Silver Member
Hey der Sittin in d library Killin time... Meetin friend 4 a cuppa in an hr and have dentist app this evenin... Tooth that keeps breakin... Have decided to get it crowned as wastin money gettin sides refilled ....
Think Ur right that VLCD can trigger gall bladder problems ... Pain is horrendous when it starts ... On my right hand side then shoots up out of d top of my shoulder!
Found a fab pair of long tan boots so treated myself as they'll match Everythg
Dry 2day thankfully
Kids playin with der cousins at my MAms.. Havin a ball!!
Hope Ur winnin!!
Think Ur right that VLCD can trigger gall bladder problems ... Pain is horrendous when it starts ... On my right hand side then shoots up out of d top of my shoulder!
Found a fab pair of long tan boots so treated myself as they'll match Everythg
Dry 2day thankfully
Hope Ur winnin!!