Morning all, Jax, that's excellent news, over 2 stone now

all that worry about your tuna, it must have swum right away lol

Have tried a few of my mothers size 20 t-shirts and am borrowing one to go down friends tonight

. Am only having one shake in morning now, and having some toast for lunch with a small bit of protein and protein and veg for tea.
Pink, you have been a bizzy bee lol. Raining here now

, i know what you mean about food, i am better not eating at all, no problem sticking to shakes, it's when food is on the table i have problems

. not picking, as i don't eat between meals, but choosing the right food
Maz, i didn't have any food with my shakes, just the 2 shakes and a meal replacement bar. but if you are losing with a meal, leave well enough alone. What you should be having i think is trying to have no carbs, just protein, IE. chicken/fish and cauli/cabbage etc, no high calorie veg like peas etc.