Hi shoebe, pain about the dentist (Pun not intended lol

) i hate having to go back and fore there, bad enuf the first time!
Weather fine but cloudy here. I hate buying shoes, as i have (hopefully had lol) wide feet and a high instep, so if they fit one way, they don't another lol

hopefully will get better when i lose more weight. i think they are looking narrower now, but will wait and see.
I weighed as well, normally do it every day lol

and was down another 1.5 lb, so feeling pleased. need to lose another 4lb to get down to the next stone. don't think i will do it this week tho.
having a quiet day today, not going anywhere. my mam is coming over tonight, normally i would cook her a meal and we would have a bottle of wine( or two

) but she is coming over after evening meal today. I have downloaded some books for her kindle. and need to put them on for her, as she doesn't have a P.C.