veg either, so stock up on loads of salad. Try having weightwatches tinned soup, the chicken and noodle is only 50 cals per tin and the cream of tomato is quite filling! Also pink and White waffers are 50cals!
I can't have anything like the pink n whites as if I start I don't think I'd stop, lol! Finished my first day, was a down day, ended up on 514 Cals so im pleased with that, was so looking forward to my basa fillets but couldn't finish it as It was so salty.

Had a Tom ww soup the other day so definitely going to buy some more for down days, celery, apples, and mixed veg will feature a lot too. Had a choc slim fast shake today but won't bother again, can think of nicer things to spend 230 Cals on, although it was filling.

Have u done and up or down today? Im looking forward to tommorrow, out for lunch so gonna have fajitas or or maybe a nice baguette, il see.
Oh I don't know how people manage on shakes!
It's been a down day today, but I ate loads yesterday so wasn't hungry until after 3! It weird but I miss having my bran flakes and banana for breakfast on a down day - but kinda proves to me that I eat it out of habit not because I'm hungry!
It's nice to know someone else is doing it too, when reading the forums it seems pretty quiet and was getting worried that it didnt work or was too hard to stick to.

I'm hungry but don't normally eat at this time of night anyway so nothing I'm missing out on, next time I think il get much more for my Cals, what have u had on your DD?

Hey, down day I had a tomato veg casserole with a weight watches chopped up( - I'm not sure of the cals but it can't have been much) with a huge salad a options hot choc and a pink and White. I was hungry yesterday before bed. I woke up hungry today, which I haven't done before on this diet! But it's an up day so cereal it is! I also seem to have stayed the same on the scales, which is disappointing but I have eaten loads on my up days :-s
Do u weigh daily, I must confess I'm a bit addicted to the scales but the last time I lost a lot of weight I was obsessive too and i actually think it helped me.

Up day complete, can't see me eating any more as iv got a bit of tummy ache, finished on about 2000 Cals.

How has ur day gone? Hope tomoro goes as fast as today has, if I can get thru a few more down days I should be ok.