Anyone tried or is doing shake that weight vlcd?

Hi shoebe, yes they do low carb pasta as well,, its not too bad, you need to have some sauce with it, not nice without any, but ok to bulk up food lol.
Mornin all
Down 1 1/2 lbs this mornin so dats 51/2lbs lost in total since I started 2 wks ago and have been faffing around so haven't had a 100% TS wk yet so Im happy with that. I lost much faster the last time but then again I didnt break it once. Hoping that losing it slowly might help me keep it off!!
Goin to try and have shakes only for the comin wk Im out of bars! My splurge yday can count as my bday treats as I don't do cake as Im wheat intolerant! Off 2d vet with Kitty this morning .....
Gud luck Jeanette!!
Hey Lisa Just realised I didn't get d chance 2 reply 2 u re exercise ... On such low cals I Wudnt recommend overdoing it ... Yes gentle exercise .. Walkin cyclin joggin Zumba .... I found in d past that using weights made me stall however Jax told me that she has been using 2lb weights and she hasn't stalled. I like d app Map my walk and Map my run as it motivates me to improve my distance / speed!
Hi everyone, shoebe thats good. As u said u hadnt been on it total. Good luck with vet. Is it ur birthday today? If so happy birthday:D
I weighed today and lost 4lb:) was pleased. Hav lost in total 33lb in 2 months, as I was away for most of july
My shake that weight has arrived

Hi all, Shoebedoo, I was with you on the walking and cycling but if i try zumba i would fall over with shock if nothing else lol. I am defo doing this right this time.
The good news is my shake that weight has arrived :D and i am ready for this. I feel as though my head is in the right place this time so i am ready to do this. With only 2 weeks until my op i do hope i get a good loss in those two weeks. I am sooo excited, usually i am filled with dread at starting such a diet, my face was tripping me the whole time i was on the cambridge diet. I pledge not to cheat or give up, but i prob will have a wee moan now n then lol x
Moan away ... We don't mind at all!!

Dats a fantastic loss Jeanette .... Im jealous ... Own fault 4 giving into temptation!! Will try harder this wk!!
Found an old lighter life soup in d cupboard so havin Dat now 4 variation
Must purchase some soup off eBay
Kitty home and is very groggy and disorientated... Poor pet!! Gotta b cruel 2 b kind!
No bday on Sat 31st ;-) will wait til weight all off 2 have a cake!
Here's 2 a gud week ahead!!!
I like the exante soups, the veg is like a creamy golden veg, its lush. Like the tom and basil, but u need to add more basil. I like their meals as well. Favourite is spag bol, then shepherds pie, chili then pasta carbonara. All need some herbs and spices tho. As u said a change is as good as a rest:D
Oh d soups sound scrum ...... Ill keep an eye out 4 some. Can't tolerate pasta as d wheat bungs me up so d meals r out!
Gud afternoon On way home Dentist was a disaster ... Getting 2 veneers fitted for d 2nd time as d first ones looked blue .... Well these were too dark ... Now dentist sending me 2 d technician that makes dem which is half hr away and I've 2 make an appointment SO annoying Thought Id b done and dusted b4 returnin 2 work as time is limited and precious and I certainly don't want 2 b Askin my principal so early in d yr if I can leave early!!
Gud news scales was down 21/2 lbs this mornin .Thrilled....just want 2 shift these lbs ASAP
How r ye keepin? Thankfully d drizzle has finally stopped. Got fab black wedge shoes in Debenhems ... Jasper Conran down from EUR70 to EUR21 What a bargain! Got 2 skirts, dress and a t shirt in charity shops ... Luv 2 support them Can't beat new clothes Didnt try on so if they don't fit they will soon :)
Hi shoebe, pain about the dentist (Pun not intended lol:D) i hate having to go back and fore there, bad enuf the first time!

Weather fine but cloudy here. I hate buying shoes, as i have (hopefully had lol) wide feet and a high instep, so if they fit one way, they don't another lol :rolleyes: hopefully will get better when i lose more weight. i think they are looking narrower now, but will wait and see.

I weighed as well, normally do it every day lol:eek: and was down another 1.5 lb, so feeling pleased. need to lose another 4lb to get down to the next stone. don't think i will do it this week tho.

having a quiet day today, not going anywhere. my mam is coming over tonight, normally i would cook her a meal and we would have a bottle of wine( or two :D) but she is coming over after evening meal today. I have downloaded some books for her kindle. and need to put them on for her, as she doesn't have a P.C.
Ahhh sounds like a fab nite!! Got an early pressie in d post from a very gud friend ... A kindle! Managed 2 down load 2 free bks on Amazon ... OH thrilled as he h8s me turnin pages of bks or mags when he's fallin asleep ;-)
My 2 monkeys r tellin me der bored ... SO glad der off 2 SCH 2 on Mday as they'll b flat out then:) have a super wkend ... Well done on being down more lbs ... Glad Im not d only scale hopper :)
Hi shoebe, a kindle? I wouldnt be without mine, great for holidays as i'm a quick reader and can get thru a book a day.
Yes I bet ur glad of school monday, peace:D
Yes say everyday i-m not weighing but....there I go again:D
Peace away from my 2 kids but will have a classrm full of 32 ...4 and 5 year olds instead ... Hee hee ... Then home at 3 to supervising my kids hwk and cookin din .... Oh dread!! Ask me this day next wk:)
Ha ha I don't know whats worse:D, u will be saying take me back to last week:D
At least u will be to busy to pick at any food. How r u going to manage lunch? R u taking in a shake? Or having a bar?
Mornin Yes Jeanette Im plannin on takin a Tesco bar with me for lunch as Ive learnt in d past that fasting from my first shake til 3.30 makes me binge at night as I end up ravenous!! So Definately want 2 avoid Dat!! :)
I agree with u, I can wait till about 10am for my first meal, then about 2 ish for my second. But u hav yours early, so definately cant wait till 3.30 for ur second! Do u hav a mug of boulion? I find it helpfull in between meals. And u could take it to school, as it is mixed with hot water.
Yes I have a large container of Bouillon at home and a small one Dat I bring 2 work ... Keep mug in my rm ... Very handy ... Put powder in mug b4 Headin 2 staff rm 2 fill it up... No questions asked !! None of der bees wax :)
Yes thats very true, people can be very nosy :sigh: i have only told close family as u get "that's not going to work" or "You will put it all back on" :mad: so i said i've cut out all the carbs and just having protein and veg and fat free greek yog for breakfast :D
Dead right!!! I must put that in my notes so I remember what 2 say as it sounds perfectly plausible :) Not long home and am Knackered as walked miles today ... Gud exercise
Did succumb 2 some gluten free tart so will try and run it off in d morn :) bday only comes once a yr!!!
Forgot to say happy birthday:( hope u had a good one? Yes once a year,thankfully :D
Go straight back on plan and u should hav no problems.
Bought a new telly today, a samsung smart tv 39 inch. Can go on internet and everything:) been watching u tube as nothing much on. Good price in asda, 250 pounds! Was 425 pounds! Couldnt resist lol:D told myself that my uncle needed new telly, so he had my old one(only 4 years old) excuses excuses :D